Made a Nausicaa Website for my friend

I just thought I’d show you guys while it’s online. It took a few months to complete, but it’s finally done. Seeing how there’s barely any comprehensive Nausicaa sites on the Internet, I think this is a pretty good one. Here it is:

i dislike frames

Haven’t had a chance to look through the whole thing yet, but it looks like you and your friend have put quite a lot of time into collecting all that information and data, so good effort.

While perhaps a bit blunt, Scott does have a point about using frames. Perhaps changing to a non-frames layout in the future could be something to consider? The reason I say this is that while frames act as a quick solution for re-using parts of the page, when screen readers (for blind people) and search engines try to “read” your page, they’re going to run into trouble. Also, it’s harder to bookmark individual pages of the site without breaking the layout. You can use PHP or a similar technology to implement this reasonably easily.

As I mentioned before, I’m impressed with the amount of data you’ve managed to collect, especially all the art, and hopefully we’ll see this added to as time goes on. Good idea about having video reviews - it makes a change being about to listen and watch, something that is becoming increasingly more popular as broadband speeds become faster.

A love the tune “A Princess Who Loves Insects”; it’s good to find a place to listen the music from the anime. I noticed a couple of the tracks were incorrectly linked or missing (Original Soundtrack disc 1, track 10, the Image Album track 4, and Symphony track 3), but other than that they all appear to be fine. Something to consider: you mention supporting the artists - perhaps provide some links to websites where these soundtracks can be purchased (if they’re still in print).

Yeah, I’ve never really been able to make a Website without frames. I only had a half a semester in Web design, so I only learned so much, and try to work off of what I know to the best of my ability. Wish I had the time to learn PHP though. :anjou_sigh:

Anyway, I appreciate your comments Solo. It took many sources to make the site, from the official Art of Nausicaa art book, to the 7 volume manga itself. After reading the Manga I couldn’t believe how certain aspects of it were frightfully similar to Panzer Dragoon. :anjou_happy:

If you’re really keen to learn how to make modern-standard based websites, I’d recommend this site:
It won’t tell you much about design, but from the coding standpoint the HTML and CSS tutorials are quite informative and teach good habits.

Of course lack of time is always a big problem, but if you’ve got a spare day in the weekend or something, you could probably rip through quite a few tutorials in a day.

PHP is a bit more tricky, but it depends on how far you want to go. You could simply create some template files without having to know too much about PHP, as explained in this tutorial:
Creating a database-driven site requires more work, but you might not find that necessary.

Indeed. I think it’s safe to say that Team Andromeda were more than a little inspired by Nausicaa.

You should probably learn to use flash - I enjoy using it and it’s quite easy to learn all the actionscript code needed to get things running. Here’s an example of a page I no longer maintain (and yes, some of the buttons do not work, anymore) - [Warning, Adult Content - SWD]

The flash sites I make now are far more advanced.

[quote=“Kadamose”]You should probably learn to use flash - I enjoy using it and it’s quite easy to learn all the actionscript code needed to get things running. Here’s an example of a page I no longer maintain (and yes, some of the buttons do not work, anymore) - [Warning, Adult Content - SWD]

The flash sites I make now are far more advanced.[/quote]

Nice site…Well, I kind of hate Flash, but may look into it. I’m not very good at tutorials, need to be physically taught by someone, and if it involves code, or any kind of Java script, programming, I’m screwed. Don’t have the mind or patience for it.

Flash is useful for some things, but it’s often overused on websites, where xhtml/css would have done the job just as well, if not better. Flash doesn’t cater as well for programs which may be trying to view the page (as opposed to people), it’s very much a visual medium.

Saying that, there are some very well constructed Flash pages out there, and when done well they can be difficult to surpass.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Flash is useful for some things, but it’s often overused on websites, where xhtml/css would have done the job just as well, if not better. Flash doesn’t cater as well for programs which may be trying to view the page (as opposed to people), it’s very much a visual medium.

Saying that, there are some very well constructed Flash pages out there, and when done well they can be difficult to surpass.[/quote]

The limitations of Flash are no longer there - the main limitation being that a site built in pure flash could not be spider-crawled by a search engine. Ever since Flash 8 and Flash CS3, those issues have been resolved - and anyone who still considers using html or it derivatives, would be considered living in the dark ages. HTML simply does not possess the refinement necessary for an enjoyable web experience - people want interaction, and HTML simply was not built for that.

I’d show you my new site, but you’d consider it taboo - so I shall leave it to your imagination. If you want, I can PM you, and you can give me some feedback on what you think of it though.

yeah what solo said, except i’m tired of always tyoing something similar so i got to the point
plus i don’t really wanna browse the site too much cos i havn’t actually watched the film yet so trying to avoid anything to do with it… (to give me a new experience when i watch it =)

and flash… i can’t stand it really…
firstly i have a flashblock extention for my web broweser that disables flash until i choose for it to run (which many others also have), to stop annoying adverts with sound, or “jukeboxes” online that annoy me while i’m trying to listen to music
secondly, bookmarking flash website pagess is usually impossible. There are a few sites that allow it (i.e homestar runner) but even then it just means i have to click on each page to enable it (because of my flash blocking)

imagine if this website was flashbased, i don’t think i could stand it really.
i mean, yeah flash websites look amazing and run smoothly when done properly… but in terms of accesibility and ease of use? (not all flash sites will work the same) … i’d rather take valid XHTML & CSS

All valid points, I agree. Definitely check out the movie it’s definitely a Hayao Miyazaki masterpiece. :anjou_happy:

Sure, go ahead and PM me though the link and I’ll take a look.