Panzer Dragoon Original Soundtrack

Please, if anybody can help me, do it so. I am looking for the first Panzer Dragoon game’s soundtrack. To be more exact, all I would need is the main theme only, and the track that plays during the credits roll. Both are beautiful, amazing music and I would like to have them in MP3 format if possible. I have looked at many places but couldn’t find it (only Orta or Saga tracks). I live in Hungary so I cannot order the whole soundtrack online or buy such things, I just need these two tracks. Please, if anyone knows where I could download them from, reply.

Again, I would need the original Panzer Dragoon’s music, not Zwei’s, Saga’s, Mini’s or Orta’s. Thank you for your help.

If you have the game, the tracks you wish are on the actual CD.

If you don’t, well, overclocked remix has a remix of the opening theme, but not of the closing…

Alternatively, try Kazaa or another p2p program.

Soz, I would try and upload them, but even I don’t have the soundtrack.


I’ve uploaded the two tracks you mentioned to my website. Please let me know when you’ve downloaded them, so I can remove the files to save on space. … te_version.mp3 … (orchestra.mp3

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]I’ve uploaded the two tracks you mentioned to my website. Please let me know when you’ve downloaded them, so I can remove the files to save on space. … te_version.mp3 … (orchestra.mp3[/quote]

me takes advantage of this and downloads while it’s here

Thanks Solo :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your help, Solo! I have downloaded the tracks, you can remove them. I’m really grateful.