Lagi's fate at the end of PDO *Yay, spoilers!*

Okay, so maybe this has been discussed already, but I definately wasn’t around for it.

So why does Lagi croak at the end of PDO? He’s no longer associated with the Heresey program, so he should live past the point of completing his task. Right?

Granted, there’s the baby dragon afterwards… I really wish they explained where that came from. I mean, did it just claw it’s way out of Lagi’s chest, all Aliens-style?

I was practically freakin’ sobbing during the credits to PDO, until the epilogue. Smilebit just /had/ to kill Lagi off, didn’t they? -_-

well, it said that lagi left an offspring…that’s all that matters right?

We also no practically nothing about dragon reproduction so there are limitless theories that could be spawned.

Well it would be the other way around : if he was still associated with the heresy program he would have lived.

Oh and Kythren, I can’t see your avatar.You must have linked it to a no-remote-linking site…

All we know is that dragons cannot reproduce. I’d have to assume that perhaps this dragon has a new task. Perhaps it is not mortal.

As for Lagi dying, well, it happens to everyone. He died because he was exhausted and battered.

Eh, dunno about that one… Lagi looked to be in pretty good shape. If he lived through the dragonmare self-destructing and the fall afterward, I don’t see why he wouldn’t have lived through the Abbad encounter.

It really just seemed more like he was fine… then boom, deactivated.

Perhaps when a dragon completes it’s task, it deactivates and reforms in an infant state, perhaps so that it can evolve in whatever way it’s next mission requires? There’s a thought.

Oh, and I know about the image… Can’t fix it while I’m at work though.

NIce thought Kythren!That might just be it! :slight_smile:

Lagi looked in good shape? You think so? He looked in a pretty bad way to me. It was only Orta who kept him going.

“Your body is fragile and mortal now”

That quote was said by the gold dragon in Sestren. Lagi was pretty old, his appearance was much more like an animal. I doubt normal coolias would live that long so it’s suprising he lasted as long as he did.

Well, I’m planning on playing through PDO again tonight, so I’ll see.

Dammit, everytime I start getting into these sort of conversations, I play through the games again. Arrgh.

Dammit, everytime I start getting into these sort of conversations, I play through the games again. Arrgh.[/quote]

It’s always nice to have an excuse to play through the game again though :slight_smile:

True, but my roommates think I’m some sort of freak for always sitting there and playing nothing but Panzer games. o_O

Lagi had completed his task at the end of Saga, separating from the Heresy Dragon he became mortal.
Helping Orta was not his task, it was his will, and yes he died from exhaustion and old age propably, not just because of the battle with Abadd but because of the whole journey (including the battles you mentioned he survived)
I wonder how the baby is going to look/morph and if we will ever see the Solo Wing and other loved Dragon forms in future games(without cheats that is)

That reminds me about something I was going to post… What if the heresy dragon is able to somehow ‘download’ data to the baby dragon? eg it could download dragon morphs. data from Lagi perhaps? a couple of the mine games in PDO gave me this idea. I’d have to play them again to ‘re-understand’ what I’m talking about.

However the heresy dragon is still deactivated and as we saw, even Lagi without the heresy dragon part couldn’t morph into those forms so…

the heresy is deactivated? I thought he’d just been seperated from Lagi. I assumed he was still floating around in Sestren space.

He is deactivated at the end of Saga (if I’m not mistaken) because, as he says, the will of the ancients is now with him so perhaps if he wasn’t deactivated he could turn into a new sestren?
Whether that’s the case or not, he was still deactivated tho…

We English speaking fans were bemused when PDO was announced because we all thought Lagi had destroyed himself. Imagine our confusion when we discovered Lagi and the black weren’t the same entity, and that neither were destroyed.

Lord Craymen at the old boards confirmed that “destroyed” was a mistranslation for “deactivated”. It didn’t matter at the time PDS was released anyway, since the trilogy was always meant to end there.

I can only speculate that the black dragon took control of Sestren and shut down all the Towers, then shut down itself. That explains the change in colour to gold.

But wasn’t Sestren still active in PDO? I remember reading somewhere the Edge’s mission to deactivate Sestren had failed.

(And yeah, I remember the end of Saga now, my bad :P)

[quote=“Shadow”]But wasn’t Sestren still active in PDO? I remember reading somewhere the Edge’s mission to deactivate Sestren had failed.

(And yeah, I remember the end of Saga now, my bad :P)[/quote]

The core being that controlled Sestren was destroyed, but the “network” remained.