PD game Idea

Ok then… do the wrmriders have huge airsips that could be an equivalent to an empire mothership?

Wormriders ride…worms…big worms.

thats the problem, i need an equivalent to th empire motrherships.

The wormriders ride baldors, they don’t use technology at all.

However what could be done is allow the wormriders/seekers to destroy the capital airships from the inside by managing to land on/in them with some creative use of baldors (carrying something like an air APC perhaps?) as well as deathstar style by flying inside it with the wormriders destroying various parts…

Here is where the idea fails, the empire has huge motherships, then little taishak motherships and a bunch of small vehicles. The other armies in panzer dragoon have nothing to compare to their big ships.

There will be a bunch of classes too who are more skilled at different things. ie PILOT< ASSASSIN< SOLDIER< HEAVY WEEAPONS. They could all do the same things but are more skilled at differentthings.

these forums are dead

Maybe you’re just a little impaitent. If you don’t like them go somewhere else. :anjou_sigh:

panzerdragoon.net/empire/pdo … eapons.php

some vehicles that would be in the game.^

No really there are like 3 people on.

check ur pm box berzerk

I’m not sure what you might have been expecting, but the community that visits these forums isn’t particularly large, as the PD series is fairly obscure by gaming standards. Unlike enormous franchises such as Zelda, Final Fantasy, Sonic, Mario and so on that have tens of games spanning multiple formats and a huge number of fansites, the PD series is relatively unknown, so a forum such is this will not gather nearly so much attention. Thankfully the posts that these forums get tend to be quality over quantity though, at least in my humble opinion…

yeah… i want to play saga ive only playe 1 and orta

Usually, I’d only re-post if there are no replies in 24 hours. If that.

PD wouldn’t make a good FPS and the storyline is too epic to work for an MMO, IMO.

If anything I’d like a MMO game in which I can have participate in the more everyday life of the Panzer Dragoon world. We’ve already had epic battles over the last 4 games. Let’s do things on a smaller scale now. And you could have plenty of adventures like that anyway, as Gash kindly proved on PDS disc 1, simply going from place to place can be hazardous.

And heck, perhaps players could team up and set out as a caravan in search of a suitable spot for a player run town… but I’m getting ahead of myself. This will NOT happen. XD (and besides I am by no means fond of the “pay to play” principle)

I’ve often thought a shoot-to-screen game would be good with PD (Time Crisis, HoTD). If you got 4 screens to form a square. Then abseil in from above to sit on a “buckin’ dragon ™”.

[quote=“Emmenite”]I have an Idea for a Panzer Dragoon game. It is a Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter that takes place in the worldof panzer Dragoon. A MMOFPS is a game like Planetside, a first person shooter that takes place in one huge world, no servers nothing, just one HUGE battlefield for all.

The game will have 2 armies: the Empire and some other enemy I am not yet sure of. It will have weapons and vehicles seen in the panzer dragoon series. Most combat will be in the air, just imagine a huge mothership defending its self angainst taishak ships carrying players to board the ship being piloted by players while fighters roar overhead. There aresome RPG elements as well, with experience with weapon or vehicle types you can become more skilled with those. You may have quests to go on, you can explore and find rare items in hidden places of this massive world.

It is like battlefield 1942 but one HUGE battlefield for everyone.

I would love your comments or you can post some other ideas to add to this if you wish. Thanks.[/quote]

I like it. You could apply that idea to SKIES OF ARCADIA as well but it suits this one. How would a MMOP of PANZER DRAGOON go down around here if Sega was to make one?