Panzer Dragoon Azel & Zwei Prototypes

Mine’ll be done within the next few days.

I’d donate a lot more in less ridiculous circumstances.

Confirmation number: 7253561462209374V
Donation amount: $25.00 USD
Purpose: For Panzer Dragoon Prototype
Contributor: Edward

Getting there slowly =P

Solo Wing Dragon - $50
Dragon Phoenix - $50
Scott - $30
Grumbler - $25

Total: $155

OK, apologies for the moment, I’ve never actually used PayPal and between initial procrastination, being relatively distracted this last week, and the delays getting the account set up… but my $100 should clear in a few days and I’ll just send the full amount.

Confirmation number: 9CC04105V00371208
Donation amount: $150.00 USD
Total: $150.00 USD
Purpose: For Panzer Dragoon

This should bring us a bit closer to the goal :wink:

Solo Wing Dragon - $50
Dragon Phoenix - $50
Scott - $30
Grumbler - $25
alavaliant - $150

Total: $305


Also, question to all – would you rather the Azel prototype was released first (when the first $450 is raised), or released together, when $800 is raised?

The reason for my question is that, I am going to put up a torrent with the disc images, and in my opinion, it would be better if both prototypes were released together (better coverage, the release would be spread to more people).

Don’t fret if you hate torrents, I am going to give a HTTP (regular download) link to all donators. Unfortunately I can do this for donators only – providing a >1GB download for the entire internet is a sure way to kill your server :stuck_out_tongue: Plus, bandwidth is not cheap (it scales badly when you get into terabytes).

I see three ways to solve this:

  1. Release Azel when we raise $450, then release Zwei when we raise the other $350
  2. I upload the Azel discs for the donators to see, so they can verify that they are not fakes, etc. When they vouch for the authenticity of the discs, the remaining $350 is raised and a torrent including all discs is released for everybody.
  3. We just wait until $800 is raised and then we release everything together.

I am honestly asking for your opinions, I am not biased towards any of these options and I’m curious to hear your opinions on the matter.


Option 2 would be my vote.

[quote]Confirmation number: 9CC04105V00371208
Donation amount: $150.00 USD
Total: $150.00 USD
Purpose: For Panzer Dragoon

This should bring us a bit closer to the goal ;)[/quote]

Great stuff alavaliant.

yeah 2 sounds good :anjou_happy:

nice donations guys =) lets hope theres some intresting stuff on the disks!

PURPOSE: For Panzer Dragoon Protos



Oh, please confirm the donation went ok mr.DRX, i’m happy to contribute into this, and the option i choose is OPTION 2.


come on guys, strike when you can!

Solo Wing Dragon - $50
Dragon Phoenix - $50
Scott - $30
Grumbler - $25
alavaliant - $150
Saturn_Worship - $70

Total: $375

It seems that the 2. option is most popular. I will upload Azel and send the link to all the donators after $450 is raised, then =)

Confirmation number: 37845626GE502931J
Donation amount: $50.00 USD
Total: $50.00 USD
Purpose: For Panzer Dragoon

Option 2 would have been my choice as well.

Looking forward to seeing what’s on those discs…

onl y $25 more for the first attack!

come on guys!!!

calm but never stop!!!


the panzer community is showing true STRENGTH.

Confirmation number: 95N97749VY789530G
Donation amount: $25.00 USD
Total: $25.00 USD
Purpose: For Panzer Dragoon

Sorry for only donating now but I’m kind of broke atm. I’m still willing to donate for Zwei if we get our Saga prototype.

Oh, and yeah, option 2 sounds like the best to me too.

Confirmation number: 9EN12619YJ912591K
Donation amount: $100.00 USD
Total: $100.00 USD
Purpose: For Panzer Dragoon

And yeah, option 2 sounds… very sound. :anjou_happy:

Confirmation number: 2HD87608WG599771C
Donation Amount: $100,00 USD
Total: $100.00 USD
Purpose: For Panzer Dragoon

I wish that I could donate more, but we’ve got some unexpected repairs we’ve got to make to the house as a result of the recent hail storms that have been hammering the hell out of the midwest.

Mucho gracias for drx for working this buy for everyone. I love that you’re able to track these things down and facilitate the option for them to be released to the masses.

edit - and I’m for option 1, though I guess I’m in the minority? :frowning:

Solo Wing Dragon - $50
Dragon Phoenix - $50
Scott - $30
Grumbler - $25
alavaliant - $150
Saturn_Worship - $70
Lance Way - $50
Gehpnaet - $25
Heretic Agnostic - $100
roushimsx - $100

Total: $650

Woot, just $150 to go.

I have examined the prototypes a bit. The “PDS 1” one, which I had suspected to be the most boring one (as it wasn’t named Azel), turned out to be the most interesting one.

I haven’t played through it, but judging by the headers and the file structure, it seems to be basically Panzer Dragoon Saga on 1 CD, instead of four. It’s 3 months earlier than the Japanese final, which is very early for a Saturn proto. That’s pretty interesting. Though, like I said, haven’t played through it.

The rest of the Azel protos are close (in dates) to the Japanese final.

I have preliminarily ripped the PDS 1 prototype for donators so they can verify it. I will run more tests on the dump later to ascertain its ‘properness’ (when I’m finished with some IRL issues; I’m rather busy this week and this stuff can take up to 2 hours per disc…). But I don’t want to leave you guys hanging, so I’m uploading the dump on my server. When I wake up tomorrow, it should be uploaded and I’ll send each donator a HTTP link with the thing.

Good job so far, everyone :wink:


what an achievement!!!

the panzer dragoon scene is stronger than seems…

come on guys… sestren is near…!!!

I’ve just donated the other $50 I pledged earlier:

Confirmation number: 06293065A4568663G
Donation amount: $50.00 USD
Total: $50.00 USD
Purpose: For Panzer Dragoon

(Would have donated it all in one go if I’d realised how close we were to the Azel total…)


already $700…

what a scene …

when this started i already doubted that we can reach any game… but after the paypal proposal…

damn!! we are pretty near!!!



This isn’t as weird as it might look, as it seems the decision to change the name to Saga for the West was made relatively early. Certainly by the time news of the game reached European magazines (over six months before the Japanese release), the name change was already known: the May '97 issue of Sega Saturn Magazine calls it “Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG (likely to become Panzer Dragoon Saga over here)”.