Panzer Dragoon Saga Soundtrack

What the fuck, man, at least turn your caps-lock off. :anjou_sigh:

Ok my mistake was wondering too as I couldn’t really here any guitar.

Anway never heard that version, but I liked the Fallen Ground track in ORTA. I have some Orta E3 on Tape and the 1st level music is just completely diff to that in the final (or playable demo) , and its really rather good.

Talking about the Orta Soundtrack my favs are…

Ancient Weapon 1- God this is one of the best tracks every created, and the tune just sticks in your head . It almost like a drug.

Imperial City- Another stunner of a track and love that point when you can almost here Chorus like cry?s from the Empire solders in the backround

Please don’t talk about the Orta soundtrack in front of me :frowning:

If there’s one track I didn’t like it WAS “The Fallen Ground”.The sounds are so off topic.Some parts sound like the music you hear in some “cooking tv shows”. :stuck_out_tongue:

And Narayan, keep it cool.Why do people bother with caps anyways?

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]Please don’t talk about the Orta soundtrack in front of me :frowning:

If there’s one track I didn’t like it WAS “The Fallen Ground”.The sounds are so off topic.Some parts sound like the music you hear in some “cooking tv shows”. :stuck_out_tongue:

And Narayan, keep it cool.Why do people bother with caps anyways?[/quote]

Sorry can’t you get it, I got my US version ages ago from Amazon and it was very cheap too.
That and Panzer Dragoon RPG (Diff to memorable one) are the only OST I’ve got in the Panzer series.
The rest I’m afraid to say are copys from a mate .

Well worth getting.


Catch my drift?

Anyway, my favorite PD tracks:

Panzer Dragoon:
01 - Main Title (Orchestra Complete Version)
03 - Flight (Orchestra Complete Version)
08 - Departed Spirit
17 - Staff Roll (Orchestra Version)

Panzer Dragoon II Zwei:
09 - The Empire’s Giant Carrier
10 - Forbidden Forest
11 - Giant Creature
15 - Sea of Ice
17 - The Expected Enemy
18 - Requiem
21 - Lagi & Lundi (Theme of Zwei)

Panzer Dragoon Saga:
01 - Ecce Valde Generous Ale (Behold The Precious Wings)
06 - Wings
08 - Premonition of War
09 - Metamorphosis (Version 1)
10 - Chaos Within The Silence
11 - Metamorphosis (Version 2)
14 - Breath of Life
16 - Wandering
17 - Forbidden Land
18 - Pure Blood Seed
19 - The Black Fleet
21 - Atolm Dragon
22 - Spirit of The Dragon
25 - Boxship
28 - Water Ruins
29 - Ancient Weapon
30 - Trapped Underground
31 - Path To The Being
36 - Source of The Protective Flame
37 - Dream
39 - Imperial Air Force
40 - Giant Warship
47 - Village of The Seekers
48 - The Forest’s Scream
52 - Tears
54 - Vision (Version 1)
55 - Vision (Version 2)
57 - Sona Mi Areru Ec Sancitu

Panzer Dragoon Orta:
All tracks, except for “08 - Gigantic Fleet”, and “15 - The End of Destiny”.

Team Andromeda : you didn’t get me.I’m not unhappy because I can’t get the Orta OST.I’m unhapppy because I don’t like most of the music in it.

Narayan : Well I’m yelling at you right now can’t you tell the difference :P?

Btw you know if Flik ever got his ocmmunitty project up and going?He said it would sort of be a Neomega spinoff.

Narayan, you didn’t like Gigantic Fleet? What gives?

There were only two songs in the whole Orta OST that sounded even remotely like Panzer Dragoon: City in the Storm (1:50 - end of track) and Imperial City (whole track).

I was extremely disappointed with the Orta soundtrack, as well, mainly because the best thing I like about the Panzer Dragoon series is it’s very weird and alien sounding tribal songs. Orta didn’t have any of that…the music in Orta was just about as generic as the game was.

[quote=“Kadamose”]There were only two songs in the whole Orta OST that sounded even remotely like Panzer Dragoon: City in the Storm (1:50 - end of track) and Imperial City (whole track).


Haven?t we had this debate before. I?ll just like to know what really is the definition of an Panzer Dragoon music track ?.

