Panzer Dragoon Episode 4 Boss Pic Request?

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had access to pics, diagrams, good Screanshots, or anything on the Boss in Episode 4 in Panzer Dragoon 1???
It is for a couple of projects that I am attempting to do.
Any and all help would be Very appreciated :slight_smile:

Thanks In advance for any and all help


Due to the lack of a capture card, I can’t help you. Sorry. That’s always been a problem for us but one I and others hope to remedy in the near future.

My computer can’t run Giri giri either.

What are you working on if I may ask?

A few Sculptures and a couple of illustrations
the Illustrations are for this site…the Sculptures are going to be attpempted to be recreated as a CGI model to try to be put as a skin in some game mod :slight_smile:
I tried to email Lagi’s artwork site…still no reply

I think you’d need to ask Sega’s permission to use any their characters in another game even if it’s going to be distributed for free…

Possibly…so I will do what is nessesary…but that project won’t happen for awhile…first I need the pics to use as refference for the illustrations(that is a priority)
thanks for the info…and concern … oss_01.jpg … oss_02.jpg … oss_03.jpg … oss_04.jpg … oss_05.jpg … oss_06.jpg … oss_07.jpg … oss_08.jpg

Let me know when you’ve downloaded them so I can delete them.

Thanks Man…:slight_smile:
This will help alot
I’ll post as soon as I am Done :slight_smile:

Glad to help :slight_smile:

Thanks again man…now just waiting on Geoffrey’s pics and all will be set :slight_smile:

Solo wings, can you send those pictures to me, i also have a project and they will be very helpful

This may help while Solo gets to it…


I’d gladly send those pictures to you… unfortunately that post was written six years ago, and I have since deleted the files off TWotA’s web server. It looks like I never backed up that directory either.

Your best bet would be to download SSF and capture some screenshots yourself.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

I’d gladly send those pictures to you… unfortunately that post was written six years ago, and I have since deleted the files off TWotA’s web server. It looks like I never backed up that directory either.

Your best bet would be to download SSF and capture some screenshots yourself.[/quote]

I have my Saturn and i?ve been playing Episode 4 over and over again to get the monster from all sides.

I?m trying to write something based on Panzer Dragoon, maybe just some long story or even a book, thats why in the next months you can expect me asking for decent pictures from all the monsters.

By the way, thank you Al3xand3r for the excellent picture.

It’s from Lagi’s website, Zwei section.

Anwsome site, thanks.