Midway Arcade Treasures 3 .... grrrrrr


Digital Eclipse is just plain phoning it in now.

The first collection had some really great games…classics all around…but they just plain fucked up on SOME of the translations, (video and audio) making them nearly unplayable (Paperboy, Spy Hunter, Vindicators).

The SECOND collection, they pretty much nailed, good ports, better controller settings, and more accurate video and sound, and a real feel of polish on some of the higher profile games like MKII and Rampage World Tour.

I’m guessing all that work went into the second collection BECAUSE of it’s close release alongside MK DECEPTION, which had MK I in the bonus disc…

…now, on to the crapfest that is Midway Arcade Treasures 3 The Racing Game Collection.

Compared to the previous titles, this one only has about 9 games…some of which were SLATED for Treasures 2 (Super Off Road and Stun Runner)…

So, with the extended development time…and the lack of titles, one would THINK that we wouldn’t have issues like chugging frame rates, lack of controller customization (even though the fucking menu option is in place…the only thing you can customize is VIBRATION ON/OFF!!!) which was THERE in Collection 2, and WAAAAAAAAY OVER-CLOCKED CPU speeds on games like Rush : The Rock and S.T.U.N. Runner (they run WAY too fast!)

I basically bought the whole collection for S.T.U.N. Runner…which is easily one of the coolest 3D racers Atari/Midway developed in the late 80s…and again, I feel burned by Digital Eclipse…they didn’t even include the gas pedal analog on S.T.U.N. Runner…and the jump-pad sound effect sounds like it’s OBVIOUSLY COMPLETELY incompatible with the PS2’s sound processor…and they just LEFT it making this terrible angry noise…

Stay far far away from this title, unless you are the same level of nostalgia/classics-collection sucker that I am…

2/10 for lack of games, poor translations, control, audio, and complete lack of extras.

Looks like I’ll STILL have to break out my LYNX if I want to enjoy some good S.T.U.N. Runner…