Lance Way's FAQ

Since I’m just playing through PDS again, I thought I’d aim to finally get a 100% total rating, so I’ve been using Lance Way’s FAQ from Gamefaqs.

I was just wondering if that’s the most comprehensive PDS guide - I thought he’d posted one here somewhere, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.

Also, does anyone know if he still checks the yahoo email account given in that FAQ? I thought I’d mention the error he makes about attack class berserks. Also, playing through the game, I’ve noticed so far a couple of things he says don’t seem to work:

[quote][after beating the Arachnoth]


Stop talking to Gash, then start again, and he will give you three Elixir
Minors and three Berserk Micros.[/quote]

I spoke to him repeatedly, and he didn’t do anything of the sort. I don’t remember him ever having given me them in the past, either.

[quote][beginning of disc 2]


At night, An’jou (the caravan’s leader) will be gutting the monster’s carcass.
Talk to him and he will give you this book.[/quote]

Again, I spoke to An’jou repeatedly (at least a dozen times, probably twice that) before and after speaking to everyone in the caravan, and he didn’t give it to me. I think I remember him having given it to me once or twice in the past and being puzzled that he wouldn’t again before now.

I don’t know if the fact that I’m playing a PAL version would make any difference, to either. But either way, I’m wondering

a) if anyone here knows what the problem is in either case (and any further discrepancies between the FAQ and my playing experience)

b) how to contact Lance so I can mention the issues

I also want to speak to him to see if he’s interested in me trying to do some tests so he can fill in any of the guide’s last remaining gaps, eg. average/range of strength of the attack class berserks.

I haven’t heard from Lance for a while; he seems to have disappeared from the online gaming community entirely.

Perhaps compare some of those things to the other guides on GameFAQs.

Also, Lance does have another guide here on TWotA, maybe have a look through there. The free items from Gash are mentioned. … ecrets.php

Shame… his FAQ seems like the most comprehensive, so it would’ve been nice to finish it off. Failing that, I could conceivably just C&P the whole thing and add factual omissions I’ve noticed, then resubmit it to gamefaqs asking that it retains his name (maybe stick caveats around the stuff I add that if it’s wrong, it ain’t his fault). D’you think

a) gamefaqs would allow it?

b) Lance would object?

I spent 6 months making my PDS guide. It is very comprehensive, and includes everything you could possibly want to know filling in all the gaps. I even created step by step instructions for each part of the game with pics included. It’s also on gamefaqs but the original guide with pics and maps can be found here:

[after beating the Arachnoth]


Stop talking to Gash, then start again, and he will give you three Elixir
Minors and three Berserk Micros.

I spoke to him repeatedly, and he didn’t do anything of the sort. I don’t remember him ever having given me them in the past, either.
Scroll down and read numbers 3 and 4. Gash will only give you 3 Elixir Minors and 3 Berserk Micros if you are low on items.

[beginning of disc 2]


At night, An’jou (the caravan’s leader) will be gutting the monster’s carcass.
Talk to him and he will give you this book.

Again, I spoke to An’jou repeatedly (at least a dozen times, probably twice that) before and after speaking to everyone in the caravan, and he didn’t give it to me. I think I remember him having given it to me once or twice in the past and being puzzled that he wouldn’t again before now.

I don’t know if the fact that I’m playing a PAL version would make any difference, to either. But either way, I’m wondering
scroll down and read number 5. An’ju will give you the Dragon Bible at the start of disc 2 after returning from the Forbidden Zone. Talk to him right away when you first start disc 2.

You suddenly find yourself needing more views for your site? Anyway, you should use smaller text, “justify” it and allow the tables to be much wider. It’s annoying to read in its current form in my opinion. Also run it through a spell checker if you can bother, I didn’t spot many mistakes but I didn’t read that much either. I like the added pics.

scroll down and read number 5. An’ju will give you the Dragon Bible at the start of disc 2 after returning from the Forbidden Zone. Talk to him right away when you first start disc 2.[/quote]

I tried going straight to him, but still nothing happened.

You can also get the Dragon Bible right after you defeat the Guardian Dragon.

Hello. As you’ve all probably gathered, I’m not really around online as much as I used to be, though I do still sort-of keep an eye on these forums (haven’t checked them for a few weeks now though, which is why I only just found this. I only sporadically check that email account too, so sorry for not replying even remotely quickly, Jinx).

Regarding your questions about my FAQ versus The Game Itself: it’s been a long, long time since I’ve actually sat down and played Saga, and I don’t think I could answer any of these questions off the top of my head.

One of the things that really struck me when writing that FAQ was how much the game doesn’t draw attention to the fact that it is a game. The triggers for various events are often very subtle or unclear, which is nice because it makes the game feel less mechanical than many RPGs, but extremely irritating when you simply want to “find everything” on a playthrough (or document what people need to do to find everything). If you’re unable to get hold of items like the ones you mentioned, it’s almost certainly because I didn’t realise there were trigger criteria that needed to be met. In my defense I did play through the game three full times while writing the guide, though, so I must have found those things each time without problems. Oh well…

Regarding updates for the FAQ: while I probably would like to do this at some point in the future, there’s no chance of me doing it in the near future I’m afraid. If you’d like to make your own edited update of the document in the meantime though, as you described above, I’ll happily give you (Jinx) permission for that. As long as you put a clear message somewhere near the top saying that it’s a continuation of my old document, and also that the copyright message I originally included still applies to the parts I wrote, it’s all good. If you do decide to go ahead with this, please submit the updated document to too, as the original never went up here for some reason…

One other thing you might want to know is that my PDS “secrets guide” here on the site contains a few little corrections and additions, if I remember correctly. It was originally based on parts of the FAQ, but was updated after the last FAQ update. Sorry I can’t be more specific about that…

Thanks, Lance. I might do that if I can find time.

Another comment, mainly for my own reference:

There’s a much better way to beat Guardian Dragon than you’ve described, though you might have to have agility near max. In his default state (red front and back), you can safely move behind him until his charges up his particle attack (I forget the name). Once it’s charged, everywhere else around him is safe until it’s discharged. So you can win the battle without taking any damage but shuffling between his sides and rear while your gauges charge (using them at the front as normal).