Lundi was not the sky rider

from skiad ops endow(lundi);

By destroying the Tower of the
Sky, Shelcoof, our journey came to
an end. Exhausting all his power,
he discarded his body, and entered
a deep sleep. I assume he has now
reemerged with a new body, and
chosen you as his rider.

doesn’t this completely blow away the very believable “lundi was the sky rider” theory??

I think most people believe the theory that the Sky Rider was some sort of drone like Azel and Abbad.

actually, I just came upwith a theory to block this

the report from skiad ops endow was written when he was the leader of the seekers, gash received this report from him, what if skiad ops endow(lundi) dissapeared after writing this and became the dragonrider again(skyrider) and was then shot in the opening clip of panzer dragoon, that covers it up.

Akihiko Mukaiyama, the director of PDO, confirmed that the Sky Rider and Lundi are seperate entities. So, I’m afraid there is no chance of them being one and same according to the current storyline, although whether they were originally meant to be the same character or not is a whole other matter entirely.


and he has given no explanation to who the skyrider was then??

When asked who the Sky Rider was, and if he was Lundi, Mukaiyama-san’s response was basically: “I’m sorry, but we can not tell you that. But one thing is for sure, he is not Lundi.”

When a developer says something like that it means literaly they CAN NOT tell you because they don’t know it either.
Seriously, I asked him personally last time.

Even though I was once convinced that Lundi was the Sky Rider, I no longer believe this to be the case. It would have been so much more fitting if Lundi had been killed at the beginning of Panzer Dragoon (not to mention it would have tied up a loose end), but alas, it wasn’t meant to be.

after reading all the theories again, I can also understand that the skyrider was a drone

Me too. For years I thought it was Lundi especially after the ending of Zwei made me think that way. It wasn’t till that Smilebit interview that I knew the truth For me it?s fits much better as well.
I guess nobody really knows not even SEGA as a bet a lot of a story was made up as they went along on the hoof so to speak. So the copout would be he?s nothing more than a Drone .

Like to point out it’s still for me the best intro to any game EVER :slight_smile:

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]
Like to point out it’s still for me the best intro to any game EVER :)[/quote]

Indeed. A game has never been set-up/built-up to the action quite as well as the original Panzer Dragoon. Full of action, atmosphere, subtlety, intrigue, bold pacing, and glorious music; it segues perfectly into the opening level. It was something of a revelation to me personally, as in all of my years of gaming (on consoles) I’d never seen such a lengthy opening and such an intriguing and consistent art style aesthetic. It’s a masterpiece of an opener–completely unforgettable.

As for Sky Rider, I think he functions best as mystery, don’t you?

the sky rider was perhaps one of the ancient rebels(a rebel drone??) who survived time


[quote=“Team Andromeda”]
Like to point out it’s still for me the best intro to any game EVER :)[/quote]

Indeed. A game has never been set-up/built-up to the action quite as well as the original Panzer Dragoon. Full of action, atmosphere, subtlety, intrigue, bold pacing, and glorious music; it segues perfectly into the opening level. It was something of a revelation to me personally, as in all of my years of gaming (on consoles) I’d never seen such a lengthy opening and such an intriging and consistent art style asthetic. It’s a masterpiece of an opener–completly unforgettable.

As for Sky Rider, I think he functions best as mystery, don’t you?[/quote]

Spot on mate.

Especially like the dramatic camera pans through the 2nd Sand creature wake (just before he pop?s out), or the pan around when KYLE! reaches out to touch the Dragon rider.
Still makes the hairs on my back stand of end to this veryday, especially when the Blue Dragon lets off that GOD almighty roar (The best roar I?ve ever heard).

Pointless bit of info, but I sure the tyre screeching sound effects used in SEGAGT 2002/Online are using that Blue Dragoon sample, they sound spooky similar.

BTW, Yeah you?re is best the Dragon Rider identity is kept a mystery. Spoils all the fun if we knew how it really was