One of those

Ok this is one of tose posts were every one is going to think that i am mad or there gonna feel the same.

I have been an avid panzer dragoon saga fan for years i love this game it meens the world to me i’ve even bought myself the panzer dragoon saga walkthrough off ebay ok its in japanese but thats not the point lol :-).

Any way does anyone else feel that it is a sin to the game to leave it in the state that it is (Please exscuse the phrasing i dont meen state as in crap i meen state as in sega saturn form).

I would love to see this game expanded apon and converted to X-box (just cos it can handle more than ps2 and GC) i have completed this game so many times now and i always feel it is over to soon i would love to see some sections extended some new areas added and maybe even the possibility of moving to each area by yourself instead of having the dragon automatically going to each area…

and there are always places i want to revist but cant as some of the areas disapair after you complete them such as (imperial base).

I constantly e-mail sega about the games and about my ideas and never get a reply.

I just want to hear your views on tis subject.



Please go to a Doctor and tell him about this. He’ll help you…

And stop emailing SEGA(?), there are spam filters you know? Jeezes…

Oh sorry, you are a new member, I didn’t notice. Welcome to the board.
Just a hint, you should throw in a “.” or “,” in your posts here and there, unless you want people to think of you as a 13 year brat. =)

A remake is out of the question. Sega has no plans of making a new Panzer Dragoon RPG much less remake an old one.

Stranger things have happened though, and Sega has been resurrecting many of its older franchises recently like the Shining series. Tadashi Takezaki of Sega public relations was also quoted as saying that Sega couldn’t survive without developing its fair share of RPGs.

The main problem is that when Sega makes an RPG, the people in charge will always develop it with Japanese gamers in mind. As we all know, Panzer Dragoon Saga flopped in Japan, so Sega has no incentive whatsoever to remake the game or develop a sequel especially if it’s predestined to meet a lukewarm reception in Japan.

Hopefully though, someone at Sega will finally wake up to the fact that Japanese gamers aren’t the only ones who love RPGs, and work towards developing a global Panzer RPG. The Resident Evil games were developed for a global market as was Panzer Dragoon Orta, so taking an RPG in the same direction would be a step in the right direction IMO.

I would rather play a new Panzer RPG that exploits the graphical prowess of state-of-the-art hardware than play a remake of a game I played more than half a decade ago. Does Sega care about its hardcore fans enough to answer our prayers? No.

I personally feel the game should stay as it is, same with NiGHTS, and many of my other fave Saturn games.
Maybe if TA were still near enough the same as before… I would like a sequel, but then again, I have been starting to have mixed feelings due to there not being a Sega console to bring it out on…

You really know how to roll out that welcome wagon, don’t you Lord Craymen? :slight_smile:

But yeah, I think a lot of people here would love to play an update of Panzer Dragoon Saga if Sega did decide to produce one - if it was executed properly, of course. (Some fans definitely feel that PDS shouldn’t be tampered with though, which is a fair enough point of view.) (EDIT: I see Scott here’s of that opinion.) Sadly there are all sorts of reasons why a re-release or update of PDS doesn’t seem likely to happen though, as Geoff says…

(Oh, and it’s true that emailing Sega with ideas is not a worthwhile plan; as far as I’m aware, Sega automatically ignores all emails containing game-related suggestions and ideas.)


I personally feel the game should stay as it is, same with NiGHTS, and many of my other fave Saturn games.
Maybe if TA were still near enough the same as before… I would like a sequel, but then again, I have been starting to have mixed feelings due to there not being a Sega console to bring it out on…[/quote]

I wonder how you will react if Sonic Adventure 3 is a Playstation 3 launch title? Try not to lose your sanity. :slight_smile:

The same way how I found out that a lot of my beloved Saturn game were released as PS2 games (Winter Heat, Last Bronx, etc). I was outraged, upset, and dissapointed… My hopes still lie with Sega making a secret suprise console to annihilate everyone (in my dreams =P)

First of all welcome Azeluk.No you are not the only one who would like a remake.I personally would just love the idea.


Lance:He’s German.

Welcome to the boards.

I’d only want a remake, if it was kept true to the original. No plot changes, art style changes, etc. It was have to be completely true to Team Andromeda’s vision.

I’d much rather see a sequel though.

Ya i think i went over the top describing my self e-mailing sega i havnt emailed them lately i just wanted to put my point across on how much i love the title.

I totally agree what i meant was maybe add a couple of areas or even make some areas bigger such as georgius not just to give us more to explore but maybe to help us understand things a bit more like the shelcoof being so close to the tower and did the tower try to save the shelcoof untill it had enough energy ect.

plus i would love to see the town of zoah expanded on i really enjoy the town.


p.s. I’ve never had a game over in the game and i’ve never let the bomb hit zoah either what does happen if you let the bomb hit and what happens if you die.

