My vote for scariest game ever

The control scheme is Capcom taking their cues from the granddaddy of survival horror, Alone in the Dark. But somehow the controls seemed to fit better in Alone in the Dark.

But just like Resident Evil, the first one in the series was top notch and then suffered to increasingly inferior sequels.

Resident Evil’s controls, as well as Silent Hill’s, are most likely an effort to make the games scarier. If you think about how hard it is to actually fight the zombies, it does make the game a little more intense, albeit artificially. If you were a badass and could dodge around and kill zombies like they were nothing, where would the tension be?

As for Thief III, I’m playing the Xbox version, and despite the occasional bugs, I’m loving it :slight_smile: But, then again, I’ve always loved playing rogues and stuff in D&D, so this series has always had a soft spot in my gamer heart.

But yeah, going back to RE, RE4 looks hot. I mean, they’re finally doing something to revitalize that series. New engine, new style, new everything. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

i never enjoyed survival horror games due to the controls :frowning:

i always thought a survival horror based off of burning rangers’ controls would be great though (minus the jet packs and double jumps of course). just have a game where you could actually scramble. i had the idea where you’d be in like a darkened class room and then something big enters through the door. it starts moving towards you and pushing stuff out of the way. so you have to scramble and get out of there. you run along the side of the room and the thing shoves a file cabinet to block your path. you narrowly avoid being smashed by it and then clamber over it.

there would be little to no fighting, it would just be about escape and unlike any other survival horror, you’d actually be able to do it. i just hate the ‘jogging’ and awkward movement. it actually doesn’t scare, it just annoys. i always think of what i would actually do in that situation, and that is what i would let you do if i were to design a survival horror.

you would sprint, dive, roll, leap, stumble, climb, crawl etc all like you were actually going to die if you didn’t.

I’d rather be scared in other ways than simply because of a piss-poor control scheme =/.

Yes, it does look nice ^_^.

I never thought ED was that scary. It’s an awesome game, just not scary.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Download the demo first Mumei, it’s a good game but the engine is very rough (Somewhat better than the version seen in Deus Ex: Invisible War, however not better enough imo) and to me that broke the game in a lot of cases so I’m not buying it in the end even tho I was looking forward to it.
Why did they take away the rope arrows and the ability to block hits anyway :frowning:
<3 Thief II[/quote]

Say what you will about Thief III Alex, but the great gameplay is still there. The mistake the creators made was developing the game for the PC and Xbox simultaneously: they should’ve focused on the PC version first and then ported it to the Xbox. The price the Xbox version paid for the beautiful light sourcing and shadows (Garrett casting his own shadow as he moves was a nice touch) in some of the levels were low resolution textures, and of course, some irritating slowdown. I’m glad I obtained the PC version (which still looks a lot better than its predecessors) if only to see what the future has in store for Garrett. I hated the way the Keepers were all but absent from the storyline of Thief II with only a few appearances (they didn’t play a pivotal role in the game like in Thief: The Dark Project), but they are back and as mysterious as ever.

I stated my OWN OPINION on the game.
And I went on to recommend the demo and even say that the game is good. What else did you want me to do? So, yes, I’ll say what I will about Thief III Geoffrey, I’m not the one who bashes games they don’t like around here >_>

And the mistake wasn’t the X-box, the mistake is that the developers suck in certain areas. Look at games like Ninja Gaiden & Chronicles of Riddick on the X-box and you’ll know Thief III doesn’t look bad cos of the capabilities of the console. And also look at other unreal engine games on the PC like Splinter Cell (which runs about as good - or bad - but imo has a much more pleasant look so it’s justified) to know it’s not the fault of the engine they used either. It’s the way they hacked it up to use Havok2 physics instead of the default Karma and the new renderer and the badly hacked in shadow rendering engine etc…
Plus. the biggest BS of all: No SDK or even a level editor! No more great fan missions, gone are the days of the Thief 1 & 2 glory with all the great community created levels…
Hell, I could say a LOT more problems with the game but it wasn’t my intention to bash the game on my first post and it’s not my intention now either. They are all pretty apparent in the demo anyway and anyone can judge for thesmelves if it’s worth it to them or not. For me, it’s a dissappointment. Granted, much less of a dissappointment than Deus Ex:IW was, but a dissappointment nonetheless. I’m glad you enjoy it though Geof.

Mumei you can get the demo from here:
Just make sure you chose the hardest difficulty because the Guard AI is quite bad at anything less in certain situations. You won’t be able to change it from Easy on the first mission cos it’s the tutorial, you will be able to change it in the next one though.

Now I have just Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines to really look forward to. I’m very excited about it so I hope it won’t be yet another dissapointment. sigh

I’m fairly anxious, so smaller things can give me an overall feeling of unease… Which is what this game did at times.

ok, actually theif 3 is my vote for scariest game ever. it just gets ****ed up at a certain part.

survival horrors never scared me the same way slasher flicks never scared me. they mainly play off of jump out cinematography mixed with a loud sound effect to which i become desensitized after the first five minutes, then i start wondering why i’m even playing/watching. however, there are a few movies that really draw me into it and that is when i actually get scared. the ring for instance, the characters are not morons who deserve to die for their stupidity, the mystery drew me in… then scared the **** out of me.

conversely, something like dawn of the dead did not draw me in and for a the stupidity shown in the characters, i actually began to root for the zombies.

so my analogy is: dawn of the dead remake is to the ring what resident evil is to thief III.

i mean seriously, that game is messed up!

What I liked about Fatal Frame 2 was that almost every ghost seems have a story behind their tragic ends, and each ghost is different. You can almost tell how they came to be the way they look. It makes them seem like characters rather than faceless undead.