Panzers Dragoon Audio Conversion

ep 5 is pretty good but i perfer ep 6 and ep 2’s boss theme, they sound the coolest to me.

oh by the way gehn, you can $#%@ a brick cause i got paet’s famous line. so if u want it drop me a line ^^.

Thanx man.Unfortunately I can’t download anything more this month (ISP restrictions) but I’m adding you to my contact list anywasy :slight_smile:

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]You’re so spot on mate, its not even funny. I just the love the music to Episode 5 1 (with it’s suttle changes).

Episode 5 is also 1 of the best Ep found in Zwei. it just so beautiful to look at.

SEGA at thier very best[/quote]

i completely agree. you also got skydart on that level which is one of my favorite dragons :slight_smile:

and that’s ok bragma, i can wait. thanks for getting it all though! you = king.


[quote=“Team Andromeda”]You’re so spot on mate, its not even funny. I just the love the music to Episode 5 1 (with it’s suttle changes).

Episode 5 is also 1 of the best Ep found in Zwei. it just so beautiful to look at.

SEGA at thier very best[/quote]

i completely agree. you also got skydart on that level which is one of my favorite dragons :slight_smile:

and that’s ok bragma, i can wait. thanks for getting it all though! you = king.[/quote]

Oh that’s scary ;).
Skydart is my fav Dragon form in Zwei. Just looks so cool, and you can’t beat it’s lock on’s :).

Speaking of PD Music, you may want to include the REAL version of “The Expected Enemy”.

That’s if you can find it though.

what do you mean by Real Version of “The Expected Enemy”

the one from Episode 7 of Zwei or the one from Saga?

hehe either way it’s one of my favorite songs