Hi all, I’m new to the forum and the series in general. I basically played through the entire series within a week or two during the summer, and as a result, Panzer Dragoon became one of my favorite franchises.
Searching around, I came across prototypes for both Panzer Dragoon Saga and ZWEI through a torrent file from Hidden Palace Zone, but it seems as though the torrents don’t have any seeders. Anyone still have these files or know if they are uploaded somewhere else? Thanks.
I have them, but they’re not linked with the torrent anymore. I’ll see if there’s a way of relinking the files with the torrent. Might need to make a new torrent.
It appears that the files aren’t saved to my laptop anymore. They should be on another harddrive that I have, but unfortunately I won’t get a chance to check until later in the year since it is located elsewhere.
I’ve sent you a PM with a link to the prototypes. I’m only going to host these for a limited time, as placing the prototypes on the website might encourage people to play them instead of tracking down a real copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga. If anyone wants to download them, please let me know soon.