Panzer Dragoon on display in the Smithsonian Museum?

Ok, there’s no display YET, but it’s very possible!
Go to that site and you can vote for games representing various genres from various eras. I was a little surprised to see Zwei, Saga, and Orta as options. You can also vote for NiGHTS into Dreams.

The winners for each category are going to be displayed in the Smithsonian Museum (in Washington DC) next year.

Very well, my votes are cast. All three Panzer Dragoon games, of course, plus a few more on the Xbox, Xbox 360 and Windows categories.

Results are out; Panzer Dragoon won in every possible category!

So Zwei, Saga, and Orta will all be part of the exhibit.

I’m surprised NiGHTS into Dreams lost to Tomb Raider for Saturn though. :anjou_wow:

I have voted so i was given the right to know the results before they came to public, and i can confirm that for Sega Saturn we have Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Saga, and representing Xbox we have Orta.

3 games out of 4, not bad at all, once again the greatness of the series is confirmed.

GT countdown has also considered Saga the number 1 of the list of needed remakes.

So, the question remains: With so many evidence that Panzer Dragoon is indeed greatly appreciated, why not make a new game?

The results are public really, the announcement video is at the link in the original post here and that page also links to the winning games list pdf. … ggames.pdf

Shenmue is there too, as is Phantasy Star IV and Rez, but no Shining Force.

Post nineteen thousand!!!

contemplating the viability of a trip to the other side of the country

It’d be fun to spend a day there just harassing visitors with trivia about how AWESOME these games are. :anjou_happy:

It’s a pity about Shining Force. I think if Camelot had made SF4 for the DC it almost certainly would have been one of the best RPGs of that time period.


[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]It’s a pity about Shining Force. I think if Camelot had made SF4 for the DC it almost certainly would have been one of the best RPGs of that time period.

OH WELL.[/quote]

sf4 was never planned though

this has awesome potential. any info on how they will work this out?

Holy shit!

Appears in a puff of smoke

Whoa. Result. Win.
Wait… is the Smithsonian one of those museums in Washington DC again? I’ve been to some museums there when I visited Celyn and Rojo… I think mostly it was just the air and space museum though. Don’t really remember the rest.

Disappears likewise

The museum is now looking for fan art and game related paraphenalia for the exhibition. Shall post details in a new thread, they could have a field day with all the PD stuff!!!