Panzer dragoon saga rom

I got panzer dragoon orta last week.
But I’m one of the many player who knew the panzer dragoon series without ever having the possibility to play it
So I played the game on xbox and loved it. and for the last week, I tried to search the Panzer dragoon SAGA (azel) rom on internet. THE hardest rom to find, after a week of torough searching, I can attest that it is nowhere on the web. At least on no public server.

So here is my question: any kind soul here who could do me a favor and send me any kind of emulation of the game? (i already found a few emulators) I mean, I saw a lot of people who played the game on an emulator, but no rom nowhere, so I figure u guys use your Panzer Dragoon CDs on your emulated computer. So, is there a way I could get an image or ISO(?) from those CDs from any of you? I’m not pretty good at understanding emulation however so I don’t kow if this is possible.

I found this site on my final step on my search for the game, and I’m sad to see that if I dont get the game by this site I will never have the opportunity to play this game.

haha I know this is a dramatic post but I would really need some help…

Welcome to the forums, KBlack.

You could try eBay… but it’s a rip off to be honest. Although PDS is definately worth playing, nonetheness.

I’ve just PMed you regarding this… as this is a public forum, it would be best to avoid linking to pirated content in the topic itself, no matter how old it is.

My advice would be to pick up a modded Saturn and play the game that way. The emulator has a number of graphical glitches and crashes in some places. You’d enjoy the game better on the Saturn first time around I think.

ok… thanks again for the PM… and thanks also for reminding me of not posting hacking-related things on forums. emulation of oldies is pretty normal for me, but I respect the desire of neutrality of most forums on the internet. that is kinda why games are so hard to come by.
anyway, i’m gonna go back to my research… and also try to see if I can find a (hopefully relatively cheap) saturn in my area to buy to play the game (whew! ebay is sure a ripoff for this game… 200 bucks!!!).

Huge PDA rom… Found.
Saturn emulators… 3 found
emulator working on my pc: cassini.

I had quite a hard time figuring where to install the bios, so if anyone gets the strange bios error message in cassini, just put the right bios in the same folder you installed cassini and rename it euro.bin (even if it is a USA or Japan bios, due to how cassini was originally designed I guess)

the emulator seems to have good graphics, but is incredibly slow because of my poor 500mhz cpu… still 2 months before getting the laptop I ordered for school… I might be able to play this game someday after all :anjou_happy:

Consider yourself lucky.I still ahven’t played Saga on my PC.Welcome btw.

I’ll be kind and give you some advice…you can download Panzer Dragoon Saga via the newsgroups at [removed due to linking to illegal content]

Seriously, folks, pirating this game is the ONLY logical way to play this game, and should NOT be condemned. While the price PDS currently sells for on Ebay is justified, not everyone can afford that amount, and this game deserves to be played by everyone…and piracy is the only way it will ever receive the attention and respect it has so rightfully deserved.

Sega no longer makes ANY money on this game, and do not benefit from the Ebay purchases…so all of you who are bitching about the pirating of this game, need to stick your tail between your legs, and shut the hell up.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
I’ve just PMed you regarding this… as this is a public forum, it would be best to avoid linking to pirated content in the topic itself, no matter how old it is.[/quote]

It’s not a condemned way of playing the game as such but it should not be allowed in public unless you want to risk TWOTA itself being condemned. Hosts often take down whole sites with no prior warning if they spot any illegal content. You may want to tone down that attitude too, noone here needs to ‘shut the hell up’ at all :anjou_sigh:

Sega no longer makes ANY money on this game, and do not benefit from the Ebay purchases…so all of you who are bitching about the pirating of this game, need to stick your tail between your legs, and shut the hell up.[/quote]

Do you own the publishing rights to Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG?


Do you own the intellectual property of parts or the whole of Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG?


Does the person who provided the CD-images you have linked to own either of these?


Are they therefore breaking copyright protection law?


By posting that link, Kudamose, you are posting a link to illegal use of intellectual property. This, as I am sure I do not need to remind you, is against the law. Illegal activities on the internet are common, and whilst it may seem that there is little going on to prevent it, hosting companies do keep an eye on their hosted websites for illegal activities, or the breaking of any ToS that the Webmaster agreed with upon activation of his or her account.

Chris, more commonly known to us as Solo Wing Dragon, pays for the privilege of keeping The Will of The Ancients on the internet. He pays for it with money that he has earned. Right now, Kudamose, you are paying absolute sweet fanny adams for the privilege of using it, as are we all.

If you were to take a part of Solo’s website and use it on your own, you would be performing a theft of intellectual property. Solo could sue your BUTT off just for that, even if it is not affecting him in terms of finances. It is HIS work, HIS labour and HIS dedication that makes this website possible, along with contributions from others. He could sue you despite the fact that you have not caused him loss of earnings. Granted, it is unlikely, but the key word here is “could”.

If you are providing pirate downloads, then not only is it an arrestable offence, but SEGA would be well within their rights to sue you for stolen intellectual property. Again, it is not likely, as SEGA have much more important things to worry about, but the fact is, they could.

