Panzer Saga Mentioned in EGM magazine

EGM is one of the biggest US Videogame magazines- in their latest issue, they have “Top 10 Cult Games”- Panzer Saga is the #1 cult game- they mention that they are ‘really hoping for a sequel to Panzer Saga on Next Gen systems’- hopefully more and more stuff like this will wake up Sega …

What kind of stuff did it beat out?

As a side note, I bet you could ellicit some cries for murder if you mentioned that EGM’s list of the 10 most overrated games of all time included Ico. Oh, and NiGHTS, too.
/I don’t know anyone who liked Toshinden though.

I used to read EGM, and still do from time to time, so I’ll check it out if I get the chance, although that probably won’t be for a while, since there seems to be a bit of a delay before EGM issues come out over here. You don’t happen to have any scans, do you Lagi?

Someone wrote into “Gamecentral” on teletext a few weeks ago saying PDS was the best video game of all time. Just shows the game still has it’s fans even today, huh?

I reckon the 5th of May would be an ideal date for a new PD agme to be revealed.

Cinco de Mayo? Why?

It’s nice to see that it’s a well appreciated game at least. =)

Another Panzer Dragoon RPG (aka PDS sequel) would be nice, on the other hand, I won’t be blue if it never occured. Heck, I’d be more disappointed if one was announced and it turned out to be exclusive to one console or another, it should be able to be enjoyed by everyone! XD As a stark contrast to Saga’s rather limited availability.

As a side note, I bet you could ellicit some cries for murder if you mentioned that EGM’s list of the 10 most overrated games of all time included Ico. Oh, and NiGHTS, too. <<

Ico was #2 on the list, I forgot if Nights was on there- they must have put Ico on there to appease the fans- Shadow of the Colossus looks awesome, btw- reason to pick up a ps2 - new trailers and first impressions

btw- I don’t actually have the EGM yet, I just saw it at work. I’ll scan it in when I pick it up.

Five is my lucky number.Besides 05/05/05 would just kick ass.

It seems strange that the PDS won the top cult game at EGM who also reported through Quatermainn in his “rumour” section that Sega was working on a RPG based PD game.

NiGHTS? How? It’s an obscure and possibly even unheard of title with most gamers I mention it to, how could it possibly be overrated then? Unless they found that all those rave reviews from back in the day are undeserved. But you’d think they’d give overrated to titles such as GTA and FF. >.>;; Oh well, to each their own.

I have the magazine(for the article on the upcoming Legend of Zelda) so I have the entire list.

  1. Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

  2. Samurai Shodown II

  3. R-Type Delta

  4. Gunstar Heroes

  5. Dragon Force

  6. Tetris Attack

  7. Phantasy Star

  8. Nights Into Dreams

  9. Ico

  10. Panzer Dragoon Saga

Here’s the list of the most overrated games.

  1. Ico

  2. Shenmue

  3. Banjo Kazooie

  4. Final Fantasy IX (more like VII)

  5. Nights Into Dreams

  6. Perfect Dark

  7. Donkey Kong 64

  8. Killer Instinct

  9. Donkey Kong Country

  10. Battle Arena Toshinden

Man. That overrated list just sucks. I especially disagree with Ico and Nights Into Dreams. How can something be an under the radar cult classic and overrated at the same time? My list would include Fable, Shenmue, Grand Theft Auto games, and Halo.

Hopefully the recognition of Panzer Dragoon Saga by more and more magazines will make a push for a remake on the next gen systems like X Box 2 or PS3.

[quote=“dragoon lover”]
Hopefully the recognition of Panzer Dragoon Saga by more and more magazines will make a push for a remake on the next gen systems like X Box 2 or PS3.[/quote]

Remake = Bad Idea (check my previous posts for the reasons why)


[quote=“dragoon lover”]
Hopefully the recognition of Panzer Dragoon Saga by more and more magazines will make a push for a remake on the next gen systems like X Box 2 or PS3.[/quote]

Remake = Bad Idea (check my previous posts for the reasons why)[/quote]

I don’t see why. I’d love to be able to play that masterpiece again on a next gen system. Plus it’ll give more people a chance to experience it.

The Donkey Kong Country series and Killer Instinct OWNED. These people don’t know what they’re talking about.

Nice to know someone does. DKC2 is one of the greatest games ever made. I’m absolutely serious.

That’s pretty simple.It can be a great game but still get those comments that just make it sound otherwordly.For a game to be great it doens’t have to be the pineacle (spelling?) of videogaming.Not saying I agree or disagree with their list tho.

I’m not sure just how good is having PDS rated as cult. :frowning:

definately! that is liberation day here in the netherlands :slight_smile:

EGM’s shoddy decision-making on the most overrated games list made a small stir on the NiGHTS board over at GFAQS. After reading this thread tho I am going to reconnect my SAT and play Dragon Force.

I don’t understand the Grand Theft Auto hate. 1, 2, and 3 were damn solid games in just about every way and I’m gald that DMA finally got the success that they’ve rightfully earned for a long time now. No need to hate on them just because they’re popular. San Andreas was enjoyable as well, though Vice City was an obvious rush job (I blame Rockstar for that, they’ve been cracking that whip ever since they made the company change their name to Rockstar North).

Come on, we’re talking about a company that made Uniracers, Space Station Silicon Valley, Body Harvest, the good Lemmings games, Hired Guns, and Walker. All classics. Too bad Rockstar stripped them of their name in order to maintain the Rockstar “brand”. :frowning:

I fully agree that Halo is an extremely overrated game, though. Bungie churned out some gold in the past, but over the last 5 years their quality has taken a nose dive. Their last really good title was Myth 2, and that was back in…1998? Jesus.

Eh, but that’s all off topic. I’m glad that Panzer Dragoon Saga is still getting some mainstream love. I was quite a bit miffed when most magazines snubbed it for Best RPG of 1998, instead awarding the much higher profile (and in my opinion, greatly inferior in nearly every way) Xenogears. Maybe one day it’ll lead to the game being remade for modern consoles… as much as I’d like to see a sequel, I’m worried that it may not live up to the original (and there’s always the chance that it could flat out suck).