Panzer Dragoon Saga Prototype Debug

Hello everyone, I found a debug menu inside the Sept 16 1997 build of this game. You can view a video of it in action, as well as details on how to use it here:

As stated in the description, I want to check the later builds of the game. However, the torrent is long gone. There’s also a Sound Test, Map select (FIELD), and a battle select which appears on the title screen that I don’t know how to load up (which is probably still in the final game, since the soundtest prg file is still there).

Have fun! :slight_smile:

PS: If you just caught this topic, please wait for the video to process, thanks.

Interesting find! There’s probably a lot more hidden in those earlier builds, for example I still remember finding parts of the original translation before it was edited by Chris Lucich. It would be interesting the have a comparison of those builds with the actual released game, like those for Ecco the Dolphin on Dark Sea.

Nice find, Knuckles500.

D-Unit, it might be worthwhile if we added that original translation text to the Translations section. Do you remember what topic it was posted in?

Thanks for the replies guys.

We need to find a way to get these options on the title screen:


In either the Town/Field options, there’s a test map that can be loaded as well. If there were any areas that couldn’t be accessed during normal play on this game, then maybe we can enter these areas with this.

[quote=“Solo”]Nice find, Knuckles500.

D-Unit, it might be worthwhile if we added that original translation text to the Translations section. Do you remember what topic it was posted in?[/quote]

Here are the two posts with the changes I found:

Thanks D-Unit. Added to my list.

Back when I was quite desperate to rip the soundtrack (I assume before I’d downloaded any rips and eventually bought the CDs), I’d have gone mad for a sound test! I do recall noticing SNDTEST.PRG on the CD, and wondering (and perhaps even asking here) if it was usable somehow. Do I read correctly that it functions in OP’s proto? And either way, are any available for (convenient) download? I feel that I must archive these pieces of history. :anjou_happy:

The original translations are interesting too. I seem to recall “Rain death on him” being used somewhere, perhaps an issue of Sega Saturn Magazine?

There’s a torrent for the prototypes in TWOTA’s Accessories section, but it may no longer have any seeders. If that’s the case, I can send you the files some other way.