Panzer Dragoon Saga troubles me

… but I’m going to post each incident at a time.

First up, the crashed Imperial ship in the Valley.

[quote]…Do you have any idea what this means?

There’s no reply from Lord Craymen’s ship!

…I cannot let that dragon fall into the wrong hands… All units, man your battle stations!

It’s too late. Missiles rapidly approaching… We can’t evade!!

(The dragon was stolen from them?
…Could there be more dragons!?)

(Destroyed Imperial Battleship…
Did they fight with Craymen?)[/quote]

I’ve never really understood this. So the destroyed ship had the/a dragon, and Craymen captured it?

I don’t remember this at all but perhaps it refers to the Guardian Dragon?

It is very possible and it would make sense since we know Craymen has been to the Forbidden Zone which is very close to Georgious which is where the Empire were holding it.

But I think it’s Atolm. Both the Empire and Craymen were searching for Azel and it would make sense for them to be fighting over her dragon too. We know Craymen was glad to be have arrived at the excavation site before the Empire which means he knew they would be heading there sooner or later.

Ah yes, it must be Atolm. Like Gimpy says, the Empire were holding the Guardian Dragon so it couldn’t of been that. Makes sense now.

Has anyone thought much about the little caravan of tents sitting next to the oasis in the desert? It’s just a bit random. It’s not THE caravan as they’re still there throughout the game.

On another note, mass sand mite experience = MASSIVE DAMAGE.

As Gehn says, the most likely candidate is Atolm. We know from later on in the game that the Empire was searching for Azel (and presumably Atolm) too but Craymen found her first.

It looks like there may have been a battle here between Atolm/Craymen and some Imperial loyalists.

Did we ever come to a conclusion about the identity of the “one other” Radgam speaks about?

Also, what exactly are the machines doing to Shelcoof in Georgius before you destroy them? And why?

Maybe slowly restoring it, but I’m not sure we have any evidence for such, it’s just an assumption. Bring it back to its original state so it can pursue its original purpose like the towers, their guardians, and most other near immortal ancient creations.

Can you please paste the quote you’re referring to? I remember he (Radgam) has something to do with Aldo, but this may be unrelated.

I… I’m sorry.
It’s such a rare gun, so…

Oh, you can tell, eh?
This is no decoration!
It’s a shrine for my fallen comrades.
We fought in countless battles…
They were all killed by the monsters,
leaving me, and one other…

There’s another?

Forget about him.
Anyway, I’ll avenge their deaths.
If you’re a hunter, you’ll understand.[/quote]

Was it Aldo?

Speak to Aldo after you find Radgam’s body; I think we can conclude from that scene that Radgam was talking about Aldo.

[quote=“Panzer Dragoon Saga”](A young man hiding in the corner.)

(His name is Aldo.)

(Looks like he’s interested in the gun
I found at the valley.)

Hey!? That gun…
belongs to Radgam!

I found it in the valley…
next to someone who was killed.

I see… he’s gone…

To tell you the truth, I was
once a hunter like you.

You were a hunter?

Yeah, I was on Radgam’s crew.
We went to the valley and were
ambushed by a horde of monsters.
Everyone was ripped to pieces.
I escaped to this town…
Since then, I’ve never been able
to touch another weapon.

Why is that?

When I close my eyes, I can still
see the monsters. I can still hear
their screams. All my friends… dead.

I did the right thing by
giving up, right?

I’m very sorry.

I’ll be O.K.
Maybe you’ll end up in Zoah, too.

What do you mean?

In this town you don’t need to
fight. You can just stay here and
earn a living. It’s safer that way.

I see why you quit… but…

But what?
What do you know, kid?

My friends were killed too…
Many times I faced death and
I’m still fighting.
You should keep fighting too!

If you want to fight, go ahead!
You’re just gonna die a horrible
death anyway.

…You again?

I’m sorry about the other day…
Maybe I was too hard on you.

It’s all right.
You should leave this town.


