Outrun 2- PlayStation 2 exclusive?

Ok, now I’m pissed!

Apparently (and you know what I’m gonna say if you’ve read the title) Outrun 2 will be a PS2 exclusive!

Why, why, why???

It’s running on an arcade version of Xbox hardware, a port would be simple and quick, but no! Another Sega mess up, they’ve decided to do a PS2 port which will take ages to convert to lesser hardware.

I would almost understand if it was multi-format.

Xbox is aimed towards the more mature gamer. Those gamers who are more likely to remember the original Outrun (and if not, then they’ve probably played it in Shenmue 2)

I have almost completely lost all faith in Sega…and that’s something I never thought would happen.

??? I don’t have either of the new 3 consoles - but why PS2?? Why a classic arcade game sequel on PS2??

sigh… why did sega have crap marketing - thats the cause of their downfall.

e.g - omg new 128bit console, top games - I GOT IT! Lets do an advert of 4 barbers shaving people!

I am looking forward to playing OR2 in the arcades - but if sega didn’t mess up i would be playing it on thier new console.

Oh come on guys, you KNOW why. PS2 has a MUCH larger user base than Xbox, which roughly translates to more people willing to buy a copy.

Using the same logic, why doesn’t Sega develop all their games exclusively for the Playstation 2, or port all their games to all the leading systems?

I believe this has more to do with Japan than anything else. The X-Box isn’t very popular there.

Sega did the same with Virtua Fighter 4, and I won’t blame SErvice GAmes if that is the case. However, I will be pissed off if we don’t see anymore X-Box exclusive titles from Sega aimed at their hardcore fans and mature gamers alike.

Wait until Sega announces Shining Force 4 for the Gamecube.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
Wait until Sega announces Shining Force 4 for the Gamecube.[/quote]


[quote=“U K Narayan”]

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
Wait until Sega announces Shining Force 4 for the Gamecube.[/quote]


Heh i’ll be just fine if that release happens.

Sega has released good games on the Xbox, i mean top notch quality games, and what happened? Less then stellar sales. Can we really blame them? No.

Its really to bad that Sega isn’t going multiplatform with all thier games. Companies like Namco and Capcom routinely do it, so why can’t sega.

oh well. If only the Video Game business wasn’t well uh a business then we could see the games we want…

If Sega packaged the complete Shining Force 3 with Shining Force 4 I’d probably go out and buy a GC myself.

However, I have a feeling Sega is developing a new breed of Shining games not aimed at older fans of the series. This will annoy a lot of fans because the Shining series is very popular in Japan (Shining Force 3 sold out, in fact).

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]If Sega packaged the complete Shining Force 3 with Shining Force 4 I’d probably go out and buy a GC myself.

However, I have a feeling Sega is developing a new breed of Shining games not aimed at older fans of the series. This will annoy a lot of fans because the Shining series is very popular in Japan (Shining Force 3 sold out, in fact).[/quote]

drools in shock Shining Force 4 on GC??? O_O too much to take in, yay! If it different and not aimed at older gamers then it might suck…I’ll still get it though mwahahahaha wait for it to be released… ah, man, 10 seconds already…meh, better be worth it damn it

I shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions really.

yeah, but still! I never thought of it…now I’m excited that it might happen…koolkoolkoolkoolkoolkoolkoolkoolkoolkoolkool…^^

I expect SF4 would be GC exclusive, afterall the spawn of hell that is shining soul was released for GBA.

I don’t know if I want to be excited or not. Sega screwed Saturn RPG fans in the west in more ways than one (by refusing to translate the sequels to many great RPGs and cutting the 6th parralell from Dark Savior). Even Dreamcast Skies of Arcadia fans will miss out on the sequel unless they buy a Gamecube.

What happened in Dark Savior 6th parallel? I really liked that game

Parrallel 6 can be accessed through parralell 2 somewhere once all the other parralells have been completed (though the route was cut from our version). Apparently, Jack is the one causing the timeloop Garian cannot escape and so you must end his life. Garian isn’t Garian either. He’s closer to the evil Garian you fight in Parrelell 4.

yeah, they did screw us over here…damn them…but I probs wouldn’t have the other versions even if they did, because I got SF3 with my sisters second hand Saturn and claimed it for my own…mwahahaha…I already had a Saturn at the time, which my parents managed to win off a pringles promotion…lol, in other words my Saturn cost my the prie of a pringle box:P bout ?1.59 I think^^

Screwed is probably an understatement. I would have loved English translations of Riglord Saga 2, and Shining Force 3 scenarios 2 and 3, not to mention an uncut Dark Savior.

The only thing stoping me from loving these games is a huge language barrier.

Was Sega’s decision never to translate the sequels to such great RPGs a fully justified one, or did Sega treat its fans unfairly by not doing so?


or are they just lazy buggers like most of us?..we shall never know…

I just hate the way the video game industry (in this country at least) has become so mainstream.
I miss being able to choose from something other than driving or shooting games.
Then again, I am looking forward to Halo 2 more than most of the other stuff…unless a Skies of Arcadia sequel does get released! (I have a GC)

I’ve found that many people get an Xbox and then get a GC afterwards…usally keep both or sell their Xbox. So far 5 of my mates have done that or just got a GC thanks to mine and Vortex’s influence

You’re telling people to sell their Xboxes??

Around here it’s pretty different, people are trading in their PS2s to get either a new Silver PS2 or an Xbox and are usually buying a GameCube anyway thanks to the low price.