Panzer Dragoon Orta 480p mode doesn?t work @ latest Xbox 1.6

I had never heard about this before, so I?m reposting it here in case anyone else is the same.

Like many of us, probably, I only care about an Xbox for Panzer Dragoon Orta. :stuck_out_tongue: I still have yet to get one, but it?ll happen eventually! This is at least partly due to the well-known fact that the PAL version of Orta is not immediately usable on the Xbox 360, requiring a workaround that is far from optimal.

But even the original Xbox does not guarantee an ideal experience with the game. The 480p (progressive/EDTV) mode of Orta, from any region, is not usable on the latest Xbox, version 1.6; this system can only display the game in 480i (interlaced/SDTV). An extensive set of details about this and some other, more general, phenomena are provided at this thread: … 52&t=42971
I was linked there, in turn, from this other thread:

Having said that, although the former thread provides plenty of information on which Xboxes do and do not work, it leaves quite a lot to be desired in terms of helping new players to determine whether a prospective purchase is the right version or not. Do we have to check the system menu or something? But anyway, I guess relevant details are available somewhere.

Hopefully this will be of use to some other fans.

P.S. The Xbox One is a strong contender for the worst thing that has ever existed

You could always just leave the game on for 20 hours to unlock everything. Not ideal, but if Orta is the only reason for obtaining an original Xbox, it might be worth it.

Or you could import an NTSC Xbox 360, that way you could play Phantom Dust (no PAL version) on it as well.

Emulated Xbox games on the 360 do have some other problems though, for example the slowdown in parts of Jet Set Radio Future. Playing the game on its native console would be more accurate. So, perhaps get a modded original Xbox with whatever version of the firmware is needed so that you can play everything?

[quote=“Solo Wing”]

is not immediately usable on the Xbox 360, requiring a workaround that is far from optimal.You could always just leave the game on for 20 hours to unlock everything. Not ideal, but if Orta is the only reason for obtaining an original Xbox, it might be worth it.[/quote]

That was the workaround I was thinking of; thanks for the reminder. At the moment, Orta is indeed the priority and basically the only reason. So, considering that an Xbox costs about ?20 on a good day, I think I would prefer that to getting a 360, although the latter has a few games that appeal (despite how much I hate its forthcoming successor!).

To begin with, modding should be unnecessary, but it would indeed be helpful if I found any NTSC games that were appealing. :slight_smile: A standard PAL Xbox earlier than version 1.6 will probably do me just fine to begin with. This thread was just to let others know of the issue for the record since I was glad I found out about it before (finally) buying anything. I don?t have regular access to a TV that can display 480p, but I?d still want to have the ability rather than being pointlessly unable to use this mode thanks to a mistake by one or more programmer (most likely from Microsoft, not Smilebit? :P) along the way.

I’d completely forgotten about that bug on Orta. Shows you how little desire I’ve had to play it since 2003~ :anjou_sad: