Parallels between Edge and Jesus Christ

I don’t think we’ve touched on this topic before in great depth, but there some similarities between Edge and Jesus. Like Jesus, Edge died and was raised from the dead. Similarly, Edge was sacrified to free/save the world from an original sin (of the Ancients).

Do the parallels end here, or is there more? There’s a fair amount of talk about the gods in Panzer Dragoon Saga, and I suspect interpreting the religious aspects of the story are important to understanding the story as a whole.

I think it’s more along the lines of “The Heroes’ Journey” formula. Just out of order.

Specifically, the resurrection stage: at the point in the story where all seems lost and in most cases, the hero seems near death. or in fact is actually dead; only to be brought back by some unforeseen force, outside intervention, or some hidden power within the hero himself.

I see what you mean about the Jesus Christ parallel though.

Yeah, I definitely see aspects of the Hero’s Journey in Panzer Dragoon Saga as well (particularly with Azel’s arc). Although the resurrection of Edge happens near the start of the story - doesn’t the resurrection normally happen toward the end?

Yeah, which is why it’s sort of out of order. Edge goes through the resurrection stage right in the beginning. And the Divine Visitor is keeping him alive for the entire game so he doesn’t get another resurrection stage. But, Azel on the other hand does, after Craymen gets killed and she goes into that death-like coma!

Examples of the Hero’s Journey in PDS: (feel free to help me out) Use this as a reference:

-Ordinary World: Edge at the excavation site, contemplating something greater. Edge is stuck in a repetative, mundane, life and dreams of something greater. This is his ordinary world/life

-Call to Adventure: Craymen attacks the site and Edge has to act setting him off on his adventure.

-Refusal of the Call: None. Edge leaves immediately.

-Meeting the Mentor: Edge meets Gash and learns about the will of the Ancients and for a time, Craymen imparts vital details about the world before ultimately dying. I think Craymen was really the actual mentor in this story though.

-Crossing the Threshold: After first meeting the dragon Edge sets off from his ordinary life.

-Tests, Allies, Enemies: Edge, meets the Seekers, Peat, Azel, and Craymen. All help out on his journey. Some enemies turning into comrades.

-Approach: Fighting the Empire, and shutting down the Tower network.

-Ordeal: Edge fights Sestren but ultimately dies in the end or is erased from existence! The same thing happened to Neo at the end of the Matrix Trilogy. Sometimes the Hero’s Journey formula can end here, but doesn’t always make for an all around complete conclusion.

-Reward: The Sestren Network is shut down and the people are free from the will of the Ancients. Although Edge doesn’t actually return with anything.

-The Road Back: None

-Resurrection Hero: Edge is resurrected right at the beginning of the game.

-Return with Elixir: None

Also, the Heroes’ Journey formula can have two resurrections:

The Ordeal and the Resurrection stages respectfully. Although a few stages of the HJ formula in PDS are out of order like the “Crossing the Threshold” and “Resurrection” Stages…

Nice summary @legaiaflame. I’d say that both Gash and Craymen act as mentor figures to Edge. A significant part of the story is the choice between preservation and destruction, and it’s clear that Edge considered both perspectives before making his decision to put an end to Sestren.

Interesting topic. If I were to add something I’d say that Edge was guided on his journey by a higher being, similar to how Jesus was guided by God.

Which was “us” the player!

"Now press the button…the soul who dwells inside Edge (insert name) for a new beginning."
(You then physically press the button on the controller to advance the next scene, cementing your involvement in the story itself!)