If you stay here too long,
you’ll end up like me.
There isn’t any fighting here.
It’s easy to stay, but it’s
hard to leave.[/quote]

Never really thought Aldo had it in him.

Once you activate the black ruins at Uru, Atolm seems to warp in from somewhere. That always seemed a bit out of place to me - what do others think?

And also, at Georgius you travel through Shelcoof’s tunnels before being “teleported” into the Genesis chamber. I never understood why you’d need to be transported to somewhere that was already aboard the ship? I can’t imagine that Lundi went through the the same ordeal to witness the dragon crest at the end of Zwei.


1 - Once you activate the black ruins at Uru, Atolm seems to warp in from somewhere. That always seemed a bit out of place to me - what do others think?

2 - And also, at Georgius you travel through Shelcoof’s tunnels before being “teleported” into the Genesis chamber. I never understood why you’d need to be transported to somewhere that was already aboard the ship? I can’t imagine that Lundi went through the the same ordeal to witness the dragon crest at the end of Zwei.[/quote]

1- Maybe it’s Atolm coming out of Sestren. Seeing as how there seem to be portals in some of the ancient ruins (in Orta at least) Uru would be a place where it made some sense. But yeah it’s something I’ve always wondered about myself, and it definitely seems out of context as far as PD world is concerned. So that’s why I like to think they had just been to Sestren… maybe using the network as a means of transportation between great distances…just brainstorming.

2- I can’t recall a transportation. Wasn’t the Genesis chamber at the end of the tunnel ?


2- I can’t recall a transportation. Wasn’t the Genesis chamber at the end of the tunnel ?[/quote]

At the end of the tunnel you got teleported into the genesis chamber. That always seemed odd to me as well - it felt to me like you were just jumping one wall over.

Doesn’t Atolm 3 have a “move” called Warp? Or am I mistaken? It’s been a while since I played that section of the game.

Yeah. You blast his weak spot, and then he gets mad, tosses you in front and unleashes a hexahedron of death on you. 33 hp a piece if I remember right. Does he blink in the same with an emulator? Atolm looks like healthy dose of polygons.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Doesn’t Atolm 3 have a “move” called Warp? Or am I mistaken? It’s been a while since I played that section of the game.[/quote]

Yeah but that’s not it. In Uru you see part of the sky break as if it were glass and Atolm comes out from the other side of the hole. From some sort of black void.

[quote=“Shadow”]Once you activate the black ruins at Uru, Atolm seems to warp in from somewhere. That always seemed a bit out of place to me - what do others think?

And also, at Georgius you travel through Shelcoof’s tunnels before being “teleported” into the Genesis chamber. I never understood why you’d need to be transported to somewhere that was already aboard the ship? I can’t imagine that Lundi went through the the same ordeal to witness the dragon crest at the end of Zwei.[/quote]

I guess the Ancients must have invented some kind of teleportation technology. With places like Sestren existing in the Panzer Dragoon world, this doesn’t seem too out of place.

Perhaps Lagi sealed off the chamber containing the dragon crest inside Shelcoof to prevent intruders from entering. The dragon matched the correct DNA pattern and so could enter through the teleporter, similar to the portal to Sestren in Episode 6 of PDO - Lagi could only enter through because it matched his DNA.

Perhaps this was another kind of teleportation?

That might be my favorite visual moment from the game, the effect looks bad-ass in the first place, with Atolm crashing into the space looking like it’s really trying to kill. And then the dog fighting of the dragons is the only time you see something like that, similar to the opening of Eins but much better represented, and if it weren’t for that one cinema you wouldn’t ever think Atom actually had maneuverability.

I think it’d be very cool if that’s what a spontaneous projection from Sestren-space looked like. But the problem with that is we can be quite certain Azel and Atolm were never in Sestren, at least not Sestren proper? Still they were coming from the Tower, and it could have been some boosted transmission, doesn’t the Tower teleport the Scorpitara in from elsewhere (I think the description even terms it as such)?

Alternatively, perhaps it’s just a cloaking ability? Atolm was trying a surprise attack… either way I always wished our dragon could do that…