[quote=“Azeluk”]I totally agree what i meant was maybe add a couple of areas or even make some areas bigger such as georgius not just to give us more to explore but maybe to help us understand things a bit more like the shelcoof being so close to the tower and did the tower try to save the shelcoof untill it had enough energy ect.

plus i would love to see the town of zoah expanded on i really enjoy the town.[/quote]

I think it would make more sense for them just to make a sequel. The problem with remakes is that they often change details. Even if the details are just minor, it can still bring up inconsistances, etc.

If places like Zoah were made bigger, then there would have to be a reason to go to these additional areas. For example, in the game you’re invited into the Holy District, so that area is related to the plot. If new areas were added, there would need to be changes made to the plot as ‘excuses’ for going there. Unless they were bonus areas, but again, why not make a new game with these new areas instead, rather than porting the notoriously complex Saturn code? Also, I don’t know if I’d trust Amusement Vision with a Saga remake.

It’s game over when the bomb hits Zoah. However, the Divine Visitor revives Edge and magically transports him back to the last save point.

Yeah, a remake could be a real nightmare from a storyline-continuity point of view; not only would it have a new script to the old PDS, but it’d almost certainly be translated by a different group of people too, which would bring in all sorts of extra changes.

I recently (well, fairly recently) played through the remake of Resident Evil 1 on the Gamecube, and although I did think it was a good game that was worth playing, it made all sorts of noticeable changes to the original storyline; while it’s easier to shrug these things off in a not-so-serious game like RE, in a remake of a full-on RPG (like PDS) those continuity problems would be magnified enormously. We’d have the inevitable dilemma of which game held the “real” version of the storyline, which game’s portrayal of the PD world could be considered truthful or canon, and there wouldn’t really be an easy solution to that. So yes, from that point of view I wouldn’t be in favour of a remake, even though (from a gameplay point of view) I’d love to see what PDS could have been with more advanced gaming technology.

Doesn’t the Deathmaker only explode in mid-air and do a ridiculous amount of damage to you? I always thought that was slightly odd (that we don’t literally see it hit the village)…

Sorry for my ignorance but i thought Smilebit was developing the panzer dragoon games now who are Amusement Vision.

I just feel that this game deserves more recognition and because it is on the sega saturn i dont think the recognition will ever grow much further than sega fanatics.

even if the game was ported that would be a plus but again i can see the problems with it being ported.

O well lets just hope a sega team member stumbles across this amazing site and takes pitty on us by announcing either a sequal or a ported Saga.

One thing i have to ask though did any one else dislike the one button form change on orta and did anyone else get off put by the dragon being completely different from the rest of the panzer universe.


I don’t think Sega will remake Saga, I think it is much more likely for them to make a next RPG following Orta’s ending. Speaking of Smilebit, I don’t think any of their xbox games were blockbusters as far as I can remember:

JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future
Panzer Dragoon Orta

Which is a shame.

Unfortunately, the Japanese philosophy is that only successful games get remade, or have a sequel. PDS wasn’t a success in Japan in so far as they measure success (i.e. in the number of copies sold) so it won’t get re-made.

It appalls me to think that one of the world’s most innovative countries won’t remake a game based on sales when every copy sold, and has likely changed hands multiple times. And been pirated, unfortunately.

Aren’t the japanese market shrinking and losing importance? I don’t know but the age of japanese dominance in games seems to be nearly over.

So the hopes for new interesting games (and a new PD game) are in the western now. USA, Europe, Heck, even my country are making good creative games now! (after scanning all of the junk you will find them)

Yes. Konami, Square-Enix and even Sega wouldn’t be half as successful as they were if they didn’t release their games outside of Japan.

30% of all games made come from Britain now, believe it or not (with developers like Bizzare Creations and Lionhead Studios leading the way).

Sega can’t afford to ignore the rest of the world if it hopes to survive.

Or not…

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]30% of all games made come from Britain now, believe it or not (with developers like Bizzare Creations and Lionhead Studios leading the way).

I’m not entirely sure about the accuracy of that number (could very well be true), but Bizarre Creations and Lionhead are hardly the reason why. There’s a little-known developer called Rockstar North from Britain. Maybe you’ve heard of them? :wink:

30% of all games made come from Britain now, believe it or not [/quote]

Going of topic, but that is kind of a wierd statement, 30% of console titles? 30% of purchased titles? 30% of titles purchaseable in the UK? I know if I walk into a US game store, 30% of the games on the shelves are not from the UK (are you counting Canada?). I do realize the UK does a lot of game you wouldn’t think of, but I’m pretty aware of the devlopers who make stuff …