Lost Planet . Makes GOW look the overrated rubbish it is

Right I’ll keep this short and sweet

I got my Limited copy yesterday with a nice free faceplate, and this game just rocks BIG Time.
I?m talking the most impressive visuals one will ever see, the bosses are Huge (wait till you see the worm on level 3 :anjou_happy: ) the explosions are the biggest and best ever, and the top it all off the environments look spectacular . Any Paul Verhoeven fans needs this game, its like StarShip Troopers in Snow (and Troopers is one of my all time fav films

Gameplay well it?s a bit of everything in here, bit of Mech Assault, bit of HALO and a bit of GunValkyrie GOW/RE4 thrown in for good measure , the music score is bloody brilliant too . Downers well there?s not many, AI is naff and the lack of save points is a right pain up the ass , but that?s about it . This is already a contender for game of the years and its only January .
Capcom are smoking the 360 with this , GOW is nothing to this

Makes me sick to see Capcom doing wonders on the 360, while SEGA Japan are caught with thier pants down and backing the PS2 to the hilt . Capcom are making a massive name for thier self’s onthe 360 and getting rave reviews from both the fans and the press, what do SEGA Japan do a half assed port of a PSU (makes no use of the 360) and the mess that is Sonic ,nothing bulit from the ground up onthe 360. Seeing the giant worm , make me wonder what the Panzer Team could do on this brilliant hardware, they’ll most prob never get the chance with Nagoshi san . And before people bring up the sales in Japan, Lost Planet is on coruse to become the fastest million seller onthe 360 (thats to add to million seller that is DR). SEGA Japan could once make games that both the west and the East would like (style wise), the LIVE aspect is in so many ways the Dreamcast II , and one that SEGA could really make great use of

If only Smilebit were around this gen and backing the 360 like they did the X-Box, I think they would have done better this time around .

SEGA west seems to have the right idea, Sega Japan do not. I don’t mean to go into a rant, but playing this gem just opens ones eyes to what can be done

Oh the LE set is one of the best I’ve seen for PAL too . Hat off to Capcom , one of the few developers to keep thier standards no matter the gen of Hardware

I’ve been eagerly anticipating Resident Evil 5. It’s good to know there’s another AAA title to add to my list of games to buy.

I tried playing the Lost Planet demo but couldn’t get into it at all. Nothing really stood out about it to me.

There was a big debate about which was the better game, Resistance or Gears of War. Most critics picked Gears of War. One magazine stated that Resistance had the typical elements but a great story while Gears of War had questionable story but new and exciting gameplay elements. It goes back to my question about story versus battle system for RPGs.

Sega sounds like an old man who just can’t be arsed working anymore. Capcom sounds like Jesus on speed, doing good things at an alarming rate. Capcom really are great game developers. Team Andromeda should reform and create the ultimate Panzer Dragoon RPG on all platforms and make all other games cower in fear of the the mighty game.

IMO F.E.A.R is better than both , and in saying that so is Riddick .
I can’t wait for the Darkness

But GoW isn’t a FPS is it?

Riddick was awesome, they should continue the story through games, since the movie (not Pitch Black) sucked to say the least.

I cannot wait for the Darkness as well.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Right I’ll keep this short and sweet

I got my Limited copy yesterday with a nice free faceplate, and this game just rocks BIG Time.
I?m talking the most impressive visuals one will ever see, the bosses are Huge (wait till you see the worm on level 3 :anjou_happy: ) the explosions are the biggest and best ever, and the top it all off the environments look spectacular . Any Paul Verhoeven fans needs this game, its like StarShip Troopers in Snow (and Troopers is one of my all time fav films

Gameplay well it?s a bit of everything in here, bit of Mech Assault, bit of HALO and a bit of GunValkyrie GOW/RE4 thrown in for good measure , the music score is bloody brilliant too . Downers well there?s not many, AI is naff and the lack of save points is a right pain up the ass , but that?s about it . This is already a contender for game of the years and its only January .
Capcom are smoking the 360 with this , GOW is nothing to this

Makes me sick to see Capcom doing wonders on the 360, while SEGA Japan are caught with thier pants down and backing the PS2 to the hilt . Capcom are making a massive name for thier self’s onthe 360 and getting rave reviews from both the fans and the press, what do SEGA Japan do a half assed port of a PSU (makes no use of the 360) and the mess that is Sonic ,nothing bulit from the ground up onthe 360. Seeing the giant worm , make me wonder what the Panzer Team could do on this brilliant hardware, they’ll most prob never get the chance with Nagoshi san . And before people bring up the sales in Japan, Lost Planet is on coruse to become the fastest million seller onthe 360 (thats to add to million seller that is DR). SEGA Japan could once make games that both the west and the East would like (style wise), the LIVE aspect is in so many ways the Dreamcast II , and one that SEGA could really make great use of

If only Smilebit were around this gen and backing the 360 like they did the X-Box, I think they would have done better this time around .

