
A fantastic upcoming title for ps2 , genre: " original , artistic game that prolly won’t sell" .

Okami , brought to you by the developers of Viewtiful Joe.

Here one link with some description , images , videos , easy to google for more info.


Now is one of those moments where i regret to not have bought a ps2…
I was able to play some REZ at a friend’s place , but i really regret not
having games like ICO , Shadow of the Colossus , We love katamari (never played it , but i heard it’s great) and this little baby here

I feel your pain. pat I too lack a PS2 and I too want Okami… maybe I’ll get one short before the PS3 launch, I’m expecting a major price dip for it then. >.>;;

Same here, PS2s will be worth less than dirt soon, I’ll get one then.

It’s reasons like that that make “console wars” sort of stupid. If there are games you like on a system, and you can afford it, just buy the darn thing :slight_smile:

There’s a ton of great content on all three (well, 4 if you count the original Xbox and 360 separately) of the current consoles, so if you can afford it, I just say buy all of them :anjou_love:

The problem is that great games don’t come out on just those systems. There are also exclusive titles for the GBA, DS, PSP, and PC, and playing them all would require buying all of the systems, as well as the current and next generation consoles. I have all of the four consoles that you mentioned above, and a GBA, but I can’t see myself getting a 360, Wii, and a PS3, especially considering the newly announced ?425 price tag for the PS3 in the UK. I could buy them all, but probably wouldn’t be too finacially responsible, at least not at launch. I guess the point I’m trying to make is sometimes we have to make a choice between the systems and only get one or two of them. This is where the console wars come in. Whoever offers the best deal at the time gets the gamer’s money, and I believe that this is well worth debating so we can help one another decide which console/PC/handheld(s) is/are best suited to each of us, so that we can make a more informed decision when we actually go and buy one of them.

Generally I make sure there are at least three games I want before I buy a system. If it meets that threshold then I have a winner (and having three games makes ne feel reasonably certain I’ll get more I like later on). This doesn’t always happen, so it prevents me from buying too many systems and crowding what meager shelf space I have around my TV.

Getting back to the topic, I played Okami for the first time at E3 this year and enjoyed the demo quite a bit. I wish it didn’t put me on a timer though since the system booted me off before I could finish the task I set out to do, but that was a demo problem and not a game problem. The only thing about the game that bothered me in the demo was that I had trouble getting rid of enemies in combat. Other than that though, the control was great. I never expected that painting was going to be as easy as it turned out to be.

Solo: I understand that, but my main point was simply get the systems you can afford, and don’t spend energy going around and saying, “OMGZ PS2 suxxx0rz!!!1!” because frankly, there are a ton of really good games on all the systems.

As for Okami, I’m intentionally staying away from it until it launches. I want it to be a fresh experience when I pick it up… though I’m worried I simply won’t have time to noodle around with it, given the sheer number of titles that I have to slog through in my current collection somtime in the immediate future.

Oh definitely, I certainly don’t think going around saying something like that is all that constructive either :slight_smile: A well thought out piece of constructive critisim against a console’s lineup/features is usually a good thing though.

[quote=“Abadd”]It’s reasons like that that make “console wars” sort of stupid. If there are games you like on a system, and you can afford it, just buy the darn thing :slight_smile:

There’s a ton of great content on all three (well, 4 if you count the original Xbox and 360 separately) of the current consoles, so if you can afford it, I just say buy all of them :anjou_love:[/quote]

I feel poor :anjou_sad:

OMGZ PS3 suxxx0rz!!!1! :anjou_happy:


[quote=“Abadd”]It’s reasons like that that make “console wars” sort of stupid. If there are games you like on a system, and you can afford it, just buy the darn thing :slight_smile:

There’s a ton of great content on all three (well, 4 if you count the original Xbox and 360 separately) of the current consoles, so if you can afford it, I just say buy all of them :anjou_love:[/quote]

I feel poor :anjou_sad:[/quote]

I am poor.

sigh When I first saw Okami, I drooled. I dunno if it was the beauty of it all or the fact it was something different than everything I was playing. I hope it sales when it’s released too. Otherwise, developers will eventually assume gamers are happy with what they’re given, and quit trying to be original.

And I will cry so hard…

This is reminding me a little of the “I have all 4 consoles so that means I’m unbiased” nonsense I hated more than any honest fanboy bias on GameFAQs for a while. Everyone likes something at least a little better than they like something else, “unbiased” is a concept not a practical virtue, and objectivity is a state of understanding of bias not the absence of it.

There’s nothing wrong with criticising something regardless of the merits of said criticism, it’s just an opinion and no opinion is perfect or “true”. For me what breaks the merit of an opinion is when it’s stated in a way to preclude the value of anyone else’s opinion. Even worse are opinions that try to impose an argument against someone else’s feelings about something, which is pretty much always the case on the subject videogames.

For example I don’t especailly care if someone says “XBOX sucks” because in most contexts it can be considered self qualifying as just an opinion. But if someone says “XBOX is a piece of shit and evil and you’re a noob for having one” then they have just effectively negated their significance to my reality. shrug

When PS2s hit ?100, I’m getting one. I want to play DMC, GoW, Shadow of Memories (man, how old is THAT?!) and a few other games.

Already have done - new slimline PS2s with games range from ?105 to about ?140, and second hand ones are usually between ?75 - ?90 odd depending on model and colour.

Shadow of Memories is great too - used to have a load of fun playing that through.

Yeah, I got my slimline PS2 just a couple of months ago for ?100 with a memory card. Plus I got a STACK of second hand games for the price of a single new game (Including Silent Hill 2, MGS2 and ICO). Right now i’m playing Shadow of the Colossus - it would have been worth getting the console to play it alone. The end of a generation is always my favorite time for gaming. :anjou_love: