Lundi's gun[s]

But how do you explain why the gun is missing from the 2nd FMV then? That doesn’t make sense. I still think that the FMV’s don’t show us exactly what they should have.

Lagi kept it in a pouch. Heh.

The gun could be a genetic defense mechanism that morphs out of Orta’s hand when she’s in peril. :slight_smile:

If you had said “from the dragon”…

It is a “dragon gun” anywayz…

Guys… less of the coffee, yeah?

Maybe the first FMV sequence we saw was how Orta remembered the event, memory gaps and all.

The gun must be connected to the Seekers and Yelico Valley. Solo has a theory or two about that.

Like I said on IRC, any explanation is better than the gun materialising in her hand out of thin air. :slight_smile:

Nope. The game wouldve been totally from her perspective if it was. Like Zwei.

I wouldn’t rule out the possibility, Shadow. Although some of the first FMV was from the dragon’s perpective, so is the snow scene which switches between the third person, Lagi, and Orta’s viewpoint.

The gun could have been buried nearby (or stored somewhere else in the Tower) and was unearthed by the blasts that Lagi fires at the building.

Maybe the dragonmares brought it too her as an early christmas present. The FMV didn’t show her unrapping it either.

Smilebit created a fantasy world. The solution to this mystery should first be sought from inside of the rules and constraints of that world, then and only then should it be searched for from beyond that. There are plenty of realistic possibilities from how the gun could have been obtained without jumping to the conclusion that there is no possible explanation besides the world’s creators forgetting to add such an important detail.

Nope. The game wouldve been totally from her perspective if it was. Like Zwei.[/quote]

And what’s wrong with that?

None of the scenes were seen from either Orta’s or the DRagon’s perspective.There is only a bit of the snow scene(seen from Orta’s eyes) and a bit of the “prison” scenes(seen from the dragon’s eyes).

The rest is all 3rd person.

But if those guns are so rare, what are those guns in one of the tents in the caravan in PDS? I think it looks like dragon guns.

Nah, it’s just an ancient gun. not necessarilly a dragon gun.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]None of the scenes were seen from either Orta’s or the DRagon’s perspective.There is only a bit of the snow scene(seen from Orta’s eyes) and a bit of the “prison” scenes(seen from the dragon’s eyes).

The rest is all 3rd person.[/quote]

I think you misunderstood me. None of the scenes are completely seen from any character’s perpective. I mentioned that the snow scene shows what happened from Orta’s eyes, Lagi’s eyes, and the third person. It is mainly from the first person though.

Ah ok :stuck_out_tongue:

I assumed the dragon was carrying the gun with him, well Ortas gun is more explicable than Lundi’s who happened to find an ultra rare ancient gun lying on the floor in his primative village.

Not quite for you see those Ancient Weapon are not that rare altho it is kindda stupid that he found it in the floor :stuck_out_tongue:

I think they are quite rare actually, Gehn. If they weren’t, standard Imperial troops, or elite troops would use them.

I love your signature banner btw.

I r teh DD rider!!! XD

Yeah they are rare but I mean it’s ancient tech and how came did Baican had the upgrades for them?

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I r teh DD rider!!! XD

Yeah they are rare but I mean it’s ancient tech and how came did Baican had the upgrades for them?[/quote]

I guess the guns are rarer than gun parts. :slight_smile: