Panzerense Reflection

I’m so stupid.Only today did I bother to actually read the Anu Orta Veniya lyrics.

I already knew that Panzerense had a lot of Latin words.Well since I am Portuguese and since Portuguese is a Latin language I managed to “translate” somethings.

This is more like a reflection but I already I added thse meanings to my Panzerense dictionary.

Anu ? When

Sol ? Sun (In Portuguese Sol means Sun)

Praiar ? Before (from Prior,Pre)

Torrere ? Burns (In Portuguese there is a verb ? Torrar ? that means To Burn)

Solum ? Soil/Land/Earth

Pluvia ? Rain (Portuguese words like Pluviosidade are related to Rain)

Ire ? Stops

Nebula ? Cloud,Mist,Air (In Portuguese Nebual means Cloud)

Laimos ? Throat,My throat

Linum ? Flax (In Portuguese Linho means Flax)

Uva ? Grape/Grape wines (In Portuguese Uva means Grape)

Vivire ? To live,to Continue (In Portuguese Viver means To Live)

Vont ? Wind (In Portuguese Vento meansWind)

Krystallos ? Ice,To freeze (from Crystal)

Amatus ? loved one (Amor means Love)

Isn’t there an official english translation of that song somewhere… I thought it had been posted here before…

Oh and it’s not certain that these words will have the exact same meaning in Panzereze just cos they mean something in other languages…
For example praiar could be prior but it could also be prayer don’t you agree? (I’m not saying this is the case here, I haven’t studied the lyrics, I’m just saying we can’t be sure…)

Also how does the meaning of “ice, to freeze” come from the word “crystal”?
Krystalos is actually a Greek word meaning some kind of exact object that is a crystal, It’s not a word that can be used as a verb or to describe anything more than a single object. It’s even in singular in this form. But ofcourse like I said just cos these words mean certain things in a certain language it doesn’t mean that the meaning has been transferred exactly (or even at all) in panzereze…

If I hadn’t confirmed them I would be saying this :stuck_out_tongue:
Alas, I dind make any big discovery.Just pointing out somethings from the translated lyrics provided by Abadd.

Check TWOTA dialogue section.

Al3x: From what I understood Panzerense doesn’t like prepositions very much.Just look at the lyrics and you’ll see why.

Oh,I’ve beeing trying to workout some more word from PDO.

I’m working on a new panzerense dictionary that will hopefully be avaible in the PD site I’m working on right now.

The US version of the OST includes an English translation.

That sounds great, Gehn.

The translated words seem to be correct when compared to the Anu Orta Veniya lyrics, although I haven’t looked through them word by word. I think it would be a great resource if you made a site like that.

I was suprised to day to see th amount of easy-to-get Panzerense words in PDO.

Btw Solo, I’ve already talked with Geoffrey : I’m compiling the Iva’s story dialogue so you guys can put in TWOTA’s database :slight_smile:

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I was suprised to day to see th amount of easy-to-get Panzerense words in PDO.

Btw Solo, I’ve already talked with Geoffrey : I’m compiling the Iva’s story dialogue so you guys can put in TWOTA’s database :)[/quote]

Surprising as it may sound, I’ve already transcribed Iva’s story in its entirity Gehn, so you don’t have to worry about going out of your way to do it yourself. Last weekend I had loads of free time and I typed up the entire script to PDO.

I was planning to send it all to Solo this weekend, but I’ve been a bit preoccupied with making this maps section for the site.

If you’d like me to send you a copy of the complete script to help with your Panzerese translating, I’d be happy to mail it to you straight away.

Ah no sweat :slight_smile:

I already transcribed most of it.Oh well if you did I supose there is no point in continuing.I was just bored.

Btw : does anyone know how to work properly with Macromedia MX?

Ill be needing some pointers after I gte it this week.

Btw, I meant Dreamweaver MX.

I think Shadow knows how to use that program.