Keeping PDS Safe


I would just like to ask anyone whether they keep thier PDS discs in new boxes, like DVD cases or is it not worth bothering. One of the spindles in my original cases just doesn’t exist for some reason, so disc 2 is bouncing around the place, and getting a little bit damaged.

Thanks for people advise!

I keep my PDS discs in CD Armor. It’s two circles of hard plastic that cover each side of the discs. Now that’s protection! You should also have a D Skin on every disc if not CD Armor. :anjou_happy:

Yeah I’d agree. Anything besides the cases they come in would be an improvement. One of the spindles broke on my copy while it was being shipped to me and the result was a disk scratched so bad that the game locks up the saturn at two points unless I skip cutscenes :frowning:

I just got one of those metal CD boxes from Ukdvdr to keep my Saturn games safe Hold over 200 CD’s and its well worth a ?10

?10? That’s not bad at all.

I might consider that myself…generally it isn’t me who breaks spindles, it’s careless friends…which is really annoying. That’s why I’m the only one to ever handle my PDS box. If they even touch it…

[quote=“Berserker”]?10? That’s not bad at all.

I might consider that myself…generally it isn’t me who breaks spindles, it’s careless friends…which is really annoying. That’s why I’m the only one to ever handle my PDS box. If they even touch it…[/quote]

Its well worth it mate. Most of my spine are broken inthe post, more so in the bad SEGA Europe days when they used super cheap Dreamcast and Saturn cases.

Why they never used the brilliant Pal Double Mega CD cases I just do not know . They’re by far the best game cases I’ve had , and they even came with Spine Cards too which was amazing for Pal games

Man, the Dreamcast cases were pathetic…one drop and they busted forever. And there would be no way to fix it, it’d just shatter…

Saturn was slightly better…but still pretty shoddy due to the game not even being held in place.

Yeah! They seemed to go down hill box wise didn’t they?

Most if not all my Dreamcast and Saturn cases are in perfect order. >.>;; Don’t see where the problem might be.

My shenmue cases were all smashed up in shipping, and I’ve never seen new ones for reasonable prices on eBay (UK).

My PDS cd 4 is still scratched and I still haven’t fixed it.I think I won’t do it in the near future, I want it to be a very long time before I ever play PDS agehn.It’s a strange thing to do I know but I think I already played PDS too much.

Maybe in 2 years or so…

Oh btw welcome Grumbler :slight_smile:

The Pal DC cases were nothing but super cheap utter cra8p .
I use mail order a lot and counltess DC games wwere broken inthe post or through me dropping them. My fault I know, but there are times people will drop games from time to time .If you dropped the DC cases you had it.

For the Saturn and DC inthe USA and Japan it was a diff story they had the standard jewel cases for the USA and JP Dreamcast stuff, and those HUGE USA cases for the Saturn stuff.

For me all games should really come inthe Double case Pal Mega CD/3DO cases. They so much better , both durability wise and much easy for storage (standing them up ect)