Microsoft to buy Lionhead? … d=24306151

Christ. Think what Lionhead could do with MS’ money.

They could delay games even longer, indefinitely even! arf arf

Seriously though, I’m not even sure how to feel about this…

I think this can be good for both parties.And for gamers in the end.

I never saw what the big deal was with Lionhead. Fable was O.K. to me at best.

In either case, if they are struggling financially, a buyout would probably seem very enticing.

My thoughts exactly.

I’d more happily see them as indepedant developers. But eh, whatever works.

It’s official: Lionhead is now part of Microsoft Game Studios:

Is this good news? :slight_smile:

Anyway Shadow, it must be great to have Oblivion and the new Tomb Raider along with the inevitable Halo 3 all in one place on the 360. I even hear that the new Tomb Raider is truer to the original classic than all the sequels.

I expect M$ to keep piling the pressure on Sony. I think Sony has reached crush depth already. >:)

Frickin’ impossible to finish without guides, you mean?

I like the fact M$ bought lionhead…because I’m a 360 owner, but M$ didn’t really need to, I mean, they were making games for Xbox and PC before this and now have to lol

Ahhh. . . Yeah.


On the subject of Tomb Raider:
I don’t like the entire series, let alone the original.
Tomb Raider was a game for lesbians, teenage boys and femenists.

Not gamers though.

TRL on 360 runs at 30fps… not exactly impressive considering the tech specs of the 360.
Let’s all rape the programmers who ported it!

Although that’s just my opinion - and if you take offence to that opinion.


[quote=“gearguy”]On the subject of Tomb Raider:
I don’t like the entire series, let alone the original.
Tomb Raider was a game for lesbians, teenage boys and femenists.

Not gamers though.

TRL on 360 runs at 30fps… not exactly impressive considering the tech specs of the 360.
Let’s all rape the programmers who ported it!

Although that’s just my opinion - and if you take offence to that opinion.


It’s not that I find it offensive, it’s just that your opinion is incredibly biased and nonsensical.

Whatever, though.

Yeah anyway the 360 version is a terrible port.
I know it’s running in “720p” - ugh I hate soccer mom terms for resolution - but there’s no excuse for it to be running at HALF the framerate of the bloody XBOX version.
You may find my opinion nonsensical, but I hate Tomb RAider, why?

Well I dont like games that have you feel like you’re going around in circles even if you’re not.
I don’t even like PSO.

Whether you hate it or not, this isn’t gamefaqs so don’t use degrading and insulting comments like that for no reason…

As far as I’m concerned the original Tomb Raider was amazing for its time. It did get boring before finishing it (but somehow made you keep going) but it was the first time a 3D game was so immersive for me. Not by the storyline or other aspects which can even work in books without visuals but for the way the environment was presented and how realistic it all seemed. The music also helped and some of the puzzles and traps were great.

I didn’t like any of the other Tomb Raider games because they didn’t evolve it further in any way even by the time the gameplay was extremely outdated. TR4 was a good homage to the original though, but still felt obviously outdated but I can imagine nostalgic fans liking it.

I’m reading that the new one is pretty good though short (perhaps the latter is a good thing too in this case). But still not ground breaking or anything close to that like it should (imo) have been. I may give it a shot at some point.

I played the demo and it looks good.Nothing mind-blowing but it’s solid (apart from the combat which is a bit cheesy).

But CD’s biggest qualities are level design,artistic design and story and I haven’t seen much of those with the demo (granted the level I played looks cool as far as aesthetic is concerned)

I thought Peter Molyneux founded Lionhead because he wanted an independent development company?

Dramatic irony works in funny ways like that.