Panzer Dragoon Arcade

Don’t you think that the rail shooter versions of PANZER DRAGOON would be ideal for an arcade game? Equipped with the gun you use and a horse riding saddle type that subsitutes the experience of riding Lagi.
So whenever you get shot the cabinet rocks but it also moves when your not getting hit because it’s simulating the dragon’s movements. Of course i feel that would ensure PD future if it was ever released as an arcade game because it woould at least be different and original for arcade gamers to try it for it to become a hit. But of course Sega would never consider such an idea…

Personally I don’t like the idea that much.I just doesn’t feel right or justifiable.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]Don’t you think that the rail shooter versions of PANZER DRAGOON would be ideal for an arcade game? Equipped with the gun you use and a horse riding saddle type that subsitutes the experience of riding Lagi.
So whenever you get shot the cabinet rocks but it also moves when your not getting hit because it’s simulating the dragon’s movements. Of course i feel that would ensure PD future if it was ever released as an arcade game because it woould at least be different and original for arcade gamers to try it for it to become a hit. But of course Sega would never consider such an idea…[/quote]

Toshiro Nagoshi did look into making a Panzer Dragoon Arcade game, but made Planet Harriers instead as he felt Dragoon worked best inthe Home

I think it could work, this idea has also seen various versions posted in these forums in the past. It could be cool. Could also have multiple monitors around you so that enemies came from various angles (like Ferrari 355 challenge arcade had 3 monitors, 1 front and 2 window views). Not sure how many people would want to ‘ride’ the thing if it made them look stupid though so compromises would have to be made in regard to that perhaps.

It would never work maybe in a SEGA park as a VR ride, but not anywhere else these. It simply would be too costly for the Arcades and the multi screen would never work for me anway

I think it would be really cool, but I would never get to play it. I can imagine my big geeky self riding a dragon in an arcade filled with teenagers! :anjou_embarassed:

I think it’s the sort of thing that would either rock or suck majorly. Hard to say until it was made. But if it was good I’d play it no matter how I silly I looked on it =p