Is this the end for sony?

This may be shocking to some and it may be good news to others but Sony like it or not is a big deal to the games industry and if this order goes through the reprecussions are potentially horrendous for the games industry as if Sony falls then others who do business with them will be affected.

the funny part of it is that mircosoft settled out of court for something like $26 mil and that got them a portion of stock in the company. so now theoretically… if immersion is still awarded the $90 million after sony appeals, microsoft will be reimbursed for a patent infringement that it had, itself, infringed upon alongside sony.

those MS lawyers are geniuses

shoot…Your right! Let’s see Sony get out of this one now…

On another note is this just getting rid of one dictator just to put another in his place scenario? Microsoft has been pretty dubious in it’s main business for years now, Won’t they just apply the same tatics against Nintendo and any other potential console maker?

No, it is not the end for Sony. They intend to appeal to a higher court, and until then will continue to sell PS2s. Inevitably, someone will discover a loophole which they can use (Revanchism at it’s best) which will get them out of it.

Trust me on this.

Nope, I don’t think it’s the end at all.

If anything, they propably have made a lot more in pure profit than they are asked to pay now. The next generation of consoles is just around the corner which will enable Sony to hit the market with just as much force as in previous generations (after they make the necesary changed to their usual controller of course).

Also, the quote was only mentioning the PS, does that include the PS2 though? Just wondering.

And, can’t Sony always just ship new PS2 units with redesigned controllers (since even after the next gen arrives a lot of people will still be buying the current gen consoles as a more economical solution and Sony propably wants to get their share of that as well).

I remember this first popping up months ago, and if took them this long to reach a verdict the first time around, just like Arcie said, this will probably stay in appeals court forever. This does nothing for Sony at all in essence, if anything just gives them more publicity.

Why were Microsoft and Sony the only ones fined for this?Didn’t Ninetendo do the same?

[quote=“Arcie”]No, it is not the end for Sony. They intend to appeal to a higher court, and until then will continue to sell PS2s. Inevitably, someone will discover a loophole which they can use (Revanchism at it’s best) which will get them out of it.

Trust me on this.[/quote]

They can appeal but that does n’t stop the order on this. Sony has to stop
selling their PS2 hardware and the actual accesory thats at the centre of this dispute or face further trouble from the law. If their lawyers was so clever they wouldn’t have found themselves in this position.

Nintendo went the cartridge style rumble pack on the N64 originally, and I bet they had their own method of creating the rumble which they also patented. When they created the GC controller they probably just used the technique that they implemented into the rumble packs which they might have patented themselves.

If something is almost the same, but slightly different, it can get patented as a different product.

You’re so naive it’s almost cute.


You’re so naive it’s almost cute.[/quote]

It’s too bad i can’t say the same about you then. Stupid does n’t fit with cute.

I don’t wanna sound demanding but I think something has to be done or else the Holy District is going to explode just like it did in the game…


Nintendo went the cartridge style rumble pack on the N64 originally, and I bet they had their own method of creating the rumble which they also patented. When they created the GC controller they probably just used the technique that they implemented into the rumble packs which they might have patented themselves.

If something is almost the same, but slightly different, it can get patented as a different product.[/quote]

So you are syaing Microsoft and Sony both actualy coped the design?

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]

You’re so naive it’s almost cute.

It’s too bad i can’t say the same about you then. Stupid does n’t fit with cute.[/quote]

Let’s not resort to throwing insults at one another (that goes for everyone).

I don’t think there’s any chance of a collosal floating warship cutting through the Holy District with a beam laser any time soon. :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
I don’t think there’s any chance of a collosal floating warship cutting through the Holy District with a beam laser any time soon. :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Yep. We have the protection of the gods, doncha know? That’s why we get so much cool fruit. :anjou_happy:

Don’t be too sure…

lol :anjou_sigh:


Nice pic Solo.

I believe that Sony and Microsoft used a cam design to create the rumble effect while Nintendo did somthing different. A cam being just an uneven piece that spins about an axle.

This is a good description taken from

“The cam is a wheel mounted eccentrically (off-center) on a shaft. It seems so simple, but serves a number of purposes. The simplest use of a cam is as a vibrator. By spinning the motor, the weight of the cam causes the motor’s axis to shift. If the motor is attached to some solid surface, say, a pager or cell phone body, the surface vibrates”

EDIT: By the way Gamespot has an interview with the Immersion CEO, here:

In which it states that Sony will be able to continue to sell the products during appeals.