Panzer Dragoon Saga - News by the Spanish Front

Hello everyone!

Here saturn_worship from Spain, just tell you all guys that in some months you will see some panzer dragoon saga cool news, me and some friends are starting to work on a translation project.

Panzer Dragoon ?ber alles!

Sega Saturn Shiro!

You’re doing the translation of the japanese version (to english)?

english to spanish…

and if the thing goes well maybe some friends can do from english to french.

I wish you luck with the translation. I know how frustrating it is to have a language barrier stop you from enjoying games you love.

I’d be extremely interested in helping with a French translation project.

I’m English and have played the game (it’s probably my favourite game ever), but I’ve been looking for something to translate from English to French for a long time. I’ll be studying French and translation at University by the end of this year and am considering game localization as a possible career path (work for Babel or someone like that). If you know people who are able to replace text in PDS, that’s fantastic news.

Please let me know if I can help.