Panzer Dragoon Font on TV?

Feel free to move this to off topic…

Anyway I was watching TV just now, that silly show with the witches was on, I don’t know the name of it but I hope you guys know which one I’m talking about… The three sisters thing…

It showed their club, P3 a little bit from outside and the P of the sign seemed very familiar until I realised it was the font used for the title of the Panzer Dragoon games… I might be wrong because it was only shown briefly but I’m pretty sure that’s what it was, and if not, it was very similar…

If anyone can get a pic of it to make sure that would be nice. Or not. I just thought I’d post about it… :anjou_sigh:

Stop using this fellow —> :anjou_sigh: !

As for the font, I know I’ve seen in some other places myself altho I don’t recall it.But then agehn the font was created before PD right?

Stop using ‘gehn’ in words. Or don’t tell me what I shouldn’t use.

Since I hadn’t seen the font in any other places I assumed it was created for PD and that the “hoffman’s” font available for download on TWOTA was created by a fan… Maybe not, I wouldn’t know…

Yep, Hoffman is a “real” font, though it hasn’t been used for a great many famous logos or anything; I remember noticing Hoffman text in a handful of adverts and things over the last few years, but nothing major. The Team Andromeda Presents logo was done in an existing font, too (“Herculanum” or “Herculaneum”, or something along those lines), though these aren’t standard fonts you’d normally have on your PC…

I take it you mean Charmed?

I think you could be right

I remember KFC saying something about this too! Do you have this font on your computer by any chance?

You can download the font here:
But it doesn’t do the dropped capitols like in the PD logo. Still good though.