PD Fashion

If there’s one thing I like in PD is that everything from architecture to weaponry is different and original.Fashion is no less.

So what are you guys opnions on the different types of clothing?

Do you like one in specific?Do you find any ridiculous?

My personal opinion is that each group of people wear a different colour. For example, hunters always seem to wear red/brown (Edge, Radgam). Kinda like a caste system.

I like the armour that drones wear, although I suppose that isn’t “clothing”. The Seekers have a unique style as well.

I don’t want facts, I want opnions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I lurve Craymen’s coat.But in halloween I’ll dress up as Paet 8)

Yeah… I definitely like how unique the entire Panzer design… gives it this crazy cool atmosphere… I like all of the character designs… maybe except Orta, which broke away from all the other guys…

oh, yeah that would be cool^^ the designs through out the panzer world all look cool^^ The drones armour is pretty cool and easily stands out compared to the rest.

I don’t like the clothes, although, Orta’s dress is nice. Not that I wear dresses.

The Sky Riders clothes looks coool… i would go to school in it =D

You’d get beat up, before you made it to the class room.

If I lived in the Panzer world I’d wear what the OVA Sky Rider wore (the guy in my avatar). I’d be a Seeker of the truth.

sigh back to the baldor suit then…

Would you? Or would you be delt a boring deck of cards, and end up living life as just another villager?

How would you become a “Seeker of Truth”? What would your goal be, to seek truths? Wouldn’t that be a tedious job? How would you know if it was the truth? What if you wound up weighing too much to be one? What if you were born into the world with an internal sickness, or vulnerability to something like water?

Heh. Anyways, to move back on topic, I guess I also like Edge’s outfit, the rest look like they came out of the book “Arabian Nights”.

Well Panzer had arabian inspirations I think…

Hey Azel did you eva post under another nick or posted in Die Welt’s forum?

Anyways, welcome :slight_smile:

[quote=“Endow”]Well Panzer had arabian inspirations I think…

Hey Azel did you eva post under another nick or posted in Die Welt’s forum?

Anyways, welcome :)[/quote]

Ach, die welt?! Nein, nie gewesen dort.

Why? I’ve never been to any Panzer Dragoon forum except this one.


Would you? Or would you be delt a boring deck of cards, and end up living life as just another villager?

How would you become a “Seeker of Truth”? What would your goal be, to seek truths? Wouldn’t that be a tedious job? How would you know if it was the truth? What if you wound up weighing too much to be one? What if you were born into the world with an internal sickness, or vulnerability to something like water?[/quote]

People can find contentment in the simplest of things. It all depends, but I would prefer to be in control even if death is the result. I suspect seeking the truth in all its forms would make for an adventurous life, if perhaps short lived. But then, that’s life for you. I see no point in simply surviving, however strong the instinctive drive may be. If the situation arose where my freedom of choice was caged, I wouldn’t be very happy.

Besides, the outfit the OVA Sky Rider wears is cool. :slight_smile:

You know why. :stuck_out_tongue:

I dunno there has bo like 10 persons with your nick out there so…

[quote=“Endow”]You know why. :stuck_out_tongue:

I dunno there has bo like 10 persons with your nick out there so…[/quote]

Yes, but while many people would have gotten it from the game, I use it in it’s correct meaning (whatever that means…).

Azel comes from “Atzel” (Atsel, Atsal, etc.), meaning “Noble”. Another form of it is “Azal”, which means “Reserved”. It’s also pronounced “aw-tsale”. So, hah. I’m not like the others “OMG AZEL IS SO COOL!”

EDIT: And I didn’t even mean to use the name – I figured it would be registered, I was just going to use “Geist”, but I figured I’d try to see if Azel was taken.

We’ve had a few Azels. The most famous one was the only member to ever get banned from a Panzer Dragoon forum.

Ah, well, I’m the “cool” Azel, then. The only Azel to admit to sexual molestation of female “drones”.

Totally ambigious profile…

Reply to “The Extended Profile thread” in the Liberal District, please.