Its that time of year again.Time to play NiGHTS! High Score!

Yay! Competition. Ancient Weapon absolutely spanked my high score on spring valley! I couldnt be happier to have some people to compete against. I finally managed to struggle to the top of the ranks in total dreams and complete dreams so I need some more scores to chase. Irritatingly the sum total of my records for each course in spring valley is about 225 000 but I just cant squeeze out a decent run.

Basically info for anyone interested in discussing the game is positively encouraged to have a look around the nights forums. The very bottom forum called “imagnigod” is the gameplay one although its basically me posting stuff which nobody else reads. I have tons and tons of theories I want to try out and I am sure we can get a lot more out of the game if alot of people start working on it.

Basically what got me interested in it is this. I have a friend who worked in an import game shop in london and one day one of his mates came in and saw they had nights on display and picked up the controller and basically spanked the game hard.

Apparently this guy could do infinite loops in the most impossible situations and he had a crowd of people watching him. According to the chap in question you can infinite loop almost every level and a large number of these loops are only possible backwards.

It sounds kind of like gaming urban legend but I belive it to be true. The infinite loop IS possible backwards on spring valley 1, I know cause I have done it. There is a picture on the other forum. There are also about 5 levels where I can get sooooo close to doing infinites it would make you cry. I just need some help figuring it all out.

The other thing which has gotten me seriously interested is a little magasine clipping which is in this thread … c.php?t=75

and it has a score of over a million on soft museum. Thats just wrong. That 125 000 on every level…

I wanna be that good.

So yeah, lets see what this game has to offer.

Oh yes, I got the 2.0 on Gulpo by the way. I snuck in just above you at 108 seconds. After several tries I am convinced the key is to enter the first fish as smoothly as possible then the second and third are cake. Basically angle up and right at a little above 2 oclock, give a little squirt of drill dash and you should slide right in?

Yep. Aside from Lance (who cheated ;)) and myself (who’s holding the competition), Ancient Weapon’s score is the best so far. With one more day to go, he looks to have it in the bag…

Well, I dont know exactly when the final dealine is but I am going to give it another go this evening. Its one of only 2 sub 400 000 scores and its only under by about 900 points which is super fustrating.

Wow, thanks! I thought I was gonna come in second. Your score was brilliant, though. :anjou_happy: How did you get that high a score, by the way? I’ve maxed out on how many points I can get for each Mare by now, I think.

I never expected that I of all people would get even a decent score… :anjou_embarassed:

I feel weird for not giving proof, so I took some (really dodgy) photos of my TV. You can see them at this page:

I didn’t actually realise that Lance’s score wasn’t going to count!

Also, tabithaboof, I’m interested in trying for high scores, etc, and I’ll take another look at the IMAGNiFORUM later. I did post a “New here” topic, but initially I posted it twice by mistake, and while attempting to delete the extra one, I think I deleted them both… :anjou_sad:

On a side note, not very related but still NiGHTS-y, my Spring Valley is now solely inhabited by Mepians.

In Christmas NiGHTS’ Nightopian Collection, Dreams Dreams is sung in squeaky Mepian tones… Now that’s the first time that’s ever happened to me!

However, they all hover around the same area, so as Lance mentioned earlier, there is some nifty slowdown around there… :anjou_sad:

Heh, Nice Mepians. I have been trying to get a decnt run out on Spring Valley but its just not happening. I set personal records on the first and second mares then screwed up the third one by missing the palace by about .2 of a second.

However if I can have anothe hour or so of practice I think I worked out how lance got his score so high. I dont know if this is common knowlege of not but I just worked out how to continue the link in the 4th mare up the mountain without breaking!

This means the highest link for this mare should finish up being something like 65? I am going to practice a little more and SHOULD be able to get a good final score out by the end of the day. I am thinking about 460 00 judging my me individual course records.

My biggest problem is on the third mare I seem to have about 25 seconds left for the last course which isnt enouch to do a full lap but its too much to waste. Any hints?

Also, I have gotten the link on the seconds mare to the point where it only breaks once. Going from the three chips near the palace to the 5 on the ground near the waterfall. Any ideas?

Also I am very curious to know everyones individual records as well as the final total.

Why, thank you!

Assuming you mean 460000, noooOoOoOooOOooooooooooooooOOOO! Gehn, kill!!

All joking aside, good luck. But obviously I hope you don’t beat me! :anjou_disappointment:

Hey tb, are you on MSN?

