Panzer Dragoon 2D shooter would rock don't you think?

I know it wouldn’t be following the basic premise of the Panzer games, but a 2D scrolling shooter would indeed be awesome ;p

Here is a small mock-up demo thing I made on my PC earlier, I haven’t added anything yet, just a scrolling window and an unanimated dragon sprite that you can move about in 8-directions (That will be fixed later on).

Before you point it out to me, I’m aware that there is an Xtreme lack of rider - don’t worry, I’ll add this later.

As of yet there is nothing in it, and I can’t promise that I’ll finnish it, although I will do more to it ;p If I get it running at a “playable” level, I’ll stick it up on the net.

I think top down would be nicer. And it’ll be awesome if it’s done awesomely, not just because it’ll be panzer :slight_smile:

Yeah, I toyed with the idea of making it vertical, but I’m a sucker for horizontal.

Now I added a basic sort of laser or the dragon, It’s not homming - I think I’ll use it as a special “smart bomb” type attack along with perhaps some berserkers? ;p
Of course, you will be limited to the amount of times you can use them.
I’ll jazz them up a bit later, the don’t look that good in still, but let me assure you, it looks quite funky when they all blast out. :stuck_out_tongue:

what are you using to make that?

The Games Factory which is utter crap =D
You can make decent games on it, but it takes longer than it probably would with an actual programming language LOL.

Cool - i’d say keep working at it.

I tried something similar a year or two ago, except it was top-down rather than side on. I didn’t get very far with it because i’m still pretty much learning to program (In fact, part of the reason I did it was for a bit of practise) and because i’m terribly, terribly lazy.

This is looking about as good as I’d got that game, already - I like the dragon sprite! Did you make it yourself or rip it from something? I drew my own sprites and they looked… uh… interesting… I have absolutely no artistic skills what so ever. :anjou_disappointment:

Nice to see another Scot on the boards!
I drew the Dragon sprite, yes. (I’m aware that he’s missing the chunky bit on the end of his tail, but I don’t like the way that looks - hence why I didn’t bother putting it in). ;p
I added a basic “rider” for now, just to use as an “object” for collision detection etc untill I can actually design someone better.

Dragon sprite now has a flying and shooting animation. Rider’s hair blows with wind.

Also implemented a basic shooting system that is yet to be refined, anyway!
Now time to desgin levels and stuff!
I wont work on the game much 'till after my Exams probably, I have a lot to get done.

Well, by all means keep working on it, it’ll be a good experience. =D

But in itself I don’t see Panzer Dragoon working as a side scrolling shooter, because that’s what it will be then… just another side scrolling shooter. ^^;;

[quote=“Pedro The Hutt”]Well, by all means keep working on it, it’ll be a good experience. =D

But in itself I don’t see Panzer Dragoon working as a side scrolling shooter, because that’s what it will be then… just another side scrolling shooter. ^^;;[/quote]

That’s the general idea.
A Side scrolling shooter with a Dragon instead of a space ship.
I think I’ll make the rider the hit point for bullets, that way it’ll be more practical, as the Dragon has armour. =P

[quote=“gearguy”]Yeah, I toyed with the idea of making it vertical, but I’m a sucker for horizontal.

Why not go Axelay style and do both?

I toyed with that idea also =P

Btw the Poll in this thread is meaningless, I’m going to finnish it off regardless of what it says.

Moved to Seeker’s Stronghold. This looks frickin’ awesome. Take care of it, finish it, love it. :anjou_love:

I’m having a small problem with the game at the moment, for some reason if you hit the edge of the screen the Dragon stops as it’s supposed to, but the rider slides off of the dragon - WTF?
So I’ve just implemented it just now as a punishemnt - that if you fly off screen you can’t shoot.
Therefore making flying offscreen pointless.

I’ll try to find a work around this problem, It may involve merginf the rider and dragon sprite together.

I’ll work on it more once I get my exams out the way!
Three weeks V_V

Good luck to you, games factory is shit though lol. Beats programming though, that just goes straight over my head.

I should use GAME-MAKER, it’s like the Games Factory, but it’s harder to use but at the end of the day you can make more complex games with it.

Someone made a 3D DOOM style game in it! Theoretically, if I could figure out how that was done, I could do a “MODE-7” stylio Panzer game LOL.
But A lot of GAME-MAKER’s stuff is done in a scripting environment, and I just don’t have the sense of logic to use it properly.

I’ll stick with it on GF, if it turns out impossible - Start a fresh on something new.

Just program damnit!:stuck_out_tongue:
Don’t ask for my help tho as I’m pretty sick of programming right now (and I have to deliver a project tomorrow…)

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]Just program damnit!:stuck_out_tongue:
Don’t ask for my help tho as I’m pretty sick of programming right now (and I have to deliver a project tomorrow…)[/quote]

And you think I’m not?
I hate programming even though I know the basics.
It bores me and I’m not doing it.
I have school too you know.

GAME MAKER is like a combination of Scripting and Event Driven language and you can use it to good effect.
Games Factory is like a very very basic event driven language where all of the code is inserted using menus.

Ahhh… Games Factory. That brings back some memories.

Anybody remember Klick and Play?

Ive played a few Klik & Play. Some okay stuff but generally quite dodgy.

I tried learning that Game Maker, was able to replicate the first tutorial game but that’s about it.