Maximum interview … ion_01.jpg … on_02a.jpg … on_02b.jpg … ion_03.jpg

Thanks for the scans of this interview with Team Andromeda, Team Andromeda.

Kewl. Are those gonna stay up for awhile, or should I get 'em while they’re hot?

I’ll leave them up for a while, they’re not taking up much space.

It’s quite amusing reading the bit about the rumoured Panzer Dragoon RPG. I can just imagine this teasing voice saying that and then whistling innocently while trying not to look the interviewer in the eye.

[quote]Maximum: Can you tell us anything about the rumored Panzer Dragoon RPG?
Andromeda: We haven’t heard anything about it. Can you tell us something about it?[/quote]

Hehe…LIARS :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, interesting stuff. And they sure weren’t lying when they said that there would be a lot of secrets and hidden stuff in Zwie, that Pandra’s Box added a lot to the game. Odd that they called the dragon “Lugi” in that interview though, I guess that’s before Maximum really got a translated version of the game.

Nice one =)
They like Slap Fight! I love that game, I have it on Commodore 64!
One thing I noticed was:

[quote]MAXIMUM: Has the creator of the Moebius books [where the Panzer premise originated] seen this game? If so what does he think of it?
ANDROMEDA: We havn’t used Moebius’ books so he probably hasn’t seen it.[/quote]

Whats this about?

Yep I dind’t understand that part either.

Is it me or has this interview been posted on this very forum some motnhs ago?

It think the same interview was also posted on the Die Welt forums. I remember there was a discussion about whether or not you could get the Type 02 (Dark Dragon) in the normal game (not Pandra’s Box).

slabs it round the head of the person who scanned it

seriously, who made this scan???

[quote=“lordcraymen”]slabs it round the head of the person who scanned it

seriously, who made this scan???[/quote]

I did.

I’m sorry it’s out of forcus in parts, but I have a sh8t scanner. I can re-scan them if people want.

BTW, I’ve just sent the interview with Smilebit to solo. So with luck he can host them for you lot too.

Sorry to take the pi8S Solo. But I having all sorts of trouble with my web space

BTW here’s a shit pic of my Panzer mug , and the double Panzer Dragoon Saturn pack.

I love how Team Andromeda praise the Saturn’s graphical capabilities when in reality its hardware left a lot to be desired.

Not really TA never had any trouble using it. The Saturn had the best both worlds.

Un-Matched at 2D, and more than capable of 3D in the right hands.

VF II, Zwei, RSG still look better than anything thing I’ve seen on the PS

[quote=“Scott”]One thing I noticed was:

Has the creator of the Moebius books [where the Panzer premise originated] seen this game? If so what does he think of it?
ANDROMEDA: We havn’t used Moebius’ books so he probably hasn’t seen it.
Whats this about?[/quote]

It looks like a bit of a badly-informed question on the part of the interviewer; the works of a French comic-book artist called Jean Giraud (aka Moebius) are usually cited as an inspiration for the PD series, particularly his Arzach stories. Saying that the Panzer premise originated with him is a bit of an exaggeration though, as nothing in PD is directly based on Moebius’ work; I think that’s where Team Andromeda’s answer is coming from.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]BTW, I’ve just sent the interview with Smilebit to solo. So with luck he can host them for you lot too.

Sorry to take the pi8S Solo. But I having all sorts of trouble with my web space[/quote]

It’s no problem.

Here’s the Jet Set Radio interview by the way (I haven’t read it yet, but I will…): … iew_01.jpg … iew_02.jpg … iew_03.jpg … iew_04.jpg

Has the creator of the Moebius books [where the Panzer premise originated] seen this game? If so what does he think of it?
ANDROMEDA: We havn’t used Moebius’ books so he probably hasn’t seen it.
Whats this about?
It looks like a bit of a badly-informed question on the part of the interviewer; the works of a French comic-book artist called Jean Giraud (aka Moebius) are usually cited as an inspiration for the PD series, particularly his Arzach stories. Saying that the Panzer premise originated with him is a bit of an exaggeration though, as nothing in PD is directly based on Moebius’ work; I think that’s where Team Andromeda’s answer is coming from.[/quote]

Yeah that’s a good point. Also the main forcus of the Interview was Zwei. Which Moebius never did any Artwork for.

He only did the cover art for the 1st game.
So they might have some confusion over that