Well I havent got the score yet so I wouldnt worry about it if I were you.

Anyway, I am not on MSN but my AIM s/n is : dpurdu

Right I am off to have a go at that last link.

Right, Gotcha!


Worked out an neat little trick on mare 3 for maximising the stunt ring bonus almost every time, I might be able to put a little more on the score before the end of the comp if I get it perfected.

Now that the score comp is more or less over I am taking all the nights technical type stuff over to the nights forums. I think this thread might get a bit on the ungainly side if I keep filling it with junk.


Time’s up folks. And the winner is…


I don’t know. Tab’s registered her score as being the best, but I’m looking at her doing it juuuuuuuuuuuuust after midnight, which was the deadline. Or was that at noon my time, midnight solo’s?


Heh, Tabs a boy acctually.

I dont really mind if I win or not I am just happy this contest motivated me to improve my score and find a couple of other people interested in playing the game. But just out of interest I am in Japan so I am about 8 hours ahead of Europe and 12 to 15 ahead of the states. Seeing as the board seems to be mostly UK centric I thought we were going on UK time but like I said. Really dont mind.

Well, 12:19pm on Friday 31st should give you a clue Arcie. >>;

And… Lance’s 500k+ score should also give you a clue as to who won.


Darn!! Oh well. Well done Lance/tabithaboof/whoever Arcie deems as the winner! :anjou_happy:

It got me playing NiGHTS, it can only be a good thing. Also, tab, I’m interested in getting into the gameplay side of NiGHTS, so I need to read up. I sent you a PM about that, if you have time to read it. :anjou_happy:

Happy new year (again) everyone, by the way.

Now that the nights score competition is over if anyone is interested in continuing the quest for high scores, bigger links and faster boss times etc, there is high score page here:

where everone (especially Lance, whos scores I am most interested in seeing) who wants to is positivley encouraged to submit there best efforts.

There is a discussion forum here: … um.php?f=9

Which is in more or less dedicated to night gameplay although its not exactly the most poplular section of the nights board. Basically I dont want the interest in Nights generated by this competition to die out. It would be nice to have some people to find new links and strategies with. If anyone know of any places, for discussing scores etc, other than those I mentioned I would love to know about them.

Also before anyone accuses me of spamming, neither of those sites are anything to do with me, just kind of getting a bit bored playing the game on my own.

Any takers?

Yeah, I’m quite interested in working on my skills on this game, as well as keeping it alive. :anjou_happy:

Will post my scores soon, once they’re almost credible. Good luck, everyone!

Sorry, I finally got around to doing that. :anjou_happy: I’ve put my overall dream and boss scores up on the site now; I didn’t realise you could include individual mare scores too, so I’ll add those at a later date…

I dont know whether I should congratulate you or curse your name those scores have mine absolutely SPANKED :slight_smile:

I can see myself catching up eventually with everything but the mystic forest score, I think I fundamentally dont GET something about that level. You beat me by at least 10 000 per mare on that one. I have an infinite on the first mare but am I missing something else?

Youre Stick canyon score is also very impressive, did you get the infinite for the second mare perfected?

Lance, how do you get such amazing scores? :anjou_wow:

Do you have any tactics (if, of course, you don’t want to keep them secret, which you probably should!) or do you just have the individual levels mastered?

Either way, you the man! :anjou_happy:

Glad to see you are stil playing the game Ancient, you should get up some more scores!

While I am (blatantly) obviously not as good as lance, I would be more than happy to help in any way I can with strats.

I AM going to get back on top of that score board…

Give me a couple of weeks

Acctually, DAMN, with all due respect to lance, you got spanked to my friend. Some person called samamI absolutely battered us. He got a score of 619,000 on mystic forest, thats insane.

Not that I remember, although I seem to think I worked out how to link more or less the whole level (and do that consistently), if not linking one lap to the next. My highest recorded link is a link from the first mare (due to that random glitch), so I couldn’t tell you what it was, I’m afraid.

Oh, and I’ve added all of my individual mare scores and links to the Versus Mode site now, too; I’m really looking forward to playing NiGHTS again when I finally get some realistic amounts of free time to dedicate to it, and I’m seriously going to try and get back on top of that scoreboard as well - I wasn’t even on top for a day! I’ll be much better at talking strats and tactics when I do get back into the game, too; what with it being around six months since I worked out how to achieve those scores, my memory for specific course techniques isn’t as good as it could be.