Omega Dawn cripples PSN news at 11!

Just kidding, but seriously …

… is the Playstation Network (up to and including)

The Playstation Store
Downloading Purchases

and even

Signing In!!!

running like absolute ASS for everybody else at the moment?

My guess is that it’s Omega Dawn (both people downloading it and playing).

The last time I saw so much downloading that it nearly crippled the whole network was when they released High Stakes Poker.

Looks like I’ll have to wait to download and enjoy the new expansion … as it simply won’t let me do it now. I can’t get past 1 or 2 percent without getting shut down with a connection error.

Is this like, a copy of a post you’ve put on other boards or something? Do you actually expect “everyone” (or even anyone at this time) to even know what you’re talking about?

But hey, good job balancing the scales against the glut of non-Sony related threads on this board! :anjou_love:

What HA means is - thread carefully or feel the wrath of the Berserker Rage! :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Heretic Agnostic”]Is this like, a copy of a post you’ve put on other boards or something? Do you actually expect “everyone” (or even anyone at this time) to even know what you’re talking about?

But hey, good job balancing the scales against the glut of non-Sony related threads on this board! :anjou_love:[/quote]

Don’t pretend to speak for everyone on the boards, Heretic. There could be lurking PS3 owners or people simply not responding who are finding use of these threads.

Regardless, I’ll continue to post about the things I find interesting, just as you are free to do yourself.

Don’t pretend to speak for everyone on the boards, Heretic. There could be lurking PS3 owners or people simply not responding who are finding use of these threads.[/quote]

Heretic certainly doesn’t speak for me, as I enjoy reading most of your threads, and you’re one of the few active members on the site who is consistently making new topics. I think the PS3 is shaping up to be a pretty impressive machine, and I enjoy reading what you think about various things. I won’t own one for a pretty large number of years yet (which will hurt all the more when Little Big Planet releases, believe me), so in the meantime I like reading about and researching all of the consoles that I don’t own. That way, when the prices come down and I acquire them, I won’t feel totally in the dark (hell, it’s what I did with the previous generation, and it works for me).

Please do! :anjou_happy: Unless, you know, we’ve somehow missed what the point of a message board is supposed to be.