Just finished Orta again

What should the new dragon be called? I think maybe Chirpy or Lagette (the baby dragon appears feminine to me ) :stuck_out_tongue:

Veins ā€¦

Just look, donā€™t askā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

Who is to say that the new dragon will be named? Orta didnā€™t appear to know Lagiā€™s name, so sheā€™d probably just go ahead and call it ā€œdragonā€ whenever she speaks to it.

Just saying that I doubt itā€™ll be called Lagi Jr. or Lagette or anything :wink:

She has to name it!!

Is it just me, or is it everytime that Shadow makes a thread on the on-topic board it is barely relevant to panzer?

It ainā€™t just youā€¦

wham, spam, thank ya maā€™amā€¦

Considering the plan for the next game to be an RPG, it is likely that it will be a name-it-yourself dragon if indeed that dragon is in the next game at all.

Yeah I agree with soloā€¦
And itā€™s most likely thatā€™s the dragon that weā€™ll see in the next gameā€¦ I seriously doubt it will be a prequel (With all the new beginning stuff in the ending) and I seriously doubt they will have this dragon die inbetween the games or something so that you control again another new one before you get to control this one at allā€¦

Hey, bitches, its more on topic than what you just posted!

I replied to Soloā€¦
And I also said ā€œI agree with Soloā€ so thatā€™s on topicā€¦

Oh pleaseā€¦

Well I just wanna tell shadow to finish it agehn so he can see the pandoraā€™s box.

It takes interest to complete a game so many times. Allthough I am determined to complete it on hard.

Actually Iā€™m suprised why so many peopl say it is hardā€¦

Maybe cause Iā€™ve played so many timesā€¦

After that I have a challenge for you : 100% Shot Down Ration - Winge Death ā€¦

Now thatā€™s a challenge : hard as freakin hell!!

i tried the first level on hard mode ages ago, just after i first got the game. i got 76.something% shot down ratio. which is higher than i get when i play it on easy (usually 72-3%). the last boss isnt really hard either. I can do beat him without taking a single it. all this from a guy who has only completed the game twice :slight_smile:

I donā€™t mean disrespect Shadow but I got 94% in the first level first time i played it :stuck_out_tongue:

I donā€™t wanna seem arrogant hereā€¦

ack, baska! You may be the spam king but your r teh Orta king too :stuck_out_tongue: having said that, you probably have more experience with shooters than me. Iā€™ve only ever played the two Panzer shooters, an not really for that long. I do have a good aim though.

I donā€™t have a very good aimā€¦

I mastered UT (FPS) but Iā€™m nothing specialā€¦
But yeah Iā€™ve played Orta quite a lotā€¦
Cleared it for 7 times and played the box game 2ā€¦

I like it, I just donā€™t like the music ā€¦ :ā€™(

Well I like Dragonmares and the one on LEGACYā€¦

Come now, Gehn. Winged Death wasnā€™t THAT hard. It just takes some practice.

As for Shadowā€¦My stats are a lot better on hard than they are on normal or easy, but thatā€™s just because I never played normal or easy more than once.

Brandt Iā€™m sure you spent at least 5 hours TOTAL with it !!

Level 4 was hard and level 8 to!!!