Lair is looking better

Still doesn’t have a fingernail of Panzer’s charms but at least the abstract dragons are looking more interesting. You can just imagine the details of a panzer next gen … … 154253.jpg … 154242.jpg … 154250.jpg … 154241.jpg … 154243.jpg


quite nice =) how is supposed to be played? like SotC in mid air?

I wonder if this game will turn out any good? Those screenshots do look nice.

It does look pretty nice, this screenshot is quite panzerish I think: … 256_x.html

I wouldn’t call their dragon designs abstract though, they look pretty standard to me. Anyway the game will hopefully be better than Drakengard or whatever that Square Enix game was for the PS2.

I still find the proportions of the dragons just plain unappealing. The limbs look neither vestigial nor powerful enough for the body. And the ratio of the wingspan to the length is… muddy somehow, they need a more dramatic tail to balance it, or go the other way and make the wings more impressive somehow. They look like some haphazard kite.

The game does look really impressive though, the cell powered water seems nice, it’ll be interesting to see if it means anything compared to standard shader water effects in practice. The most interesting thing is that it appears to be set in a world where dragons are just one part of a whole class of big scary creatures, much like our favorite series. I’ve always been very interested in this game, but my interest has always been tempered by my massive disappointment with Factor 5’s Gamecube showing.

This game is impressive, and as soon as I have seen the photos of the bosses I have immediately thought about PD, even if the style of the series Saw is inimitable…

I think it looks nothing like Panzer myself , its got a very Unreal look to it (fake almost Plasticine like). That said it does look nice practically the water . See games like this and Lost Planet make me want a Orta II even more so .

Panzer Dragoon always had the best Water Effects , its almost scary to think what the Team could do on Next Gen Hardware with a Panzer game

From what I gather, Lair is supposed to play like those medieval horseback chases in fantasy movies. When your dragon spots an enemy dragon, you engage in an air duel where the dragons batter each other, hopefully culminating in you, the rider, jumping on the other dragon to toss off the enemy rider. There’s also supposed to be a mix of Dynasty Warriors style “beat up scores of soldiers” ground battle, but I’ve read that the control in that aspect is iffy.

a game, photos look pretty nice.
i want play it, and then express my views.

Because it is a game on PS3.
Kill zone is on PS3… :anjou_sigh:
in China, there is a joke.

Is it just me or does it look totally underhelming compared to the screenshots? It actually looks… Cheap to me… Low frame rate, bland environments, jagged edges, pixelly special effects that remind of PS1… Maybe the video is to blame for some of it but it certainly doesn’t look like an impressive game there. Does it? Seems quite simplistic too, in a bad way. Shame if this really represents the final game’s quality.


Is it just me or does it look totally underhelming compared to the screenshots? It actually looks… Cheap to me… Low frame rate, bland environments, jagged edges, pixelly special effects that remind of PS1… Maybe the video is to blame for some of it but it certainly doesn’t look like an impressive game there. Does it? Seems quite simplistic too, in a bad way. Shame if this really represents the final game’s quality.[/quote]

All Next-Gen games have been 100% total disappointment so far - so if this is truly the end product, it doesn’t surprise me one bit. Developers should just give up.

Wait for Too Human.Today IGN will be releasing new content on their site and everyone will be blown away.

It does look really cheap- looks like another sony downgrade.

Hmm… technically it doesn’t look as good as a PS3 game perhaps should, but I think the gameplay could be where it shines. How good the game will end up playing is debatable of course, but it looks quite fun in the video.

I can’t think of any other games that play like Lair off the top of my head either.

Looks like it would get extremelly repetitive to me, dynasty warriors style. Ground combat doesn’t look fun either and the close quarters combat with the dragons looked pretty good but various websites describe it as a “mini game” where you shake the controller around to bump into the enemy and throw him off or whatever. Again, I don’t know how many of those you could beat without getting bored. We shall see.