Out Run Coasts/2006. Best SEGA game in years

Got my copy back today .

Thank you Gamplay
In a word fucking ace , the only bad parts are the Jaggies and silly stuff the fact that like in the old Outrun II and how you have to press B when you finished a challenge to exit(keep on pressing A, and restarting).
Other than its fucking rules, best racer I’ve played in years . Nobody else could make a racer like this , only SEGA .
Sumo done wonder onthe port It’s all in that tiny 64Mb of Ram,

Thanks so much .

BTW , must say those Turbo OutRun tunes rule. Oh This is sheer Magic

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]
Thank you Gamplay
In a word fucking ace[/quote]

That’s two words.

Outrun never appealed to me, to be honest. It never seemed to have any atmosphere while playing.

I bought the original Outrun 2, sat down with my husband to play (we were huge fans of the arcade version), only to find out that we could only play together over Live or system link! We took it back the next day, and as they haven’t changed that with this release I’m not going to get it this time around either.

So what content is there over the original Xbox release?

15 new tracks (as well as the old ones) new cars, new tunes (the Turbo Outrun tunes are fantasic) all new mission modes and far better use of LIVE.

  • fanboy mode * .

This is best SEGA racer since Daytona USA, Its just pure SEGA magic all the way Nobody makes a better racer than SEGA. Some of the backrounds are insane , Lost City, Ice Scape and that Milky Way , are just amazing to look at . Played it so much last night, I had cramp on my Right Index finger (I kid you not) . My Game of the year already.

Happy Days…

To be this good, takes SEGA

The Jaggies were implemented in the game intentionally BTW.
It’s like that in Arcades as well!

(Although it’s hard to see it because the monitors SEGA used on the OUTRUN2SP Cabs were quite blurry on their default settings - unless tweaked by the operator)

It was for artistic effect, they removed the anti aliasing to give the game a “gritty” look - and it works!

The less “Sun Glare” was also like that in Arcades (The OutRun 2 tracks were toned down to match the look of the more “rough” American tracks)

Look at how textured the road looks without the AA?
I swear, it’s actually the first time using no filtering has actually made a game look better.
It really shines on the wood textures as well, that look rough and grainy, like wood should do. Also they used higher res Textures for the ashphalt this time around (And kept this for the Xbox version - although had to lower other textures at it’s expense)

I have the PS2 and XBOX version - one thing I don’t understand is that the XBOX version looks better in general - but there is ONE graphical detail on the PS2 that actually looks better!
It is the “Welcome to our town!” banner from Tulip Garden.
On the Xbox version of C2C you can hardly read it (Unlike the first Xbox OutRun 2 where it’s pin sharp) - but on the PS2 version the text is well defined and readable :S

It’s just different balances of quality on the textures, deciding which textures get dedicated the most RAM.
(Yes while the banner looks good on PS2 Tulip garden everything else looks crap LOL)

They can’t change it.

The OutRun uses a free choice road sstem that can load 5 of any 15 stages - it loads these stages AS you drive - If two players on the SAME screen got too far apart it would screw up, because it deleted data after it gets so far away from the screen (And deltes the stage you were on entirley once you’re in the “next” stage.
Making it a technical impossibility on any of the current gen home consoles.

If you wanted true split screen OutRun, you would need enough ram to hold any of the stages that the player COULD be in - and that’s a LOT of ram.

How does this compare to the arcade version in terms of experience? There’s nothing like showing off in an arcade and drifting across the checkpoint. And competing against someone too although OUTRUN is less competitive compared to the intense INITIAL D games. You can’t play that game without some chinese bloke challenging you every five minutes.

Actually OutRun is very competative.
Just look at the time scores.
SPENCE2k5 and RJAY63 are arguable the best OutRunners ever and they’re both brittish. :stuck_out_tongue: They actuall OWN the Japanese at OutRun 2 HARD.
But the first OutRun 2 had a scoreboard bug in it (that was fixed later on in the Japanese and V2 release) so the Japanese thought they were the best.
But Spence was actually beating them at everything, his scores were just being uploaded to the wrong boards! :frowning: (he had V1)

What do you mean in terms of experience?
It’s the same code as the arcade ;p
Just a whole lot better!
Only difference is the graphics have been cut down on a bit to run on Xbox.

Ironicaly though, two of the features they cut out of the Xbox version ARE in the PS2 version… (Sun Lens Flare on Sunny Beach, Ending animation on Floral Village)
But overall (stage graphics etc) the PS2 version looks worse.

Before you try to challenge me on these facts, I own both versions.


The game is region free on Xbox.
It works in PAL, SECAM and NTSC territories even if your Xbox isn’t modded.