Because parts 1 II and III sounded completely diff from each other.
Surly if we must go by what sounds the Panzer Dragoon. Then we have to go by the 1st game.

In that case Zwei is well off the mark, and ORTA is closer :wink: :P.

Haven?t we had this debate before. I?ll just like to know what really is the definition of an Panzer Dragoon music track ?.

Because parts 1 II and III sounded completely diff from each other.
Surly if we must go by what sounds the Panzer Dragoon. Then we have to go by the 1st game.

In that case Zwei is well off the mark, and ORTA is closer :wink: :P.[/quote]

Well to be fair, I didn’t like the original’s music. Sure, it was redbook audio bliss…but Panzer Dragoon and classical music just don’t mix. Zwei’s music was a step in the wrong direction, but the Guardian Dragon theme, is still by far one of the best songs in the series.

Panzer Dragoon Saga was probably the ONLY panzer dragoon game that had good music from beginning to end. Of course, this is just my opinion, but PDS was sheer perfection on every level…while the shooters were just average…at best.

Haven?t we had this debate before. I?ll just like to know what really is the definition of an Panzer Dragoon music track ?.

Because parts 1 II and III sounded completely diff from each other.
Surly if we must go by what sounds the Panzer Dragoon. Then we have to go by the 1st game.

In that case Zwei is well off the mark, and ORTA is closer :wink: :P.[/quote]

I dissagree.It ain’t because the first game was PD1 that everything should be judged with it’s standards in mind.There is an evolution.They might sound different but in the end there are a bunhc load of reused sounds from PD1 to PDS.

The three first OST’s might sound differen from each other but they have common aspects the most important of which is pace.Orta got the pace all wrong.Most of them weren’t battle tracks.They dind’t imply speed or danger.

Plus like Kadamose said it sounded generic.The music you hear in Orta looks similar to a lot of world music bands I can think of.

Maybe I’m not convincing anyone but in the end it falls to the “it dind’t feel right”.I know I had more issues with the music approach than the art approach.Music is very important to me.If the music had been done right in Orta I would probably would consider it my favourite game this generation.

That’s something any of the PD games could do on their one (even tho they all belong to the same generation).

It’s just too hard to think they got a top notch gameplay an interesting story, the best graphics ever and in the end they just dind’t deliver in the elements the series has grabbed me with : art and music.

Narayan : Well I’m yelling at you right now can’t you tell the difference :P?[/quote]

There isn’t an exclamation point, therefore it’s impossible to tell for anyone.

Here ye go.

That’s just it if I was yelling at you I don’t see the point in having to let you know :stuck_out_tongue: Anyways thanks for the link.

Haven?t we had this debate before. I?ll just like to know what really is the definition of an Panzer Dragoon music track ?.

Because parts 1 II and III sounded completely diff from each other.
Surly if we must go by what sounds the Panzer Dragoon. Then we have to go by the 1st game.

In that case Zwei is well off the mark, and ORTA is closer :wink: :P.

Well to be fair, I didn’t like the original’s music. Sure, it was redbook audio bliss…but Panzer Dragoon and classical music just don’t mix. Zwei’s music was a step in the wrong direction, but the Guardian Dragon theme, is still by far one of the best songs in the series.

Panzer Dragoon Saga was probably the ONLY panzer dragoon game that had good music from beginning to end. Of course, this is just my opinion, but PDS was sheer perfection on every level…while the shooters were just average…at best.[/quote]

Panzer Dragoon was the 1st game, but that very definition if must be the one that all other Panzer Dragoon soundtrack are judge on mate.
Its as simple as that. It?s like saying GreenHill Zone isn?t a true Sonic game soundtrack.

SAGA music was always going to be more elaborate as it an RPGs. Where music scores demand a more epic feeling , and longer music score. Its just isn?t fair to compare to Panzer Dragoon music.

Panzer Dragoon music is some the best in ther series. If that EP1 epic score doesn?t get you going nothing will. And EP 2 Boss, and Ep3 are just sensational.

For me Zwei is the weakest in the series music wise (It sill ace though) With for me the only realy Highlights being EP 5/1 (Ilove that music), EP 7 (Stunning) and the end credits music