New NiGHTS and Skies of Arcadia?

As if any decent company has expressed interest in the IP…

the only ones i can think of that wpld fit with PD style would be like the ones that made Ico.

I’d prefer the guys who made The Witcher if they were able to get enough funding. I did find Saga quite western-esque in style over other Japanese RPGs anyway. But it won’t happen and I’m sure if Sega ever attempt it, they’ll do it as good as anyone else. I’m not sure that’s a good thing of course, seeing as my reservation for a third party rely on the fact they won’t have a love for the franschise or understand its appeal if they weren’t fans beforehand.

You don’t hear that many companies expressing a wish to make a game using someone else’s IP that often. In fact I don’t recall ever reading about such a thing.

You do see companies developing games based on other companies’ IPs but you only hear about it when there’s an actual green-lit project.

Kay, I’ll rephrase that to “as if any decent company would be interested in purchasing PD” then.

What makes you say that? :smiley:

It’s as interesting as ever to see through the eyes of the hardcore gamefan.

You should all know the rules of the industry by now. Not all stories have happy endings.

There’s a bigger chance that the poles will shift than there is Sega making another Panzer game… not that that is the best of ideas to begin with.

Anyway, I thought Nights did ok on the Wii? No potential for a sequel at all?

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]It’s as interesting as ever to see through the eyes of the hardcore gamefan.

You should all know the rules of the industry by now. Not all stories have happy endings.

There’s a bigger chance that the poles will shift than there is Sega making another Panzer game… not that that is the best of ideas to begin with.[/quote]

Most stories have sad endings. As for PD’s chance, if we are seeing it through the eyes of a hardcore gamefan than you are seeing it through the eyes of a jaded and bitter gamefan. In the end, both of them share at least one aspect - they can’t predict the future. :anjou_happy:

I’m more jaded than you could even begin to imagine my old friend!

The only game I really play anymore is WoW, and I play that for the people mostly now (until the expansion arrives anyway).

However, after reading about the new Sonic, I’m glad that someone at Sega is finally determined to restore faith in the Sonic brand, even if I’m not a fan myself.