If you truly are as much of a SEGA fan as you claim to be, then you should respect SEGA’s copyright and ownership of intellectual property on Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG.

Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG will never achieve the same greatness as Final Fantasy VII did. Final Fantasy VII was the equivalent of Star Wars for RPGs. Had A:PDRPG been released earlier in the console’s lifetime, it is possible that it would have been better received, but of course, it did not. It is in the same category as NiGHTS: Saturn games that were beyond their time, only unknown to the public due to the Saturn itself being out of vogue. To argue that pirating the game will make it gain the respect it deserves, when in fact it has already received critical acclaim from several publications and continues to do so today, is poorly judged. The only area in which the game has not received this acclaim is amongst casual gamers, most of which do not care about the Sega Saturn console.

If Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG is perhaps re-released on the Playstation Three or X-box Three-Sixty, then it may gain another shot at the fame amongst casual gamers that it deserves. Until that time, the foremost RPG in people’s minds will continue to be Final Fantasy, despite strong contendership from Skies of Arcadia, Legend of Zelda and, of course, Panzer Dragoon Saga. These series will be left for the happiness of the people who do not buy poor EA games, who will listen to new ideas and who do not ignore consoles based on the fact that another one is coming out (I am referring to the quote in Computer and Video games where a reader said: “What’s Dreamcast? All I want to hear about is Playstation 2.”)

In conclusion, pirating Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG will not achieve it any increase in status. All it does is breaks the law and infringes on SEGA’s intellectual property.

The Star Wars of RPGs? Finaly Fantasy VII was a really shitty game…even for its time. Panzer Dragoon Saga is, and always will be, superior to this rubbish…and coincidentally enough, PDS has been heralded as the Star Wars of RPGs in many reviews. With that said, I think you’re confused.

As for Sega’s IP on Azel…I could care less. The game would have been a hit it would have been properly advertised AND if more than 10,000 copies had been made (you can blame that fuckup on Bernie Stohler who was originally out to kill the Saturn at the moment of its birth anyway). Copyright law is a fucking joke anyway and was simply created as a means to profit from an idea, even if the idea never materializaes (kinda like how the fucked up patent system works); anyone who doesn’t see this, is either a capitalist or a moron.

Needless to say, I will NEVER follow ANY rules made by people who are inferior to me…even if they’re made by people from Sega. Rules don’t mean anything unless I make them…and even then, rules are made to broken.

Yes, yes, you are so superior that you didn’t even understand tha arcie never claimed FFVII was better than PDS in any aspect other than sheer popularity and mainstream fanboy-ness. Kind of like Star Wars.

While I agree that Panzer Dragoon Saga should be able to be played for free in this day and age when Sega is no longer making money off the game, I’d like to ask you not to post links to illegal files in the future, Kadamose. There are other sites on the Internet where this is deemed exceptable, but my webhost has to draw the line somewhere and one of his conditions was that pirated software was not to be shared on his servers. If you want to use a PM that’s fine, but please don’t post stuff like this out in the open… thanks.

Another thing - since I moved webhosts a few months ago I’m not actually paying for the hosting anymore, I’m getting it for free from someone I know… so I don’t want to lose this deal anytime soon. :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]While I agree that Panzer Dragoon Saga should be able to be played for free in this day and age when Sega is no longer making money off the game, I’d like to ask you not to post links to illegal files in the future, Kadamose. There are other sites on the Internet where this is deemed exceptable, but my webhost has to draw the line somewhere and one of his conditions was that pirated software was not to be shared on his servers. If you want to use a PM that’s fine, but please don’t post stuff like this out in the open… thanks.

Another thing - since I moved webhosts a few months ago I’m not actually paying for the hosting anymore, I’m getting it for free from someone I know… so I don’t want to lose this deal anytime soon. :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Now, see? Thank you for asking in such a poilte manner and explaining the situation; I will comply with your request.

If you had been rude about it, like most of the other webmasters out there, then I would have just kept on going.

Thank you, Kadamose, for handling that well.

And for future references, people, please refrain from posting anything about warez and whatnot, not only for Solo’s sake, but for mine. I don’t want things to get “complicated.” :slight_smile:

and just think everyone if pdo had the first game maybe with enough proding at sega they will throw pdz into the next panzer game.

although it is highly unlikely.

[quote=“T’LAN”]and just think everyone if pdo had the first game maybe with enough proding at sega they will throw pdz into the next panzer game.

although it is highly unlikely.[/quote]

The version of PD1 in Pandora’s Box was based on the PC version, so wasn’t too difficult to port the game to the Xbox, apparently. For PDZ and PDS, there isn’t a PC version to start with so they’d be dealing with Saturn versions… much harder to port, I’d imagine.

Damn… sorry guys for starting all that legal crap here in my first post. I see it’s been dealt with, so I wont add anymore, but I just wanted to apologise to the community: I should have kept the subject private.

Also, I’m just in my second week in the panzer dragoon universe, but having played Panzer dragoon, PDS (a little) and PDO, all I can say is DRAGONS ROCK! congrats for the site, Solowing, and Its good to see that for gamers, some games never die.