NA PDS on a JP Saturn?

Hi, new member here with a new member question.

I recently won an eBay auction for a North American PDS with the intention to play it on my white JP Saturn with an Action Replay 4-in1 cart. Is it possible?

I’ve recently read that PDS is incompatible with the AR 4-in-1 cart because PDS has some special programming that is intended to prevent cheating. Can someone confirm if this is true for all versions of PDS - or does this only apply to the JP version?

If i’m out of luck can anyone suggest another way to play the game (short of buying a NA Saturn)?

Thanx :slight_smile:

I thought white saturns are supposed to support games from any region without need for special cartriges or mod switches?
Sorry can’t really say, I guess you will have to wait and see…unless someone else here knows for sure…

Nothing short of a standard save cartridge made by Sega will allow you to save your games. Unless you use the Saturn’s internal memory.

You can transfer save game files to and from save carts for Saga for archiving, but you cannot access the files on a cart through the game.

PDS does have issues using action replay stuff- I am almost sure it won’t work, but I could be wrong. When I just leave mine in on accident it halts.

Can’t you pick up a cheap US saturn?

I can’t find any where I live. The only place that I could get one is where I got my white Saturn: eBay. I don’t really want to do that because it’s hard to find just a console on eBay without alot of extras (like games I don’t want), plus shipping is usually more than the system itself.

What do you mean when you say:
“When I just leave mine in on accident it halts.”?

Have you gotten PDS to work using a PAR cart? Which version of PDS do you have and what region of system?

Well, if all else fails, simply download a program called SATCONV.EXE (country code converter) and make a BIN/CUE image of the all 4 CDs of PDS, and then patch the image files with Satconv.

You can then use the very simple swap trick to play your backup copies.

[quote]…What do you mean when you say:
“When I just leave mine in on accident it halts.”?

Have you gotten PDS to work using a PAR cart? Which version of PDS do you have and what region of system[/quote]

I have a US + Japanese version of Saga, and I have US and Japanese machines, but that is besides the point…

If I leave a US Saga in my US saturn, but a Pro Action Replay cartridge is plugged in (because I moved save games around or something) , Saga won’t boot up. This is why there are no Pro Action Cheat codes for Saga.

Did you try this code?

Master code:
F6000914 C305
B6002800 0000

06002EB0 0009

I found it in the 4-in-1 cart FAQ in the Saturn Hardware FAQ section of Gamefaqs. It’s why I thought I’d be able to play NA PDS on my JP system because it’s supposed to defeat the special protection that PDS has (on a PAL PDS anyway). From what I understand, PDS will not load if anything besides a memory cart is in the cart slot.

Can you try it out for me? …please?

could someone try it out for me please? it’d help me and other people out a lot.

I forgot - what about those carts that only change regions and nothing else (like the ST-Key), has anyone tried one of those?