More hidden documents on the PD2 disc

That’s interesting, I don’t remember this being alluded to in any of the English scripts; it does tie in with the first entry from Lundi’s diaries in PDS, though:

An envoy from Meccania came to
purchase a grown Coolia. Meccanian
officers always pay well, so there
was plenty of food on the table
that night.

EDIT: And funnily enough, this actually is hinted at in the bizarrely translated blurb on the back of the US Zwei box, too: image.

Just a quick question, but does this mean that Lundi is his equivalent to a first name / forename and Jean-Jaque a surname / family name? I’ve gathered that Japanese name-writing conventions differ from Western ones, but I think this has been translated into English as both “Jean Jacque Lundi” and “Lundi Jean Jacque” in official sources (EDIT: as Solo points out), so could you give a definitive word on that…?

(And as always, good work Kimimi!)

Lance, I’m almost positive that’s the same as on the back of the US Zwei box too. I’m too lazy to dig it up but I know I’ve read that, one of those things deliberataly forgotten about since it’s so obviously garbage. Good catch!

EDIT: smacks head OK… it is US yeah well, that’s what I meant.

Sure no problem - I want to go back through it all and check for mistakes before anything is put up permanently, but if you’ve got plans for how you want it referenced and laid out please let me know and I’ll do my best to help out!

There’s no concrete answer in the text here, but I would say that I’m 90% sure Lundi is his first name, and he’s deathly embarassed of it :anjou_happy:

EDIT : Oh, and after seeing that US box I promise to never complain about PAL ones again!

I like the way you’ve got it laid out at the moment. Unless anyone can think of better way for it to be set out, sticking with the current structure should do the job just fine.

So, are we still dealing with the World document at the moment? Perhaps we should wait until that is completely translated, before putting the Translations section up (whole translated documents at once rather than partial ones).

In the case of Panzer Dragoon North America has had the worst box artwork and presentation for every single game IMO, and you can trust me they’re ALL much worse than the PAL versions… :anjou_disappointment:

[quote]So, are we still dealing with the World document at the moment? Perhaps we should wait until that is completely translated, before putting the Translations section up (whole translated documents at once rather than partial ones).

I have only the “Dragon” section to finish off now, and that’s pretty short so I expect to have it done on Sunday for you. After that, I’m happy to do anything that sounds like it’ll give some interesting info! I am sorry for the length of time it’s taking, but with a full time job and a husband I do have other commitments that have to come first.

Well, Kimimi, you’re doing a lot already, so take your time, we won’t push you, but remember we’re all eager to read more of this stuff, it’s really interesting, and we’re all glad you can do this to satisfy our need for more panzer dragoon stuff :anjou_embarassed:

By all means, take all the time that you need to complete the translation, there’s absolutely no hurry. We appreciate this greatly. :slight_smile:

I feel really bad bringing this up again, but after refreshing my memory and adding even more to my knowlege lately I skimmed Lance’s and Robert’s response to the Meccania/Tower issue and the timeline does seem to mess it all up no matter how it’s read.

So… maybe I made much too big an issue of it in the first place, and read the statement… That previous work was Panzer Dragoons ?Tower?. …too literally. Perhaps it’s only meant to reference the “Tower” by name to make it clear that Meccania had discovered a Ruin of the same kind as was destroyed in Panzer Dragoon?

And again Kimimi, no need to apologise for taking your time. I mean, what else do we have to look forward too? :anjou_happy:

Well I’m going to go over the entire document whenI’ve finished the Dragon section to brush up the grammar and get some vague kind of finality to it, so I will be looking at that section again. :anjou_happy:

*[About “Lagi” Dragon?]

By profession the Hero knows about “Living Weapons”, his knowledge about the Ancient Age ruins being far greater than that of general people. He sees the deformity as as sign of the legend of the Dragon so he has no doubts that he should raise the pup.18

Here in the village, there has recently been a variety of (deformed) Coolia and many of the villages have deep misgivings of the matter. [People have put forward a variety of sucessful ideas, and as above all things they are seen as an ominous symbol, they are to be killed at birth on sight] So wothout question it became the villages law. The Hero is against the law causing him to rear the deformed Coolia in hhiding.

[Ragi19] (Lagi) grew at several times the rate of the other Coolia and after a period of months was nearly an adult.

[Dragons] were the Ancient Ages weapons of war, a variation on the “Living Weapons”. Simply, if it is compared with the other mass produced “Living Weapons”, the Dragon lineage was a trail manufacture, so only a limited number of units were produced. Still, they were used for many purposes on the battlefield, because of its role guarding people they are inserted with consideration, their many additional functions hidden from view by their diverse forms.

Such information concerning the Dragon has been heard by the Empire although they have not been able to clarify it, not to mention the story all the more empowers the civilians.20
18 Although the text doesn’t explicitly say “the pup/Coolia, etc” I couldn’t just leave it as “He should be raising.”. I’d sell my granny if it turned out to be something else, though :slight_smile:

19 Like Randi Jyan Jyakku, kept for posterity.
20 The kanji used for “story” here, makes it sound almost like a religious foretelling rather than just an old wives tale, and where I’ve used “empowered” the original Japanese states “convert”, again to further imply that the Dragon is more of a religious saviour than anything.*

…That’s it!! Phew :anjou_love:

Thanks for everybody who still reads my hack jobs, because I really enjoyed doing it! If you guys can tolerate my level of translating, I’m happy to have a go at a few more. The “Old Diaries” mentioned by Solo Wing sounded pretty interesting, but if you guys can offer and reasonable suggestions then please do!


This is the most trippy section yet, the way you’ve explained 20 really is interesting to me. I can infer a portrait of the Empire discrediting awareness of the Dragons because it’s inimical to their own agenda. Perhaps explaining how ignorant and surprised they were when they first encountered Lagi, despite being so well informed about ancient weapons in general. If there was a policy of suppressing all credible Dragon information to cast it as pure superstition.

Definitely keep the annotation for the archive, I believe you’ve been very responsible about the parts you can’t convert directly. I’ll read any and all hack jobs you grace us with Kimimi. :anjou_happy:

I agree I think they supressed all talk of the legends of the Dragon to stop people believing that there was something more powerful than the Ancient weapons the Empire was trying to control - after all, if there’s something more powerful than what you have you’re not top dog are you?

I’ll try to rewrite that final part in an attempt to convey the religious aspect of the original text rather than leave it purely to the notes. Any suggestions?

Thank you for the encouragment too, Heretic, it gives me a bit of confidence in my work :anjou_embarassed:

I can’t exactly suggest anything, but based on what you’ve said the closest direct word alternatives I could think of are:

Such information concerning the Dragon has been heard by the Empire although they have not been able to clarify it, not to mention the testament all the more incites the civilians.

I don’t actually think it reads very well, and I have no idea if they’re truly applicable.

Wow, thanks very much for translating all of that text Kimimi. It’s given me, and I’m sure everyone else here as well, some more insight into the PD world, which I love learning about.

It’s no problem - I enjoy it! I’m finishing off the Old Diary this weekend, and then depending on what I’m working next week I expect the monster list done on my next day off after that.