Panzer Dragoon cameos in Dreamcast games?

I was looking at the PD products page of Panzer Dragoon Academy just now as I was trying to work out what the items without images are, and I’ve come across something a little odd. Under the “games (in addition)” heading, three games are mentioned, and by checking the product codes I’ve been able to work out what the two without images are (the other game is Panzer Dragoon Mini):

  1. The limited edition of Shenmue (product code HDR-0031); as far as I know it comes with a different case and a bonus music CD, but it’d presumably be the same game.

  2. The limited edition of a Dreamcast game called SegaGaGa (product code HDR-0083), which I previously hadn’t heard of. Some info: … imited.htm

… and by Babelfishing the Panzer Dragoon Academy entry for this, I get:

In development possible game パンツァーミニ, ツヴァイ and azel. Also the Andromeda camphor tree wood appears with the name, “coming of rubbing”. And, the solo wing it helps game development as a programmer. With the movie the solo wing uniting the formation to (being solo) it fights… the っ て it is and is.

So really I was wondering two things: firstly, what is the Panzer Dragoon cameo in Shenmue, if there is one? And secondly, has anyone played this SegaGaGa game?

I’m sure you can get a Blue Dragon Toy in Shenmue.

BTW The LE set is just the same apart from the bonus Jukebox CD.

[quote=“Lance Way”]I was looking at the PD products page of Panzer Dragoon Academy just now as I was trying to work out what the items without images are, and I’ve come across something a little odd. Under the “games (in addition)” heading, three games are mentioned, and by checking the product codes I’ve been able to work out what the two without images are (the other game is Panzer Dragoon Mini):

  1. The limited edition of Shenmue (product code HDR-0031); as far as I know it comes with a different case and a bonus music CD, but it’d presumably be the same game.

  2. The limited edition of a Dreamcast game called SegaGaGa (product code HDR-0083), which I previously hadn’t heard of. Some info: … imited.htm

… and by Babelfishing the Panzer Dragoon Academy entry for this, I get:

In development possible game パンツァーミニ, ツヴァイ and azel. Also the Andromeda camphor tree wood appears with the name, “coming of rubbing”. And, the solo wing it helps game development as a programmer. With the movie the solo wing uniting the formation to (being solo) it fights… the っ て it is and is.

So really I was wondering two things: firstly, what is the Panzer Dragoon cameo in Shenmue, if there is one? And secondly, has anyone played this SegaGaGa game?[/quote]

A few people at another Sega site has played it. I think it should of at least came out over here.We get a lot of bland games and not all the original freash ideas from japan that come out in the west.

Yeah, Solo Wing is one of the capsule toys in Shenmue.

As for SEGAGAGA, I remember reading about it in an issue of the Official Dreamcast Magazine (US). I’ve never played it though.

Erm… The Nano Dragon in PSO has a Panzer-ish flair to it? >.>

SEGAGAGA looked cool! I was also looking forward to Propella Arena… but erm makes another topic

skies of arcadia was practically a continual saga reference

Ah yes, Segagaga, I remember hearing about that game. It looked interesting, ironically I think the management at Sega could’ve learned a thing or two by playing it :anjou_embarassed: . I’m guessing the Panzer Dragoon reference is the same as all the other references to Sega games in it, although I’m not entirely sure how the game works aside from the premise.

Also read somwhere that a Panzer-ish Dragon shows up in Out Run II SP.

Hope SEGA ports this to the X-Box. but given the poor sales of OR II onthe X-Box I really doubt it

Don’t forget my favorite PD cameo: Asuka playing the original PD in Evangelion.

How appropriate: The greatest anime of all-time includes the greatest videogame cameo (from the greatest videogame series) of all-time. Even though we don’t see the screen we do see the Saturn along with its controller, and hear the unmistakable sound effects of the original PD. I always get a kick out of that…

Right, except for Dragons being replaced by battleships. Although I can see where you’re coming from.

Vyse = over optimistic Edge

Fina = Azel

Valuan Empire = um…the Empire

Towers = Gigas

Drachma = Gash (sorta)

what about the evil empire trying to resurrect ancient technology and their own fleet commander betraying them to take it for himself?

Well…if you’re going to get SPECIFIC about it…

I dunno about that one, Azel wasn’t as much of a drip as Fina :anjou_happy:

But they’re both definately the “girl with a mysterious past” type of character that come straight out of rule #3 of the Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Clich?s.

Did you even PLAY Disc 4 of PDS? :anjou_happy:

Hmm… Azel was going through a lot: Craymen’s death, and dealing with her drone heritage. Fina was the stereotypical weak girly character (deliberately written like that no doubt), while Azel seemed to have more reason to break down at certain parts of the story.

Agreed about Skies…I got a real kick out of it when you go beneath the cloud layers and see the shape of that tower in the fog.

And Azel…yikes. You get the impression her head is going to pop out of frustration, just before she lets off that scream at the end of Disc 3. On the other side I could’ve strangled Fina…

Man, Segagaga would have been a HUGE money sink for SOA’s localization group. The sheer amount of localization required for that game vs. the sales it would have gotten would have been ridiculous. I thought it was a great idea, but ultimately, it was so full of Japanese cultural references and Japanese-office-work related references that nobody but the hardest-of-the-hardcore would have cared =\