SEGA west seems to have the right idea, Sega Japan do not. I don’t mean to go into a rant, but playing this gem just opens ones eyes to what can be done

Oh the LE set is one of the best I’ve seen for PAL too . Hat off to Capcom , one of the few developers to keep thier standards no matter the gen of Hardware[/quote]

I agree with some of your comments but not all(what else is new?) I think Sega definatly started this new trend of creating Japanese games with a more western slant like FIFTH PHANTOM SAGA though in reality its nothing new since they were doing that for years) LP IMO is GUN VALYKRIE for the masses. I dunno how much this Capcom title reminds me of that first generation Xbox game so much. Capcom was always good at selling hardcore type games to the masses. Poor Sega will either follow their example by trying to create a similar game but not getting the returns it deserves or they will get Sega west to hire another studio to create a GOW style game and calling it SPACE HARRIER(which is very likely considering today’s enviroment)and getting good returns. I just hope SOJ get back to their former glory.

As for development time. Capcom has had more experience as a third party than sega ever did,although i’m not saying any of the sega teams aren’t capable of producing big productions like LP,but the fact is they had a big set back which stopped a lot of games coming out on the one system where people would be able to see their talents,The Xbox1 and of course YAKUZA is the only real big production they are willing to make for the PS2,most of sega’s money in the consumer division has ben coming from cheap produced games like the Pachislot games and the NDS titles. The next gen SOJ stuff(even the SOA and SE next gen titles) have yet to appear. I’m hoping these titles wil be pretty to look at as well as great games to play.

You know that Fifth Phantom Saga was announced well after Resident Evil 4 had hit store shelves? Everyone was going for that east/west blend at the same time… Capcom and Konami hit is first with games like Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid…


You know that Fifth Phantom Saga was announced well after Resident Evil 4 had hit store shelves? Everyone was going for that east/west blend at the same time… Capcom and Konami hit is first with games like Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid…[/quote]

Not really. MGS and RE /DMC were japanese games through and through,taking a western concept and giving them a eastern interpretation. Something that the japanese games industry was built on. The difference between LP and FPS are that these titles themselves are leaning towards a western approch of gaming instead of the traditional japanesification of a western genre. Technically myself i would take back that statement since Steel Battalion could be interpreted as a the start of these new slant of games from japan but i donj’t agree with it starting with the titles that you mentioned.


You know that Fifth Phantom Saga was announced well after Resident Evil 4 had hit store shelves? Everyone was going for that east/west blend at the same time… Capcom and Konami hit is first with games like Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid…[/quote]

To be fair to SEGA, AM#2 did try with OutTrigger , and Altus Maken X was a Japanese take on a western game mixing both east and west . I thought it was a bloody good game to boot . I also say that JSR was mixing both east and west .

I think it’s a little hard to define Japanese style games and western style games. Certain rifts like the preference for 1st or 3rd person play perspective, and the very particular standards for JRPG’s stand out. But that’s just it, it’s mostly about popular standards rather than style as such. And the difference in what’s popular seems to be more about console style games and PC style games. Otherwise it’s largely superficial, Japanese production style, which is very much connected to Manga/Anime style, is obviously identifiable.

It’s sort of like defining what a ‘Hollywood style’ movie is. Every aspect of style in the evolution of film has moved out of, in to, and just generally through Hollywood. Just as east and west have been playing off each other’s ideas for videogames all along. I’ve always found it fascinating that Shigeru Myamoto’s ‘style’ is arguably more like what are seen as western standards, compared to contemporary Japanese standards.

Gaming reached a mainstream level in Japan much earlier than anywhere else, it’s more like a kind of ‘mainstream style’ as far as the games that have always sold to the global markat.

Actually, though, even with Hollywood style movies, there are certain trends that are prevalent. Just as with any stereotype, it’s not 100% accurate, but accurate enough to ring true with most people.

It’s primarily an issue of what the major influences are and what the design philosophies are. An example key difference is that western audience want “choice,” whereas Japanese gamers want “direction.” Most Japanese developers cut their teeth developing on arcade games where you hone one or two aspects of gameplay - an arcade game needs to be instantaneously understandable with a fun enough mechanic to get people to continue to put coins in. Most western developers were raised on PC development, where extremely flexible interface and storage space were key in defining what could and couldn’t be done.

Again, not everyone follows those patterns, but they’re common enough to be able to loosely define specific styles.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

You know that Fifth Phantom Saga was announced well after Resident Evil 4 had hit store shelves? Everyone was going for that east/west blend at the same time… Capcom and Konami hit is first with games like Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid…

To be fair to SEGA, AM#2 did try with OutTrigger , and Altus Maken X was a Japanese take on a western game mixing both east and west . I thought it was a bloody good game to boot . I also say that JSR was mixing both east and west .[/quote]

yes but OUTTRIGGER was still a game that was japanese at heart it just took the western concept of the FPS/TPS and spun it to its own sensibilities.
JSR is a mix of west and east but still has a strong eastern prespective since its inspiration is Japanese western otakus sub culture in Tokyo.

The difference with LP and DR is that they have taken a western style to the game rather than just take the concept. These games could easily past for western games if you never saw the words Capcom on screen. Where people wouldn’t make that mistake when looking at Resident evil and DMC.