
I am pretty sure someone has allready asked this but I am trying to learn as much panzerese as possible(I got the dictionary which I cant find anymore) so I was wondering what words in panzerese you know.

what I mean is does anyone know any panzerese that is not in that dictionary?

Most everyone here gave their thoughts/information on that thread, just read through it though the answer is really “no” I guess.

No one can speak Panzerense as a real language, because it is nongrammatical. However, you can use the words and meanings in your PD fanfictions or more.

I made a wordbook of Panzerense last winter, and now I translated it.


man i rememebr that topic, that had some funny stuff in there

[quote=“Grumbler”]…You’ve got literaly BUGGER ALL to go on!

How usefull will phrases like:
I’m going to the tower
You bastard, I swear i will defeat the empire

actually be?[/quote]


[quote=“Taor”]No one can speak Panzerense as a real language, because it is nongrammatical. However, you can use the words and meanings in your PD fanfictions or more.

I made a wordbook of Panzerense last winter, and now I translated it.


Hey, nice work Taor. That’s just what we need, a well presented translation of Panzerese.

It’s too bad Duncan Burris’ “The Panzer Dragoon Language Dictionary” is no longer online. I searched the Wayback Machine, but couldn’t find any cached versions of the site, which is most unfortunate.

Does anyone happen to have that dictionary saved on their computer? I should have been more careful and saved a copy while it was still up.

Futatsugi-san said he made the language up because Latin was one of his hobbies. He also had some russian classes. he mainly just used words from these languages in the normal (japanese) word order.

I know one word only (I think I said that in the other thread lol) which is ‘sercoy’ which means amazing I think I forgot. I haven’t played PDS for a bit I have been quite busy.

thanks Taor for the wordbook(i was starting to think there was only the 1 dictionary), solo wing dragon I have a print out of the dictionary of you want I cound send you a scan of it(or I could post it here)

That would be great… either post it here or email me through, I’d be happy either way.

did you get my email(I sent the first page(my email provider only let me send 1 image that big per email)) solo wing dragon