Out Run 2

Firstly, I went to a friends birthday to play “lazer quasar”. Kinda crap though, the game was boring and everyone ended up fighting (had to run away through a very small arena to avoid getting rushed… got caught about three times tho x.x)

Anyways after that we went to some big arcade in london. Played 4 player daytona usa (won that =) and then… Out Run 2!!

The game is amazing, especially 4 player. Well worth the money, and having classic tracks being played while you race is superb. AM2 did a good job with this imo

Just wondered what anyone else thought of this game?

I know that this is something of a random and trivial question, Scott, but would that arcade have happened to be the Namco Station next door to Lord Saatchi’s art gallery and the London Eye?

I was down that way just a fortnight ago when I was singing at St. John’s, Smith Square with the school Choir (the MGS Old Boys’ London Section concert is always a Grand Day Out if there ever was one). I defeated one of my old nemeses-turned-compatriots, the seemingly omniscient James Corke-Webster, in a heated match of Virtua Tennis, burnt off 64 calories according to the dial on a Konami boxing game, rumbled “Gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES” when commentating on a Daytona USA race (attracting a lot of odd stares), and made snide remarks about the accuracy of David Ainley and Rory Mullarkey whilst they were dispensing lead-based velocity-applied remedies to zombie infestations in House of the Dead III. I’m baffled by some inconsolable killjoys who mutter that gaming is “antisocial” - great fun was had by all.

Ah, the springs of youth. What larks! :anjou_happy:

…oh, Outrun 2? I haven’t played it yet, unfortunately, although it is next on my list of X-Box titles to invest in.

Wow… That was a really long way of saying, “No, I haven’t played it.”


hehe nah, i went to Trocodero at lescister square. Glad to see you had a good time. The datona USA where i went has cameras to spectators can see your driving face! :slight_smile:

One day, i’ll play you at out run 2 :wink:

Ironically, the first time I played Outrun 2 was in at Trocdero as well over the summer. At that time however I never really got the powersliding concept down, and the game wasn’t much fun. I was astonsihed the first time I stepped into that building though, that place was huge compared to any of the arcades we have near where I live.

My friend has the Xbox version, and it is pretty fun, albeit no splitscreen play. The challenges are really tough, and I can’t seem to get by one that makes you keep your speed above a certain level.

I have sad memories of the Trocodero… mainly because it was where the former fantastic SegaWorld (remember that?) used to be located, before they raped it into “Funland”.

It’s a uncomfortable reminder of a happier past age. :anjou_sad:

Quotes his last post to cheer himself up

[quote]I know that this is something of a random and trivial question, Scott, but would that arcade have happened to be the Namco Station next door to Lord Saatchi’s art gallery and the London Eye?

I was down that way just a fortnight ago when I was singing at St. John’s, Smith Square with the school Choir (the MGS Old Boys’ London Section concert is always a Grand Day Out if there ever was one). I defeated one of my old nemeses-turned-compatriots, the seemingly omniscient James Corke-Webster, in a heated match of Virtua Tennis, burnt off 64 calories according to the dial on a Konami boxing game, rumbled “Gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES” when commentating on a Daytona USA race (attracting a lot of odd stares), and made snide remarks about the accuracy of David Ainley and Rory Mullarkey whilst they were dispensing lead-based velocity-applied remedies to zombie infestations in House of the Dead III. I’m baffled by some inconsolable killjoys who mutter that gaming is “antisocial” - great fun was had by all.

Ah, the springs of youth. What larks! :anjou_happy:

…oh, Outrun 2? I haven’t played it yet, unfortunately, although it is next on my list of X-Box titles to invest in.[/quote]

At least we can rest easy in the fact that Sega remains the Emperor of the Arcade! :anjou_happy:

Its a dying empire though, although the recent AOU seemed to show some signs of a recovery

I picked it up after the first few turns accidently while braking :anjou_happy:

If I ever sit down to play and arcade racing game, I happen to forget there is such a thing as brake. :anjou_embarassed:

When there was a VF4 tourney last year in Trocadero I saw someone complete Outrun 2 with one credit. Speaking of Namco Station near London Eye, two of my friends work there and alot of friends frequently go to Trocadero simply because of Tekken 5.

Theres a Tekken 5 tourney with Namco tokens and ?100 prize, for first place in Harrow, but I think spaces are nearly all take up.


isn’t that the only way? o_O