Is there any hope for a new Panzer RPG?

the chances of there being another PD are good for sure. if anyone decided to open the credits of PDO on the hard difficulty it says something (right at the begining) Panzer Dragoon Veri. I’m not sure if the veri is right but it’s something other than orta.

it is “vier” wich is german for 4.

it’s just a developers joke since the Z in PDZ actually means “zwei” german 2…

Persoanlly I think it’d be fine for a new game to leave the whole dragon focus behind a little; the Panzer world offers up so many other possibilities where a future RPG would be concerned. They could always just experiment with multiple or alternative characters riding on different things, like an Imperial soldier piloting an agile fighter ship or a Wormrider riding a Baldor or a Hunter riding a Coolia or a Drone riding some Ancient Age creation or other… that way they’d be able to leave the essence of the games intact, at least. The question is whether or not Sega would see it as too radical a change, and whether or not the words “a main character riding a dragon” would simply be in the design brief for a new game.

That is a major problem.

SEGA thinks Joe Schmoe would be disappointed if a PD game had not enough Dragons in it. As if Joe S. bought Orta because there was a dragon in it. *bitter laugh*

As far as I see it Joe S. is satisfied as soon as he can shoot on everything that moves, even if he’s riding on a motorboat or a winged pig, if it has enough explosions and ragdoll effects in it it’d be ok.

The target audience of a PD RPG would surely not Joe S. And personaly I think it can’t be the FF player either, because most of them really sold their soul to SONY. A game can be as perfect as possible, if it doesn’t have “graphics by wong chuu… and soundtrack by nobuo” then they simply reject it.

Orta was a failure mainly because it was a shooter.
Average players (not PD Fans!) were disappointed because it was two close to the first two games. Let’s face it, even though Orta looks pretty fancy, the “shooter on rails concept” is a relic of the 90s when hardware power was fairly limited.
SEGA wanted to make something big without investing or risking much. They tried to reinvent the formular with the argument “that’s what PD always have been”. That’s the reason they didn’t make an RPG which would have cost 10 times more in development with based on the sales of PDS almost no sales in return.
They didn’t realize that you can’t make a triple A title without investing either knowlegde or money or blood sweat and tears like in the case of PDS.

Actually the persons I see prasing Orta a lot are mostly PD newcommers that never played the Saturn games.

  1. gehn, i think the only real dragons in the series were lagi, darky, guardy, and atolm.

  2. i like dragons :frowning:

  3. i like shooters :frowning:

I frogot about the Guardian Dragon.But Abadd’s Mare is definately a dragon.And so are the dragonmares.


Probably a lot of truth in that statement - i’ve never played any of the previous Panzer games, only Orta. The story never made an iota of sense to me, I disregarded any questions I had in my mind about it until I looked at panzer fan sites on the net and found answers to them. The encyclopedia in Pandora’s box helped a bit also.

Yep, i’m a Panzer newbie and it’s great game. I’m not going to fork out $200 on eBay to experience what many people here laud for the Saturn prequels. Who the hell is Azel? And do I care? /awaits flame rofl.

Whilst the story itself I didn’t have much problems with (from what i could initially understand form it). The Empire is very influenced from past Japanese culture. Nothing wrong with that, and I don’t think that fact affected sales an iota, but, anyway… what? heh.

really? cause i thought they were dragonmares :stuck_out_tongue:


really? cause i thought they were dragonmares :P[/quote]

They could probably be classed as a subspecies/type of dragon, true?

You’ll find that answers to that question here: (PDS Spoilers)

The Saturn prequels were and still are awesome games, but PDS’s price has definately become too high, which is a shame IMO.


I still say a prequel to PDProto (ok so Im starting to like using Panzerense word :stuck_out_tongue: ; and yes Al3x I know…) would be the best thing.I just wanna see Darky agehn!!![/quote]

I think it would be neato if they decided to make a prequel to Orta next–sort of a transition (explaining some things) from Saga to Orta–and then go back to make an RPG that takes place after Orta with entirely new characters–Orta only making a cameo perhaps. Just my thoughts though…