Looking for a PDS picture


I’m a Swedish gamesjournalist and I’m currently writing a Panzer Dragoon Saga retro-article.

The thing is: I’m looking for a specific picture from Panzer Dragoon Saga to front this article.

It’s from the cutscene where Edge flies towards the tower in the setting sun. The light is kinda redish and it looks cool.

I remember seeing this picture on the web before, but now I can’t find it. so if anybody could give me a bit of help, it would be greatly appreciated=)

Is this it?

Interestingly enough, the scene that picture depicts never takes place in the game. In fact, the image itself is no where in the game as far as I know, either. The first time Edge arrives at the Tower is when Lagi is already in the Eye Wing form. Also, I think in the intro film on Disc 1 of the game there is a scene toward the end which depicts a flight toward the tower, but with Lagi in the Arm Wing form.

I think you see that scene in a short glimpse during one of those weird visions dragon riders get… I’m not sure since I haven’t played the game in years though.

[quote=“Brandt”]Is this it?

Interestingly enough, the scene that picture depicts never takes place in the game. In fact, the image itself is no where in the game as far as I know, either. The first time Edge arrives at the Tower is when Lagi is already in the Eye Wing form. Also, I think in the intro film on Disc 1 of the game there is a scene toward the end which depicts a flight toward the tower, but with Lagi in the Arm Wing form.[/quote]

Yeah the intro scene is similar but not the exact same… i’m thinking it might have been in the images Edge see where he first encounters Lagi though?

All the video from the intro film is taken from video in the game, and I’m pretty sure that the Eye Wing tower approach in the intro is from the vision Lagi shows Edge when they first meet.

Yeah, that’s the one!


I was sure this was a scene in PDS. Maybe it’s time to play it through againg;)

probably a retouched image for PR purpose. the reflection in the water doesn’t match the dragons shape at all, it’s far more compact. wasn’t the armwing pretty bulky?

kind stealing the topic, but KFC, did you make a wallpaper based on the Team Andromeda logo? If so… is it still around? :anjou_happy:

uh yeah I made that, but most of the wallpapers are gone due to a harddisk crash =/ but I’m sure solo or lagi have them somewhere