Panzer Dragoon MIDIS, dls, and soundfont

Hi there. I made a new thread just so it would be easier to google for people on the lookout these. I have been able to extract the MIDI files from Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Saga, along with the dls, which I then converted to soundfont.

Here is the google drive link for Zwei and Saga:

And here is a dropbox link:

Keep in mind that for zwei the only dls file that works is for episode 2’s music. If I ever do find a way to extract it properly I will add a comment saying I did so.

I would like to thank cyberwarriorx for making the programs seq2mid and toncov, which is how I was able to extract the midi and dls files. for the conversion to soundfont
I used a website called spessasnyth, which was made by spessasus. Massive kudos to the both of them!

Their websites are here if you are interested


Awesome work :orta_wink: :+1:

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Outstanding work indeed, thanks a lot for this :metal: :duck:

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