Maybe British are better at it because it’s only a Japanese minority that owns Microsoft’s console and the game. Or those guys cheat :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“gearguy”]Actually OutRun is very competative.
Just look at the time scores.
SPENCE2k5 and RJAY63 are arguable the best OutRunners ever and they’re both brittish. :stuck_out_tongue: They actuall OWN the Japanese at OutRun 2 HARD.
But the first OutRun 2 had a scoreboard bug in it (that was fixed later on in the Japanese and V2 release) so the Japanese thought they were the best.
But Spence was actually beating them at everything, his scores were just being uploaded to the wrong boards! :frowning: (he had V1)

What do you mean in terms of experience?
It’s the same code as the arcade ;p
Just a whole lot better!
Only difference is the graphics have been cut down on a bit to run on Xbox.

Ironicaly though, two of the features they cut out of the Xbox version ARE in the PS2 version… (Sun Lens Flare on Sunny Beach, Ending animation on Floral Village)
But overall (stage graphics etc) the PS2 version looks worse.

Before you try to challenge me on these facts, I own both versions.


The game is region free on Xbox.
It works in PAL, SECAM and NTSC territories even if your Xbox isn’t modded.[/quote]

Its not really the same experience compared to the comfty outrun cabinet and the adreniline rushing that can be found in the arcade.

Good day.

They dont cheat, I’ve watched their superplays. And no - The japanese suck at the Arcade version as well. They get some of the fastest times on Time Attack in Arcades but Spence2k5 has beaten those on Xbox (with a fanatec wheel, which is almost the same as the one in the cab).

Rjay63 had spent ?300 ($600) in OutRun 2 cabs and even more in SP within a short while of them being released LOL

I’d say it’s better than Arcade. Arcades are full of Chavs and retards these days and some little kid ALWAYS spills his ice cream on the OutRun 2 seat JUST as you want to go on it.

Bust pedals and f’ed gear shifters are another neat feature on most OutRun 2 cabs.
It’s better than Arcade in terms of gameplay.
It has more cars, modes and tracks.

I shagged my Steering wheel at OutRun the other day.
I was power drifting, I slammed the wheel left and the hand accelerator “trigger” broke off LOL!
THank god I use the pedals!


They dont cheat, I’ve watched their superplays. And no - The japanese suck at the Arcade version as well. They get some of the fastest times on Time Attack in Arcades but Spence2k5 has beaten those on Xbox (with a fanatec wheel, which is almost the same as the one in the cab).

Rjay63 had spent ?300 ($600) in OutRun 2 cabs and even more in SP within a short while of them being released LOL

I’d say it’s better than Arcade. Arcades are full of Chavs and retards these days and some little kid ALWAYS spills his ice cream on the OutRun 2 seat JUST as you want to go on it.

Bust pedals and f’ed gear shifters are another neat feature on most OutRun 2 cabs.
It’s better than Arcade in terms of gameplay.
It has more cars, modes and tracks.[/quote]

Its hard unless you’ve been to japan yourself and see the full picture. i know many arcade gamers that don’t bother record their stats and they usually come up with good scores. The fact that OR2 is on the xbox doesn’t mean a thing in j land since most people are more likely to just play the arcade version rather than purchasing its console port. At the moment the scores as they are now maybe the UK is the winner but to my original point i dunno if may of them play that game compared to INITIAL D where the challenge is(In the sense more people play it.)

As for the arcades, shame. I go to the chinatown ones where you don’t get that many undesirables(which is kinda laughable since arcades are always full of them) and is stricly for the challenge. The problem is to play the latest latest games i have to go to the modern arcades where the chavs and joe sixpack are…

Well, actually a lot of the players do record their stats…
the game has that internet ranking system.
I know that not all players use it - but the best ones do ;p
And the REALLY good players have the Arcade machine hooked up to their DVD recorders etc. There are superplay vids of OutRun 2 and SP out there FROM the arcade cabs.
Bloody brilliant.

OutRun 2 on XBOX or Arcade doesn’t matter. - They’re exactly the same in terms of gameplay.

The scores are comparable because the game uses exactly the same code - only differences are loading routines.
Scores on XBOX and ARcade are directly comparable and this has been backed up by the JPN and UK champs that have played the game on both formats. And if you’re using a FANATECH wheel then controller differences aren’t a problem either as they use professional quality mechanisms almost identical to those used in the OR2 Cab. :slight_smile:

My scores on OutRun 2006 are dismal compared to the Japanese.
I only manage 1.09 million.
The UK and JP champs are getting scores in the 1.4 to 2 million range.