Panzer Dragoon limited edition xbox

Did anyone get this? Or are in possesion of it? I have always wanted one =(
On ebay, theres one going for about ?500 x.x

500 for this ugly thing? I’d rather spray my box white myself and it would look better, seriously.

my copy of the AZEL novel came today, and it has a small map of the panzer world that I have not seen before. I’m going to scan it as soon as possible.

[quote=“lordcraymen”]500 for this ugly thing? I’d rather spray my box white myself and it would look better, seriously.

my copy of the AZEL novel came today, and it has a small map of the panzer world that I have not seen before. I’m going to scan it as soon as possible.[/quote]


See if you can get the whole thing translated to English so we can read it for free onli— I mean, read it.

I’m not going to waste my money on that. I’m pretty sure Japan has different voltage, so it won’t work in the US anyway.

I have had it scanned for a while- I don’t know why I haven’t posted it -

it is map_novel.jpg

I wonder how much the book was really with the dev team, and if the map is actually revelant, at all.

You’d probably need to get some type of converter (at least, that’s what I had to do to play my American Dreamcast over here). But even so, there isn’t anything overly different about it besides it’s appearance, and like LC says it is quite ugly. Besides having it as a collector’s item, I wouldn’t really want one. The standard Xbox looks better in my opinion.

Also, since it’s a Japanese Xbox, the text in Panzer Dragoon Orta would appear in Japanese, regardless of what version of the game you were running.

This is indeed an ugly box.

Oh and about that novel LC : you meant the Orta novel right?Or was there an Azel novel I didn’t know about?

yes indeed, the AZEL novel. the Orta novel will come out on the 17th december.

What?!There was an Azel novel?I supose there’s information that isn’t featured in the game then?

maybe… the first chapter is actually just a description of what happens in the cutscenes…


I really like the design myself…
but since its jap only I guess that makes me feel better =)

A Saga Novel?? The novels are all in japanese i presume?

You haven’t read it yet?

I beg your pardon, but even if I was fluent in japanese, I still have to work here you know?

It looks to be a side on version of the Panzer Dragoon Saga world map, but some things seem to be have been added in there and the scale doesn’t seem quite right, if it is. What’s with that - river? - in the middle of the map?

Well yeah, I don’t really know how fluent you are in japanese but I don’t know how long you had the book in your possesion either…

Nor do I know exactly how eager you are about reading it.


I suspect that white line (and the other one to the left) might be there to show changes in landscape height, or maybe long cliff faces around the Garil Desert rock basins; it’s hard to say, though. All of the locations marked on the map seem to be places from the game as far as I can tell, but you’re right about the scale and proportions being quite different (and some of the locations don’t seem to be in quite the right place as far as I can remember, such as the Seekers’ Stronghold).

The maps from the Azel player’s guides and the map in the game showed the landscape in different proportions too, of course; the one showing the routes for the different games actually had a bit of Edge’s route arrow pointing the wrong way… :anjou_disappointment: